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QQ: What Deck are you playing, and why?

September 4th, 2010

The new Forbidden and Limited Cards list has inspired a great deal of debate over what Decks will rise to the top over the next few months, so we asked some of the Duelists in attendance today what they were playing and why. Here’s what they had to say:

Dale Bellido: “Infernity, because I don’t think many people are expecting it, I still think it’s the best Deck, and not many people are siding for it anymore.”

Tom Morran: “Black Salvo Chaos, because I really like triple Black Rose Dragon, I love DARK Decks and I like to incorporate that into my deck. With Chaos Sorcerer at 2 and Cyber Dragon at 3 I really like it, it [helps me keep cards on the field] and makes the Deck way more explosive.”

Jason Dang: “Blackwings with 3 Pot of Duality, because Black Whirlwind is a key card in Blackwings and Pot of Duality ensures that I draw it or that I can at least strengthen my setups.

Joshua Korovesi: “Blackwings because I think they counter the [most popular] Decks very well and the Side Deck is very versatile.”

Connor McCormick: “Gladiator Beasts, because they can counter a lot Decks.”

Milo Hanushchak-Ohenhen: “Zeta Reticulant because it’s fun, I love to play interesting Decks, but it also has really good match-ups against some of the best decks, especially during Duel 2 and 3.”

Tim Francisco: “Herald of Perfection because it’s a good Deck, it [can negate anything]. If you have a good setup then you have [the ability to negate any play your opponent makes.”

Kyle Norman: “Salvo-DAD, because it seems like it would be good this format with Chaos Sorcerer going to 2 and Black Rose Dragon at 3.”

Chris Norman:  “Quickdraw, I already had it built last format, so changing it wasn’t that difficult.”

Lincoln Lindo: “Plants because besides from the fact that Plants are my favorite Deck, I think they’re a great Deck, they’re underestimated, and I think it’s time I did some damage with them!”

Billy Espineda: ”It’s sort of Quickdraw with [Lightsworn cards], I run it because it’s fun and also competitive.”

Alex Munoz: “Gladiator Beasts with double Murmillo, I just like Glads and it’s the Deck I do best with. Getting to surprise people with a Murmillo after the first one is destroyed is priceless.”