. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » YCS Mexico City – Best-Organized Duelists Anywhere!
Home > 2010/11 – Mexico City, Mexico > YCS Mexico City – Best-Organized Duelists Anywhere!

YCS Mexico City – Best-Organized Duelists Anywhere!

November 13th, 2010

Despite a late start due to unexpectedly high player turnout, YCS Mexico City has finished up in record time! This is because of the incredibly cooperative and organized Duelists here – the best we’ve seen anywhere!


All eyes were on stage during the player meeting.

All eyes were on stage during the player meeting.


Look! We asked them to take their seats and remain seated, and there they all still are!

Everyone remained seated while we got everyone's deck lists squared away.


Spectators remained off to the side and out of the way, enabling us to finish up rounds on time.

Spectators remained off to the side and out of the way, enabling us to finish up rounds on time!


This picture was taken at the end of Round 4. Only about 20 Duelists had dropped at this point. Everybodoy wanted to keep playing!

This picture was taken at the end of Round 4. Only about 20 Duelists had dropped at this point. Everybodoy wanted to keep playing!