. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Semi-Finals Feature Match: Renaldo Lainez vs. Sorosh Saberian
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Semi-Finals Feature Match: Renaldo Lainez vs. Sorosh Saberian

April 25th, 2010

Sorosh Saberian and Renaldo Lainez already Dueled in the 12th of the Swiss rounds, when Lainez’s Gadget Deck was victorious over Saberian’s Quickdraw Dandywarrior Deck. Lainez is hoping for a repeat here, while Saberian is looking to change things.

Lainez won the dice roll and opened up by Summoning Yellow Gadget to the field, searching his Deck for a Green Gadget to add to his hand. He Set 1 card to his back row and ended his turn.

Saberian opened up with Cyber Valley, Book of Moon, Lonefire Blossom, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Dimensional Prison. He Set Ryko along with Mystical Space Typhoon and ended his turn.

Lainez Summoned Doomcaliber Knight next turn and attacked the face-down Ryko, negating its effect. Yellow Gadget attacked directly and Saberian dropped to 6800 Life Points. Lainez ended his turn and lost his Bottomless Trap Hole to Saberian’s Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase.

Saberian drew Battle Fader next turn. He Summoned Cyber Valley to the field and Set Dimensional Prison, ending his turn.

Lainez Tributed Yellow Gadget to Summon Cyber Dragon next turn, and fused it with Cyber Valley to Summon Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. The 2000 ATK Chimeratech attacked, and Saberian flipped Dimensional Prison to remove it from play.

Saberian drew Dandylion and Set it next turn, along with Book of Moon. He lost his Book to Heavy Storm, then Lainez Summoned Cyber Dragon and attacked Dandylion to give Saberian 2 Tokens. He Set a back row and ended.

Saberian drew another Dandylion next turn! He Summoned Lonefire Blossom to the field and then Tributed a Fluff Token with Lonefire’s effect to Special Summon Lonefire Blossom in Defense Position. He then used that Lonefire Blossom to Tribute the other one and Special Summon Tytannial, Princess of Camellias from his Deck. Lainez activated Bottomless Trap Hole to remove Tytannial from play.

Lainez Summoned Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind next turn and used his Cyber Dragon and Gale to destroy both of Saberian’s monsters. Then he Tuned Cyber Dragon to Gale to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon and Set 1 cards to his back row.

Saberian Set 1 card to each zone next turn and ended. Lainez Summoned Green Gadget next turn and activated its effect to add Red Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Stardust Dragon attacked a face-down Dandylion, and then Green Gadget destroyed a Fluff Token. Saberian drew Light and Darkness Dragon next turn and passed.

Lainez Summoned Red Gadget next turn and activated its effect to add Yellow Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Red Gadget attacked the Fluff Token and then Green Gadget and Stardust Dragon attacked directly, dropping Saberian to 2900 Life Points. Lainez Set another back row card and ended his turn.

Saberian Set a back row and ended his turn too.

Lainez Summoned Yellow Gadget next turn and activated its effect to add a Green Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Then he attacked with Yellow Gadget and Saberian flipped Call of the Haunted to bring back Cyber Valley. Lainez tried to use Royal Oppression, but Saberian negated it with Solemn Judgment. In Main Phase 2, Lainez used Fissure to destroy Cyber Valley before passing back to Saberian.

Saberian Set a back row card and ended his turn again.

Lainez tried to attack for the win next turn, but Saberian dropped Battle Fader from his hand to stop the attack and end the Battle Phase. But it wasn’t enough help. The card Saberian drew on his next turn was unhelpful, and he conceded, unable to deal with Lainez’s Gadgets or Stardust Dragon.

Renaldo Lainez

Saberian will be starting Duel 2! He Set 1 card to each zone and ended his turn.

Lainez Summoned Red Gadget on his first turn and added a Yellow Gadget from his Deck to his hand. He attacked a Set Dandylion and Saberian got 2 Fluff Tokens.

Saberian Summoned Debris Dragon next turn and Special Summoned Dandylion to the field. He Tuned the Debris Dragon to Dandylion and a Fluff Token in order to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon and attack Red Gadget. Red Gadget was destroyed.

