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Home > 2009/09 - Orlando, Florida 2009, SHONEN JUMP Championships > Welcome to Day 2 of SHONEN JUMP Championship Orlando, Florida

Welcome to Day 2 of SHONEN JUMP Championship Orlando, Florida

September 27th, 2009

Yesterday we saw 673 Duelists duke it out in ten rounds of intense Dueling, and now just sixteen competitors remain! Six different Decks are in contention here today, with slightly more than half of the field representing Lightsworn. In addition, we’ll see Twilight, Blackwing – Vayu Decks, Synchro Cat, Destiny Hero Zombies, and even “Sky Scourge Norleras” in the Top 16!

Lightsworn has the power of sheer numbers behind it, and we may finally see a Lightsworn victory at a SHONEN JUMP Championship here today. But the other five strategies all fought through Lightsworn matchups yesterday, and proved that they could take them down. Any of these Decks are capable of winning here today, and with four rounds remaining in this tournament it’s impossible to find a favorite this early.

Welcome to the last rounds of the first big tournament of this format! Welcome, to Day 2 of SHONEN JUMP Championship Orlando!