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SJC History: The Crush Card Virus Age (2007)

April 24th, 2010

A New Year brought a New Prize Card in 2007, with Crush Card Virus beginning its reign in January 2007. Here’s a look at some great SHONEN JUMP Championships from the age when CCV was the top prize!

SHONEN JUMP Championship #33
Location: Orlando, Florida
Date: January 28th, 2007
Competitors: 477
Winner: Paul Lyn
1st Place Deck: Chimeratech Overdragon with Ancient Gears, AKA “Rusty Bucket of Bolts”
Runner-Up: Mark Vazquez
2nd Place Deck: Monarchs with Cyber Dragon and Gravekeeper’s Spy
Prize Card: Crush Card Virus
It was a tournament of firsts! Orlando was the first-ever SHONEN JUMP Championship to award Crush Card Virus as the Championship Prize Card. Gadgets made their first appearance, and the combo of Future Fusion and Overload Fusion made Chimeratech Overdragon a deadly win-condition, placing four competitors in Day 2. It was Paul Lyn’s brilliant “Rusty Bucket of Bolts” Deck that won the day, as Lyn used Ancient Gear Drill to search out the pieces of his game-winning combo.

SHONEN JUMP Championship #35
Location: Houston, Texas
Date: March 3rd, 2007
Winner: Emon Ghaneian
1st Place Deck: Bazoo Machine Return
Runner-Up: Kris Perovic
2nd Place Deck: Diamond Dude Turbo
Prize Card: Crush Card Virus
With Elemental Hero Stratos now widely available, Diamond Dude Turbo was the Deck to beat. Kris Perovic would take the Deck to new heights and Duel his way to the Finals of the tournament, but in the end he was stymied by a triumphant Emon Ghaneian, wielding a Machine version of the Bazoo Return Deck that had won him his previous SHONEN JUMP Championship ten months prior. The event was noteworthy for the fact that Ghaneian was the game’s first 3-Time Champion, as well as an impressive showing from a then-unknown Adam Corn, who wielded an innovative Gadget Monarch Deck. Corn would go on to win the United States National Championship later that year.
This tournament was also the first SHONEN JUMP Championship to cut to a Top 16 for Day 2 instead of Top 8, awarding more prizes and allowing for more competition than ever before.

SHONEN JUMP Championship #39
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Date: May 19th, 2007
Competitors: 690
Winner: Jessy Samek
1st Place Deck: Destiny Hero Monarchs
Runner-Up: Lazaro Bellido
2nd Place Deck: Card Trooper Monarchs
Prize Card: Crush Card Virus
Destiny Heroes were the order of the day! In a format of triple Card Trooper and triple Trap Dustshoot, it was Jessy Samek that won it all, taking home the gold with the Destiny Hero Monarch deck that would come to be dubbed “Perfect Circle”. Samek’s strategy quickly became one of the defining Decks of the age.

SHONEN JUMP Championship #41
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Date: July 7th, 2007
Competitors: 279
Winner: Theeresak Poonsombat
1st Place Deck: Machine Beatdown
Runner-Up: Bryan Rockenbach
2nd Place Deck: Monarchs with Cyber Dragon / Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive / Gravekeeper’s Spy
Prize Card: Crush Card Virus
Taking a cue from Matt Peddle’s performance in the 2006 Canadian National Championship just weeks before, Theeresak Poonsombat completed his 2 and a half year-long quest for SHONEN JUMP Championship victory by playing Machine Beatdown. Card Trooper, Cyber Dragon, and Cyber Phoenix combined for a resilient, aggressive deck that won him the Finals in just 5 turns, defeating United States National Championship Runner-Up Bryan Rockenbach.