Lainez Summoned Yellow Gadget next turn and used it to fetch a Green Gadget. Then he attacked a Fluff Token, Set Mystical Space Typhoon, and ended his turn. Saberian destroyed Mystical Space Typhoon with his Set Dust Tornado in the End Phase.

Saberian had Foolish Burial, Pot of Avarice, Debris Dragon, System Down, and Gorz in his hand. He attacked Yellow Gadget with Stardust Dragon and Set Foolish Burial, ending his turn.

Lainez Summoned Green Gadget next turn and attacked a Fluff Token with it. He Set one back row card and passed to Saberian.

Saberian drew Bottomless Trap Hole next turn and then Normal Summoned Debris Dragon. He used it to return Dandylion to the field and then Tuned Dandylion to Debris Dragon and a Fluff Token to bring out a second Stardust Dragon. When one Stardust Dragon attacked, it was removed from play by Dimensional Prison. Then the other attacked and destroyed Lainez’s Gadget. Saberian Set a back row card and ended his turn.

Lainez Summoned Red Gadget next turn and attacked a Fluff Token. He activated Fissure next, destroying a Fluff Token.

Saberian drew Morphing Jar next turn and then attacked over Red Gadget with Stardust Dragon. He Set a card and passed. Lainez Set a monster and passed right back to Saberian, who attacked with Stardust Dragon to destroy the Set Yellow Gadget. He ended his turn.

Lainez Set another monster next turn and passed again.

Saberian discarded Morphing Jar to Special Summon Quickdraw Synchron next turn, then Tributed it for Caius to remove Green Gadget from the game. Caius attacked directly, and Lainez dropped Gorz from his hand! Stardust destroyed the Emissary of Darkness Token.

On his next turn, Lainez destroyed Stardust Dragon by attacking with Gorz and then used Fissure to destroy Caius. He Summoned Green Gadget in Main Phase 2 and retrieved a Red Gadget from his Deck. He Set 2 back row cards and ended his turn.

Saberian activated Pot of Avarice on his turn. He sent 5 monsters from his Graveyard back into his Deck and picked up Charge of the Light Brigade and Brain Control. He flipped his face-down Foolish Burial to send Dandylion from his Deck to his Graveyard and then Special Summoned 2 Fluff Tokens to the field. He Set Ryko and ended his turn.

Lainez Summoned Red Gadget next turn and activated its effect to get a Yellow Gadget from his Deck. Next, he played Nobleman of Crossout, removing Saberian’s Ryko from the game along with all copies in his Deck. In his Battle Phase, Lainez attacked both Fluff Tokens with Gadgets and then hit directly with Gorz. Play passed back to Saberian, who now had 5100 Life Points. Saberian had Bottomless Trap Hole face-down so he couldn’t play Gorz.

Saberian used Brain Control to take Gorz, attacked a Gadget, and then Lainez flipped Mirror Force to stay in the game. Saberian paid 1000 Life Points to activate System Down and clear Lainez’s field. Lainez Summoned a Gadget and attacked, but Saberian removed it from play with Dimensional Prison.

Saberian passed his next turn and when Lainez Summoned Doomcaliber Knight on his following turn, Saberian flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to remove it from play.

Saberian ended the Duel on his next turn by flipping Call of the Haunted to return Dandylion, Tributing the Dandylion for Quickdraw Synchron, and Tuning the Synchron with a Fluff Token to make a Drill Warrior that attacked directly.

Sorosh Saberian

Lainez will be starting Duel 3!

He started things off by Summoning Green Gadget to the field and adding Red Gadget to his hand. He ended his turn without setting a back row.

Saberian opened up with Dandylion, Soul Exchange, Caius the Shadow Monarch, Dust Tornado, Cyber Valley, and Mystical Space Typhoon. Saberian Set Dandylion and Dust Tornado, ending his turn.

Lainez Summoned Doomcaliber Knight next turn and attacked, negating the effect of Dandylion by Tributing Doomcaliber Knight. Green Gadget attacked directly and play passed to Saberian.

