. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » First Columbus ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Winner
Home > 2009/11 - Columbus, Ohio, SHONEN JUMP Championships > First Columbus ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Winner

First Columbus ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Winner

November 14th, 2009

Hey, I found Ryan Newburn! After an unceremonious 0-2 drop from the main event, and surrendering to the bounty hunters after his hide, he went to go play in ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Hours later, he emerged victorious and claimed a Giant Card of his very own! Which one did he pick?  I’ll give you one guess…

GiantBrionac 002

There’s more ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! tomorrow though, and we’ve got two fantastic Giant Cards left to give away.

Also, check out that guy on the right side of the picture.  Looks like he decided to pack it in early to get recharged for the Regionals tomorrow. Not a bad idea, certainly more strategic than staying up till 3 in the morning Dueling. (Although probably not as much fun.)