. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Chris Bowling wins in Austin with his Twilight Deck!
Home > 2009/10 - Austin, Texas, SHONEN JUMP Championships > Chris Bowling wins in Austin with his Twilight Deck!

Chris Bowling wins in Austin with his Twilight Deck!

October 18th, 2009

Yesterday we saw nearly 500 Duelists compete, and today the final 16 played off to crown one winner. SHONEN JUMP Championship Austin is over, and Texas’ own Chris Bowling has won the tournament with his Twilight Deck!

Today we saw the final competition between 3 Destiny Hero / Zombie Decks, 2 Alchemist / Chaos Decks, 5 Lightsworn Decks, 3 Twilight Decks, and 3 Blackwing Decks featuring “Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor.” Duelists from Texas and all across the country played hard to try and take home top honors.

Chris Bowling played his Twilight DARK / Lightsworn Deck well, and fought through four other Duelists today to take first place. Bowling Dueled against 2 Lightsworn Decks (played by Michael Huynh and Chris Bryson) plus Ryan Spicer’s Alchemist Chaos Deck before taking on Morandice Black in the Finals. Lightsworn clashed with Twilight, and Twilight reigned victorious as Bowling took a 2-1 win.

Congratulations to everyone who came out to compete in SHONEN JUMP Championship Austin, and special kudos to Chris Bowling, our newest SHONEN JUMP Championship winner!
