QQ: Favorite Side Deck Card?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! The cards in your Side Deck (and how you use them) are always important, but since Decks like X-Sabers, Infernities, and Frogs have really well-recognized strengths and weaknesses, skilled Side Decking can pay off even more than it normally would.
With the importance of Side Decked cards in mind, we took to the floor to ask Duelists what their favorite card was that they were siding today. Here are the answers those competitors gave us!
“Probably Crevice into the Different Dimension. It’s versatile: you can use it on a lot of different Decks that use their Graveyard a lot.”-Jordan Grant
“I’d have to say Prohibition. It stops Rescue Cat, Cold Wave, Heavy Storm.”-Justin Chiaino
“I like Swallow Flip against Frog FTK. It takes out the Swap Frog, so they can’t Unifrog you because they don’t have another Frog out, and they don’t have another monster for Substitoad.”-Lazaro Bellido
“Hanewata. It saved me in Round 1 against Frog FTK.”-Richard Lam
“Doomcaliber Knight. It negates Darksoul’s effect, and I think it’s the best Side Deck card in the game. And it works under Skill Drain, which I’m playing!”-Patrick Achramovitch
“Hanewata, just because I think there are a lot of Frog FTK’s. I haven’t seen many today myself, but people were talking about them a lot.”-Chris Martinez
“Saber Slash. I play it against my own Oppression, and I can get around Doomcaliber Knight and Thunder King. It gets around a lot of stuff.”-Rob Cedar
“Probably Compulsory Evacuation Device or Trap Hole.”-Anthony Meier
“Snowman Eater, for sure. I mean, Hanewata’s good too, but it’s boring compared to Snowman Eater!”-Jehanzab Siddiqui
“Volcanic Queen! I didn’t actually get to Sumon it today, but I played it a few times at Nationals.”-Danny Rose
“I guess Hanewata? It’s cool for stopping the Frog FTK.”-Daniel Farina