. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Who’s at the Top Tables – Round 5
Home > 2010/09 - San Jose, CA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Who’s at the Top Tables – Round 5

Who’s at the Top Tables – Round 5

September 25th, 2010

With 8 Rounds of Swiss Competition today, and 2 more Rounds tomorrow, we have just crossed the half-way mark here in Day 1! It’s a great time to take a look at the top tables and see what the highest-ranked Duelists in the tournament are running. Here are what the top 12 tables look like!

Table 1:
Austin Kulman with X-Sabers
Michael Balan with Blackwings

Table 2:
Mark Garcia with Blackwings
Jonathan Van with Blackwings

Table 3:
Christopher Hentz with X-Sabers
Oscar Castaneda with Machina Gadgets

Table 4:
Meelad Menbari with Infernities
Richard Kennedy with Blackwings

Table 5:
Bobby Chambers with Blackwings
Oscar Renderos with X-Sabers

Table 6:
Christopher Hurayt with Blackwings
Nathan Xin Chen with X-Sabers

Table 7:
Javier Trejo with X-Sabers
Pablo Dominguez with Froggy Quickdraw

Table 8:
Marco Jose Vazquez Gladiator Beasts
Jesse Barber Anti-Meta Beatdown

Table 9:
Alex Vansant with Anti-Meta Gadgets
Nico Watson with Lightsworn

Table 10:
Jonny Nagel with Naturia Bamboo Shoot
Kevin Silva with Dimensional Fissure / Guardian Eatos

Table 11:
Devin Low with Machina Gadgets
Derek Freeman with X-Sabers

Table 12:
Juan Antillan with X-Sabers
Sang Bui with X-Sabers

While Gladiator Beasts and X-Sabers were the most-played Decks at YCS Toronto (and posted some of the best results in the Top 16), it looks like Blackwings may be on the rise. Meanwhile, X-Sabers are still hugely popular for their explosive combos and consistent performance. Will the Top 32 tomorrow look something like this, or will we see some upsets before tomorrow’s cut? Stay with us as we bring you answers to that question.