Round 4 – Top 20 Tables
We’re nearing the halfway point here, let’s see what kinds of shifts were going on in tables 1-20!
Here’s a look at the top 40 players in the event…
Table 1: Jordan Savage vs. Herman Herrera
Table 2: Devon Schwartz vs. Justin Baker
Table 3: Caesar Rizk vs. Joseph Grisham
Table 4: John Moran vs. Noah White
Table 5: Sean Montague vs. Scott Mattson
Table 6: Barry Russell vs. David Sanville
Table 7: Victor Nolen vs. Satoshi Kato
Table 8: Juan Morales vs. Brandon G. Battee
Table 9: Kris Hunt vs. Ryan Basile
Table 10: Diego Colin vs. Adam Miller
Table 11: Paul Blair vs. Jourdon Serio
Table 12: Joel Brown vs. Alex Mitchell
Table 13: Daniel Sirois vs. Josue Quijano
Table 14: Justin Henry vs. Chris Wolfington
Table 15: Gonzalo Vega vs. Da Lee
Table 16: Daniel Avila vs. Jehanzab Siddiqui
Table 17: Jeffrey Paura vs. Henry Li
Table 18: Aaron McNeely vs. Chase Hughes
Table 19: Ricky Phillips vs. Chioh Yim
Table 20: Nicholos Newberry vs. Justin Ashe
Some new faces, and some players who have managed to stick around from the last round!
Check back later for further updates for coming rounds.