QQ: What About the New F&L List?
The September 1st Forbidden & Limited Cards List is in effect, and Duelists are still getting used to it. I asked a bunch of this weekend’s competitors what their favorite changes to the List were. Check out their responses.
“Rescue Cat and Substitoad getting Forbidden. I’m pretty sure everyone’s favorite is Substitoad getting Forbidden.” –Ricardo Rangel
“Brain Control being Forbidden. I hate that card. Lost to it so many times on topdeck.” –Chris Mooseman
“Monster Reborn and Dark Hole getting Limited. It’s like back in the old days.” –Brian Miramontes
“Monster Reborn and Royal Oppression being Limited. Royal Oppression is too hard at 2. Oh yeah, I’m happy about having no Heavy Storm, too.” –Ryan Clark
“Rescue Cat being Forbidden, for sure.” –Hooman Farahbakhsh
“Making Black Rose Dragon Unlimited.” –Josh Wray
“Heavy Storm getting Forbidden. It helps out a lot of Decks that need back rows, like GBs and Blackwings.” –Dominic Estrella
“Treeborn Frog at 3. It helps my Deck.” –Steven Weigelt
“Dark Hole coming back. Bam!” –Nicole Weigelt
“Heavy Storm being Forbidden. Now people Set 4 back rows.” –Jack Hoyt
“Rescue Cat getting Forbidden.” –Mitchell Nguyen
“Monster Reborn coming back. It puts a lot more skill in mirror-matches.” –Rob Boyajiam
“They brought back Dark Hole. It’s funny.” –Ryan Vanderbrug