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Home > 2009/10 - Austin, Texas, SHONEN JUMP Championships > Wild West Wanted Poster! Our Bounties in Austin.

Wild West Wanted Poster! Our Bounties in Austin.

October 17th, 2009

Well, another event and another Bounty Feature!
If you’ve never heard of this, let me explain how it works. At the start of today’s tournament, ten Duelists were selected and tagged with numbered lanyards. Each of these Bounty Duelists began the tournament with a stack of booster packs allotted to him – 4 packs per round. So, for today’s 9-round tournament, each Duelist carries a total Bounty of 36 booster packs.
At the start of each round, 4 packs are removed from each Bounty Duelist’s total, and placed in their Bounty Pile. If the Bounty Duelist wins, he’ll receive 2 of the packs from the Bounty Pile, leaving the rest in the pile.
If the Bounty Duelist loses, the opponent claims all of the packs in the Bounty Pile. At the end of each round, both the Bounty Duelist and the opponent come up to me on the main stage so the winner can collect the packs.

The longer a Bounty Duelist goes undefeated, the more packs you can win if you beat him.

If the Bounty Duelist goes undefeated, he will keep all the packs in his Bounty.

Bounty Duelists are chosen for a variety of reasons – including past performances at events, running an innovative or exciting deck, or maybe for wearing a really eye-catching hat. Keep reading to find out how I picked today’s Bounty Duelists!

Let’s meet the Duelists that we have tagged today:

Bounty 1 – Colby Blomstrom:
Colby talked to me a lot online before the event, and he’s been looking forward to it for some weeks. He won his first round.

Bounty 2 – Billy Brake:
Billy won the Highest Point Side Event playoff at the SHONEN JUMP Championship in Orlando.
He won his first round as well.

Bounty 3 – Bobby Brake:
I wanted to have a Twin Race, so I also tagged Billy’s twin brother Bobby.
Bobby lost his first round.

Bounty 4 – Maurice Brantley:
Maurice went undefeated at SHONEN JUMP Championship Anaheim with a Counter-Fairy Deck.
Maurice won his first round.

Bounty 5 – Fabian Cantu:
Fabian Cantu got a huge round of applause as his name was called – Fabian earned his place in Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME history by playing an Elemental Hero Deck, and pulling off a once in a lifetime combo with “Elemental Hero Bubbleman” to win a feature match.
Fabian won his first match.

Bounty 6 – Karteepan Chandrarasakumar:
I really wanted to say this Duelist’s name on the microphone, so I put a Bounty on him.
Karteepan lost his first round.

Bounty 7 – Herman Herrera:
Herman came in 2nd at SHONEN JUMP Championship Orlando.
Herman won his first match.

Bounty 8 – John Richey:
John is so smart on the internet – his posts make sense and he reads and retains information that we give out. I approve of this, so he got a Bounty.
John won his first match.

Bounty 9—Richard Richey:
What an awesome name. He should have a Bounty!
Richard won his first match.

Bounty 10 – Ryan Spicer:

Ryan’s a very well known player in Texas and has a number of big tournament appearances and top finishes. Let’s put a Bounty on him!
Ryan won his first match.

There you are! Our Bounty Feature Duelists for today. I’ll bring you an update on how they are doing as the tournament goes on.
