Home > 2010/09 - San Jose, CA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What Do You Think Will Win?

QQ: What Do You Think Will Win?

September 25th, 2010

It’s still early in the new format, and any Deck can take this YCS by storm. But which Deck do you think will win? I asked this question to a bunch of this weekend’s competitors. Check out their responses!

“Blackwings. They’re the most consistent because they can play Pot of Duality and all.” –Ricardo Rangel

“Blackwings. Everyone’s playing it.” –Chris Mooseman

“I’m stuck between Infernities and Blackwings.” –Ryan Clark

“Blackwings. It has the best matchup against everything.” –Hooman Farahbakhsh

“I’m hoping X-Sabers. They took a big hit when they lost Rescue Cat, but now it takes a lot of skill to play the Deck.” –Dominic Estrella

“I think a lot of different things have a chance. There will be a lot of GBs, but I think X-Sabers are a better Deck. If the X-Saber representation is good, I think they’ll win.” –George Ashi

“Gladiator Beasts. They’re good.” –Steven Weigelt

“X-Sabers. More people will be playing them since they won Toronto.” –Jack Hoyt

“X-Sabers or GBs. They’re the most versatile.” –Mitchell Nguyen

“Blackwings. I feel like it has the best matchups around the board and is just underrepresented.” –Rob Boyajiam

It seems a pretty safe bet that Decks like X-Sabers, Blackwings, and Gladiator Beasts will at least make it to the Top 16. We’ll have to see how accurate these Duelists’ predictions were for who wins this tournament!