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QQ: What will take the most seats?

May 15th, 2010

QQ stands for Quick Questions!

The release of The Shining Darkness has completely changed the landscape of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, bringing plenty of new Decks and changing plenty of old ones. There’s a ton of hype surrounding both Infernities and X-Sabers here today, so we hit the floor to ask a spread of Duelists what they thought would be the most successful Deck of the weekend. With the Top 16 Day 2 of the SHONEN JUMP Championship era now replaced by a Top 32, we asked which single Deck competitors thought would take the most seats in the playoff rounds. Here’s just some of the responses we got.

“By sheer volume, it’s gotta be Infernities.”

-Devin Djuricin, 23

“I like X-Sabers the best. Darksoul is good: it’s like three more Sangans.”
-Morandice Black, 22

“I don’t know – this is one of those formats where anything can happen.”

-Michael Hutchinson, 19

“Infernities should, but I think X-Sabers will.”

-Danny Bassous, 19

“I’m thinking Infernities.”

-Kris Ferber, 21

“Blackwings. They’re the most stable, consistent Deck.”

-Money Smith, 23

“I think Infernities. Cause, I’ve seen Infernities just show their hand and say “I win” all day long.”

-Guido Falconi, 21

“I want to say Infernities, actually. I’ve seen and hear a lot of Infernity talk all around. Although I faced 3 Lightsworn today, for some reason.”

-Alex Mitchell, 21

“I think the most spots will go to some sort of anti-meta. Gadgets or something.”

-Russel Laparre, 19

“Infernity: it can just OTK. Just for that simple factor.”

-George Velasquez, 19

“Infernities, hopefully!”

-Hector Heras, 22 (Playing Infernities)

It seemed like most competitors had pegged Infernities as the Deck to beat, with X-Sabers running second in the expectations of most Duelists. Very few people thought anything beyond X-Sabers or Infernities would take the most Top 32 spots, showing perhaps a surprising amount of faith in 2 relatively new Decks. We won’t know ‘til tomorrow which Deck will prove to be the most dominant.