. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Bounty Duelists in D.C.

Bounty Duelists in D.C.

May 15th, 2010

We have 10 Bounty Duelists participating in this event, so let’s see who they are!

Bounty Duelist 1 – Alex Mitchell
To us, he will always be Mr. Suit. Attired in a sharp black suit, his matching vest and tie (in a marvelous black and red brocade) set a sartorial tone for the event that’s hard to beat. Such smashing style deserves a bounty! His Day 2 showing at SJC Nashville using a “Spaceship” Deck isn’t too shabby either.

Bounty Duelist 2 – Ara Menedjian
This is Ara’s first time at a tournament this large, and he’s excited to be here. It’s practically in his backyard, since he lives about 15 minutes away.

Bounty Duelist 3 – Jay Quick
Here’s hoping that Jay Quick will set the tone for the entire tournament – we’d love it if everyone would finish their rounds on time and keep the event moving. Jay was very happy to be selected, and so
event is moving briskly. Keep up the good work, Jay.

Bounty Duelist 4 – Alex Vansant
Even though he did take away his friend’s pen in the middle of pre registration yesterday – right in front of me – Alex gets a bounty at today’s event. Known for his odd nickname, he can usually be counted on to bring an interesting and innovative Deck to the event.

Bounty Duelist 5 — Jon Mak
Jon gets a bounty in hopes he will stop playing at these big events and start judging again. You heard me, Jon!

Bounty Duelist 6 – Jake Wakid
Jake is running Obelisk the Tormentor* today and was  featured in a triumphant opening match. I understand he’s got a pretty good Deck, with an Egyptian God Card to boot.
*The tournament-legal Effect Monster version, of course. Not “big blue”.

Bounty Duelist 7 – Money Smith
He made it to Day 2 in the 75th SHONEN JUMP Championship (the largest such event ever), and is hoping for a repeat performance at the first-ever YCS. And come on, his name is Money Smith. He has to have a bounty. How much cooler does it get?

Bounty Duelist 8 – Sundeep Kutumbaka
Well, it can get a little bit cooler. Sundeep has an awesome name, and it’s fun to say. He’s been duly tagged!

Bounty Duelist 9 – Jessy Samek
Jessy Samek is running Happy Lover and Mokey Mokey, and he doesn’t care who knows it. Now everyone does, because he’s Bounty Duelist #9! We can generally rely on seeing something different from Jessy, and he hasn’t disappointed us today.

Bounty Duelist 10 – Tyler Ulsch
Tyler was part of the intrepid Judge Team at Edison – 38 judges worked hard to keep a 2100+ player event going. It was Tyler’s first time judging a big event for us, and we’re glad he survived. Looks like he’s going to take his turn at the tables today.

We’ll check in on our Bounty Duelists as the day goes by, and keep you updated on how they are doing.