. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Welcome to SHONEN JUMP Championship Austin!
Home > 2009/10 - Austin, Texas, SHONEN JUMP Championships > Welcome to SHONEN JUMP Championship Austin!

Welcome to SHONEN JUMP Championship Austin!

October 17th, 2009

Just three weeks have passed since Rodrigo Togores won the SHONEN JUMP Championship event in Orlando, Florida with a Blackwing Deck using the new card “Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor”!

While Lightsworn Decks, “Sky Scourge Norleras,” Twilight Decks, Zombies, and Synchro Cat Decks all made it to the Top 16 in Florida, it was two very different Vayu Decks that faced off in the finals. It seems that Blackwing Decks may have the momentum going into this weekend’s tournament, so this event may be all about Vayu – how to play it, how to innovate it, and how to fight against it.

Vayu is a natural fit for a Blackwing Deck, but Duelists here may also try to combine Vayu with other strategies, too, like Lightsworn and Zombies. With cards like “White Night Dragon,” “Card Guard,” and “XX-Saber Gottoms” all expected to see play, this tournament will feel the full impact of Ancient Prophecy.


A whopping 484 Duelists have amassed here today at the Hilton Austin! The clock is ticking and we are getting ready for what’s sure to be a southern throwdown for the ages. Welcome to SHONEN JUMP Championship Austin!