. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Top 4 Feature Match: Adric High vs. Roy St. Clair
Home > 2010/02 - Nashville, Tennessee > Top 4 Feature Match: Adric High vs. Roy St. Clair

Top 4 Feature Match: Adric High vs. Roy St. Clair

February 28th, 2010

Roy St. Clair made it to the Top 4 of this SHONEN JUMP Championship with his innovative X-Saber Deck – an accomplishment that hadn’t been achieved before the release of Absolute Powerforce. His opponent, Adric High, is running a Lightsworn-based Zombie Deck in the tournament, and will be trying his best to make sure St. Clair doesn’t advance any further.

High won the dice roll and chose to go first. He Summoned “Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress” and ended his turn, sending “Goblin Zombie,” “Mezuki,” and “Bottomless Trap Hole” to the Graveyard with Lyla’s effect.

St. Clair started out with 2 copies of “X-Saber Airbellum,” “Gottoms’ Emergency Call,” “XX-Saber Fulhelmknight,” “Dimensional Prison,” and “My Body as a Shield” in his opening hand. He Summoned Fulhelmknight in Attack Position and Set “Dimensional Prison” face-down before ending his turn.

High switched Lyla to Defense Position next turn and used its effect to destroy St. Clair’s Set Prison. Then he ended his turn by sending “Dark Armed Dragon,” “Zombie Master,” and “Goblin Zombie” from his Deck to his Graveyard with Lyla’s effect.

St. Clair drew “Saber Slash” next turn and Summoned Airbellum to the field. He attacked with Fulhelmknight to destroy High’s Lyla and then Airbellum attacked directly, discarding a “Wulf, Lightsworn Beast” from High’s hand. St. Clair Set “My Body as a Shield” and “Gottoms’ Emergency Call” before ending his turn.

High activated “Heavy Storm” next turn to destroy both of the cards St. Clair had just Set! Then he Normal Summoned “Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner” and discarded Wulf from his hand to Special Summon Lyla from his Graveyard. Next, he activated “Foolish Burial” to send “Plaguespreader Zombie” from his Deck to his Graveyard. After that, he removed “Mezuki” from his Graveyard to Special Summon “Goblin Zombie” and then put a card in his hand on top of his Deck to Special Summon “Plaguespreader Zombie” to the field. He Tuned the 2 monsters together for “Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier” and then revealed “Burial from a Different Dimension” from his hand. St. Clair conceded, knowing he wouldn’t be able to survive the turn.


St. Clair will be going first in Duel 2!

He opened up with “X-Saber Airbellum,” “Saber Slash,” “Gottoms’ Emergency Call,” “Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer,” “Soul Release,” and “XX-Saber Fulhelmknight.” He Summoned Fulhelmknight and ended his turn.

High Summoned Lyla and attacked with her, but St. Clair negated the attack with Fulhelmknight’s effect. In his End Phase, High sent a Wulf and 2 Spells from his Deck to his Graveyard with the effect of Lyla. He Special Summoned the Wulf in Attack Position.

St. Clair drew “Brain Control” next turn! He activated Saber Slash to destroy High’s Wulf and then normal Summoned “X-Saber Airbellum.” He activated “Brain Control” to take control of Lyla and then tuned Lyla to Fulhelmknight to Synchro Summon “X-Saber Urbellum.” “X-Saber Airbellum” attacked directly and High lost a Mezuki from his hand. Then Urbellum attacked and put a card in High’s hand on top of his Deck. High dropped down to 4200 Life Points.

High Summoned Lyla next turn and attacked Airbellum. Then he activated Lyla’s effect to try to destroy “Gottoms’ Emergency Call” and St. Clair chained it to Special Summon Fulhelmknighht and Airbellum from his Graveyard. In the End Phase, High sent “Waboku,” “Bottomless Trap Hole,” and “Charge of the Light Brigade” to his Graveyard with the effect of his Lyla.

Roy drew a second copy of “Soul Release” next turn. Then he Summoned Kycoo and then he attacked the Defense Position Lyla with Airbellum. Next, he attacked directly with Kycoo to remove “Mezuki” and Lyla from High’s Graveyard. Urbellum and Fulhelmknight attacked directly next, ending the Duel!

The Match pushed on to a third Duel, and this time, High will be going first!


High began his turn by activating “Solar Recharge” to discard Wulf and draw 2 cards from his Deck. “Bottomless Trap Hole” and “Charge of the Light Brigade” were sent from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Then he Set a card to each zone and ended his turn.

St. Clair opened with “Soul Release,” “XX-Saber Emmersblade,” 2 copies of “XX-Saber Faultroll,” “Saber Slash,” and “X-Saber Airbellum” in his hand. High flipped “Trap Dustshoot” in the Draw Phase and sent Emmersblade back to St. Clair’s Deck. St. Clair ended his turn without making a play.

High Summoned “Zombie Master” next turn and then flipped “Goblin Zombie.” He attacked with both monsters and St. Clair lost 2900 Life Points and an “X-Saber Airbellum” from the top of his Deck.

St. Clair drew “Dimensional Prison” next turn. He Summoned Airbellum and Set “Dimensional Prison.” Then he activated “Saber Slash” to destroy High’s “Zombie Master” and ended his turn.

High played “Charge of the Light Brigade” next turn by sending “Chaos Sorcerer,” “Burial from a Different Dimension,” and “Mezuki” from his Deck to his Graveyard. He searched his Deck for Lyla and added it to his hand with the effect of Charge. Then he flipped his face-down “Solar Recharge” to discard Lyla, draw 2 cards, and send “Bottomless Trap Hole” and “Mezuki” from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Next, he Tributed “Goblin Zombie” to Summon “Caius the Shadow Monarch” and removed St. Clair’s Set “Dimensional Prison” from play with the effect of Caius. He searched his Deck for “Goblin Zombie” and added it to his hand with the effect of the “Goblin Zombie” he Tributed. High activated “Foolish Burial” next, sending Wulf to the Graveyard and Special Summoning it to the field. Then, High removed “Mezuki” from his Graveyard to Special Summon “Zombie Master.” He discarded “Plaguespreader Zombie” next, in order to Special Summon it from his Graveyard, and revealed “Burial from a Different Dimension” from his hand. St. Clair conceded, just like he did in the first Duel, knowing High’s swarm of monsters would finish him off that turn.

Some poor draws for Roy St. Clair and explosive draws for Adric High allow High to move on to the finals, while St. Clair Duels for 3rd place. Despite his loss, St. Clair made an impressive showing with his X-Saber Deck and is likely to inspire several other Duelists to take X-Sabers to the top!