Round 7 – Top 20 Tables + Bounty Update
3 more rounds to go! Let’s see how everyone is getting along.
Table 1: Danny Rose (6 wins) vs. Aaron McNeely (6 wins)
Table 2: Daniel Avila (6 wins) vs. Deon Patterson (6 wins)
Table 3: Herman Herrera (6 wins) vs. Chioh Yim (Bounty Duelist) (6 wins)
Table 4: Devon Schwartz (6 wins) vs. Justin Henry (6 wins)
Table 5: Henry Su (6 wins) vs. Joel Brown (6 wins)
Table 6: Da Lee (5 wins) vs. Fan He (5 wins)
Table 7: Matthew Franklin (5 wins) vs. Chris Bowlds (5 wins)
Table 8: Sean Dowey (5 wins) vs. Mike Glowacki (5 wins)
Table 9: Adam Donahue (5 wins) vs. Dakota Hickey (5 wins)
Table 10: James Hames (5 wins) vs. Daniel Sirois (5 wins)
Table 11: Emerson Guevara (5 wins) vs. Keith Fuller (5 wins)
Table 12: Wyatt Urbahns (5 wins) vs. Noah White (5 wins)
Table 13: Travis Gibbs (5 wins) vs. Jeffery Stout (5 wins)
Table 14: Jeffrey Paura (5 wins) vs. David Mann (5 wins)
Table 15: Allen Pennington (5 wins) vs. Andrew Suovern (5 wins)
Table 16: Dominikue Parsley (5 wins) vs. Josef Meier (5 wins)
Table 17: Patrick Hoban (5 wins) vs. Philip Jaroch (5 wins)
Table 18: Spencer McGinty (5 wins) vs. Evan Towler (5 wins)
Table 19: Sean Montague (5 wins) vs. Samuel Jones (5 wins)
Table 20: Bradley Easler (5 wins) vs. Scott Mattson (5 wins)
We’ve definitely got a few Duelists determined to stick close to these top tables. Can they hang on for three more rounds?
Now, let’s check in with our Bounty Duelists and see how they’re faring.
Bounty Duelist 1: Chioh Yim
He’s doing pretty well! Undefeated at Table 3, playing Herman Herrera
Bounty Duelist 2: Timothy Battles
Timothy has 2 wins, and is at Table 158 playing Linwood Haynes.
Bounty Duelist 3: Frank Schiavone
Frank has dropped from the tournament.
Bounty Duelist 4: Kumani Johnson
Kumani has 2 wins, and is at Table 160 playing Jose Garcia.
Bounty Duelist 5: Matthew Lytle
Matthew Lytle has 3 wins, and is at Table 143 playing Brandon Larry.
Bounty Duelist 6: Jonathan Moore
Jonathan Moore has 3 wins, and is at table 140 playing Paul Davault.
Bounty Duelist 7: Chi Hoi Yim
Chi Hoi Yim has 4 wins, and is at Table 58 playing A.J. Searcy.
Bounty Duelist 8: Jon Hochberg
Jon has dropped from the tournament.
Bounty Duelist 9: Rusty Brown
Rusty has 4 wins, and is at Table 51 playing Brandon Shelton.
Bounty Duelist 10: Rob Leander
Rob has dropped from the tournament.