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Home > 2010/11 – Atlanta, Georgia, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > This Weekend’s Dragon Duel Winners

This Weekend’s Dragon Duel Winners

November 21st, 2010

Here’s a look at this weekend’s top Dragon Duel competitors. Each of the top 4 players on Saturday and Sunday get Regional Game Mats and other cool prizes.

If you’re age 12 or under and love Dueling, you can find a Dragon Duel at any Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event. They’re sometimes held at Regional Qualifiers, too. Or you can ask your local Official Tournament Store about running the Duelist League.

Saturday's Winners: Jack Hoyt, William Grossman, Jasmine Wood, and Fisher Taylor

Saturday's Winners: Jack Hoyt, William Grossman, Jasmine Wood, and Fisher Taylor

You can read Jack and Fisher’s exciting Feature Match from Saturday here.


Sunday's Winners: Jack Hoyt, Joshua Bridges, William Grossman, and Jackson Baum

Sunday's Winners: Jack Hoyt, Joshua Bridges, William Grossman, and Jackson Baum

Read up on Sunday’s game between Jackson and Josh by clicking here.