Home > 2010/05 - Washington, DC, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Who’s at the Top Tables: Round 8

Who’s at the Top Tables: Round 8

May 15th, 2010

Last round for the day! We will bring the top 128 Duelists back tomorrow to complete the last two rounds of Swiss Pairings, and then cut to a Top 32 to play off in Single Elimination.

Table 1—Andrew Scovern (7 wins) vs. George Velasquez (7 wins)
Table 2 – Devin Djuricin (7 wins) vs. Shijin Zeng (7 wins)
Table 3 –Robert Ackerman (7 wins) vs. Anthony Phillip (6 wins)
Table 4 – Nehemias Diaz (6 wins) vs. Marshaun Young (6 wins)
Table 5 – Chris Bowling (6 wins) vs. Kevin Rubio (6 wins)
Table 6—Steven Harris (6 wins) vs. Alfonso Yamakawa (6 wins)
Table 7 – Tom Mak (6 wins) vs. Ciro Saldarelli (6 wins)
Table 8—Adam Ginsberg (6 wins) vs. Mark Alan Johnson (6 wins)
Table 9—Jeffrey Daniels (6 wins) vs. Chris Ratcliff (6 wins)
Table 10—Agustin Herrera (6 wins) vs. Nick Ma (6 wins)
Table 11—Reinaldo Lainez (6 wins) vs. Joseph Parchman (6 wins)
Table 12 – Chase Simpson (6 wins) vs. Raheem Spivey (6 wins)
Table 13 – Fili Luna (6 wins) vs. Robert Leight (6 wins)
Table 14—Andrew Ross (6 wins) vs. Ivan Anamaria (6 wins)
Table 15—Chan Kam Wah (6 wins) vs. Ronald Pressley (6 wins)
Table 16 – An Anonymous Duelist (6 wins) vs. Collin Berman (6 wins)
Table 17—Josh Everly (6 wins) vs. Andrew Fredella (6 wins)
Table 18—Danny Bassous (6 wins) vs. Evan Towler (6 wins)
Table 19—Omar Beldon (6 wins) vs. Peter Cheng (6 wins)
Table 20—Clay Denney (6 wins) vs. Dylan DeBolo (6 wins)
Table 21—Mario Matheu (6 wins) vs. Hector Heras (6 wins)
Table 22 – Sean Montague (6 wins) vs. Mohammed Zaiem Ahmad (6 wins)
Table 23—Daryl Jones (5 wins) vs. Courtney Waller (5 wins)
Table 24—Bryan Pham (5 wins) vs. Wayne Trader (5 wins)
Table 25 – Kian Eslambolchi (5 wins) vs. Kyle Kamali (5 wins)