. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » View From the Floor

View From the Floor

November 14th, 2009

Just take a look at that tournament floor! That’s over 800 Duelists out there, all vying for the title.

Picture 066

Picture 065

SHONEN JUMP Championships are an absolutely unique experience. If you haven’t been to one yet, you’re missing out. When a SHONEN JUMP Championship is in town, you can find a Duel at pretty much any hour of the day or night. Duelists take over the entire area around the tournament venue, Dueling on tables, floors, basically whatever they can find. Hotel lobbies are filled with people practicing for the big event, and if you need to trade for the last card you need for your Deck you’re almost guaranteed to run into someone who has it. It’s awesome, and you really have to be here to understand exactly how awesome it is.

Trading has been fast and furious both yesterday during pre-registration and this morning as well. Players were going crazy trying to get their hands on “Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier,” “Ally