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Round 6: a look at the top 10 tables

May 15th, 2010

It’s a good time to check out the action at the Top 10 tables. The twenty Duelists listed here have some of the best records of the day so far, so the Decks they’re playing may indicate the shape of the Top 32 tomorrow.

Table 1:
Steven Harris with Infernities
Chris Spencer with X-Sabers

Table 2:
Robert DiMartino with Gladiator Beasts
Ronald Pressley with Vayu Lightsworn

Table 3:
Alfonso Yamakawa with X-Sabers
Evan Towler with Gadgets

Table 4:
Kevin Rubio with Flamvell Cat
Devin Djuricin with Froggy Monarchs

Table 5:
David Viera with Zombies
Andrew Scovern with Infernities

Table 6:
Ciro Saldarelli with Froggy Monarchs
Marshaun Young with X-Sabers

Table 7:
Shijin Zeng with X-Sabers
Robert Leight with Lightsworn Monarchs

Table 8:
Chris Ratliff with Blackwings
Robert T. Russo with X-Sabers

Table 9:
Mark Alan Johnson with Rescue Cat Synchro
Reinaldo Lainez with Gadgets

Table 10:
Robert Ackerman with Infernities
Peter Cheng with Machina Gadgets

The 20 Decks in contention at the Top 10 tables break down like this:

X-Sabers: 5
Infernities: 3
Gadgets: 3
Monarch Variants: 3
Cat Synchro Variants: 2
Gladiator Beasts: 1
Vayu Lightsworn: 1
Zombies: 1
Blackwings: 1

Infernities are definitely delivering, but it looks like it may be X-Sabers that steal the show. Gadgets continue to make a strong showing despite the widespread use of Chimeratech Fortress Dragon and a slower pace of play. Quickdraw Dandywarrior is nowhere in sight, but may still make the Top 32. Will these stats be indicative of the top cut field tomorrow? We’ll find out tomorrow morning when the last Swiss Round is played.