Saberian Set Mystical Space Typhoon and a Monster Card, ending his turn.

Lainez Summoned Red Gadget next turn and moved a Yellow Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Green Gadget attacked Saberian’s face-down Legendary Jujitsu Master and was returned to the top of Lainez’s Deck. He Special Summoned Tragoedia in the Damage Step and then attacked Legendary Jujitsu Master with it, so it was also returned to the top of his Deck.

Saberian Summoned Cyber Valley next turn and passed to Lainez, who Summoned Yellow Gadget and attacked with it. Saberian removed Cyber Valley from the game to stop the attack and draw a card. Lainez switched Red Gadget to Defense Position and ended his turn.

Saberian had Mobius the Frost Monarch, Caius the Shadow Monarch, Dust Tornado, Soul Exchange, and Call of the Haunted in his hand after drawing a card for his turn. He Set Call of the Haunted and passed.

Lainez Summoned Yellow Gadget to the field and activated its effect to search his Deck for Green Gadget. Then he attacked with Yellow Gadget. Saberian took the hit, and when the second Yellow Gadget attacked, Saberian flipped Call of the Haunted to bring back Dandylion. Yellow Gadget attacked the Dandylion, and Red Gadget destroyed one of Saberian’s 2 Fluff Tokens. Lainez discarded a Yellow Gadget from his hand in his End Phase because there were 7 cards in his hand.

On Saberian’s next turn, he Tributed a Fluff Token for Mobius and ended his turn. There were no Spell or Trap Cards on the field for him to destroy with Mobius.

Lainez switched Red Gadget to Defense Position next turn and then attacked with his Yellow Gadget into Mobius. He Special Summoned Tragoedia in the Damage Step and attacked over Mobius with his 3000 ATK Tragoedia. The other Yellow Gadget attacked directly.

Next turn, Saberian activated Soul Exchange to Tribute Lainez’s Yellow Gadget and Summon Caius, removing Tragoedia from the game with Caius’s effect. Lainez dropped to 5400 Life Points. Then Saberian activated Foolish Burial to send Dandylion to the Graveyard and Special Summon 2 Fluff Tokens.

Lainez activated Hammer Shot to destroy Caius next turn and attacked both Tokens with his Gadgets.

Saberian conceded after drawing his next card, revealing the Tytannial, Princess of Camellias and Caius in his hand, as well as the Dust Tornado and Mystical Space Typhoon he had face-down.

Some rough draws for Saberian in Duel 3 allow Lainez to take the victory and move on to the finals with his Gadget Deck!


See what our panel of experts had to say after the Duel.

Jason Grabher-Meyer (The Old Man of Dueling)
In the first Duel of the Match, Saberian made a move that should be a staple of any Duelist’s arsenal if they’re playing Lonefire Blossom. Confronted with Cyber Dragon, but controlling 2 Fluff Tokens, Saberian Summoned Lonefire. Instead of Tributing the Blossom for its own effect, he Tributed a Fluff Token, bringing out his second Lonefire in Defense Position. He then Tributed the first Lonefire for the effect of the second, bringing out Tytannial, Princess of Camellias. This is a good play because it leaves you with a 1400 DEF Lonefire Blossom instead of a 0 DEF Fluff Token. It also forces the opponent to attack the Blossom next turn, or face another Special Summon a turn later.


Michael Kohanim (2009 World Championship Competitor)
In Duel 1, Lainez fused Cyber Dragon with Saberian’s Cyber Valley to Special Summon Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. This was a great play that prevented Saberian from activating the effect of his Cyber Valley and drawing an additional card.


P.J. Tierney (Duelist from across The Pond)
Nobleman of Crossout is a very popular card in Side Decks right now, as lots of Decks tend to Set monsters these days. In Duel 2, Lainez used it to get rid of Saberian’s face-down Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, and then remove the other 2 copies in his Deck from play! With the Rykos out of the way, Lainez could then attack Saberian’s face-down monsters without the chance of any of his attackers getting destroyed by Flip Effects.