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Home > 2010/11 – Atlanta, Georgia > QQ: What’s Your Favorite Part of this Trip?

QQ: What’s Your Favorite Part of this Trip?

November 20th, 2010

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Half the experience of heading to a big event like a Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series takes place outside of the tournament hall. While memories are made every minute in the main event, unforgettable experiences also happen before, after, and around the main event. We hit the floor to ask a sampling of Duelists: “What’s your favorite part so far about the trip to this event?”

“It’s close! I live just South of Atlanta! We all carpooled together, me and my friends.”

-Robert Cunningham

“Riding the MARTA! It was fun! I live in Stockbridge, but I used to live in the city, and now I’m back. Feels good to be back!” -Rolando Nash, describing his ride on the local transit system

“The hockey game last night! It was the Atlanta Thrashers versus the Washington Capitals. We were on TV four times!” -Chris Pittao

“I would have to say the actual YCS tournament. Good competition, good people, and good trades!” -Matthew Peeler

“The long nights and lack of sleep! It’s awesome!”

-Dominique Jones

“The line was quick! It was like, way out over there, but I was done in less than twenty minutes in that line.” -Matt Highline

“Coming here, actually! It’s fun, I roadtripped with my dad and my friend Patrick. We did a lot of Dueling in the car, a lot of cards falling between the seats.” -Nicholas Moore

“Not being on any sleep! I’ve been up all night testing.” -Andrew Hayslip

“Getting lost finding the hotel! That was pretty fun…”-A.J. Murphy

“Getting a Feature Match!” -Justin Devletian

“Seeing friends that I don’t normally see.” -Yannis Kallergis

The Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series experience is about alot more than just Dueling. A YCS is a rare opportunity full of memorable moments big and small – from meals with friends and long car rides, to sightseeing and shopping trips. And sometimes, not sleeping!