. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ – What’s Your Favorite Card from Storm of Ragnarok?
Home > 2011/02 - Dallas, TX > QQ – What’s Your Favorite Card from Storm of Ragnarok?

QQ – What’s Your Favorite Card from Storm of Ragnarok?

February 12th, 2011

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Storm of Ragnarok was released just 4 days ago, but Duelists are already gathering their favorite cards for their Decks and collections. I asked the Duelists in attendance today which card from Storm of Ragnarok is their favorite. Check out their answers!

Maxx “C”. It’s just amazing. Against Debris Dragon, you can draw 4 cards a turn.” –Enoch Sanz, 16

Token Sundae. It’s hilarious.” –Ryan Fetamia, 20

Doppelwarrior. To me, it’s the new Dandylion.” –Robert Dominguez, 20

Hourglass of Courage. It’s an old card I used to play in the Gameboy game, where it increased monsters’ attack by 500 points. It’s doesn’t do that anymore, but it’s still pretty good.” –Luis Garza, 20

Maxx “C”. It’ll either stop them or give you so many cards.” –Josh Jordan, 19

Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan. It’s broken!” –Edwin Rocha, 14

Scrap Breaker. It increases the power of Scraps insanely. You Summon it, blow up a Scrap, and get its effect. And it’s a Special Summon, so you can Normal Summon again. Get a Chimera, and you can bring Scrap Dragon out.” –Ryan Cobb, 19

“The new thing that reborns Stardust. Stardust Phantom. It gives Stardust more protection and helps make Assault Mode.” –Guy who ran away before giving me his name.

Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan. It looks cool.” –Josh Kay, 15

Kagemusha of the Six Samurai. It’s a Tuner. Broken!” –Jessy Samek, 21

“Shi En. He looks cool as an Ultimate Rare.” –Danny Bassous, 20

“Odin, definitely. Nordics are awesome.” –Camden Keener, 18

There was a lot of variety for Storm of Ragnarok favorites. Storm of Ragnarok is a popular set among competitors, and Duelists are eager to be using their Storm of Ragnarok cards in high-level competition for the first time. Stay tuned to find out which cards prove to be the most successful!