Round 10 Feature Match: Weston Lundgren vs. Chase Sly
Weston Lundgren currently has 7 wins, 1 loss, and 1 draw in this weekend’s tournament with his Infernity Deck. His opponent, Chase Sly, is currently 8-1, with his single loss against Billy Brake in yesterday’s Feature Match. Will Sly be able to win his second-ever Feature Match? Or will his Blackwings be no match for Lundgren’s Infernities?
Sly won the dice roll and started off the Match by Summoning Blackwing – Bora the Spear to the field. He passed without Setting any cards to his back row.
Lundgren opened up Infernity Break, Dark Hole, Infernity Avenger, Infernity Necromancer, Infernity Barrier, and Infernity Archfiend. He activated Dark Hole to destroy Bora and then Summoned Infernity Archfiend. He attacked directly with it, dropping Sly down to 6200 Life Points. Lundgren Set 2 cards to conclude his turn.
Sly Summoned Blackwing – Blizzard the Far North next turn! He activated its effect to Special Summon Bora from his Graveyard, then Tuned his 2 monsters together to Synchro Summon Blackwing Armed Wing. Armed Wing attacked over Infernity Archfiend, and Lundgren lost 500 Life Points.
Lundgren drew Stygian Street Patrol next turn and Set it.
Sly Summoned Spirit Reaper next turn. He attacked Lundgren’s face-down Stygian Street Patrol with Blackwing Armed Wing and Lundgren lost 1600 Life Points. Next, Spirit Reaper scored a direct hit and Lundgren lost an Avenger from his hand. That may be just what Lundgren needed to become handless like his Deck requires. Sly finally Set a card to his back row and ended his turn.
Lundgren drew Book of Moon next turn. He activated it to put Blackwing Armed Wing face-down and then Normal Summoned Infernity Necromancer. It switched into Defense Position with its effect and then Lundgren activated Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard in Attack Position. Archfiend’s effect activated, and Lundgren searched his Deck for a copy of Infernity Necromancer to add to his hand. Next, he removed Stygian Street Patrol from his Graveyard to Special Summon Infernity Necromancer from his hand, and activated Necromancer’s effect to revive his Avenger. Then he Tuned Necromancer, Archfiend, and Avenger together to Synchro Summon Hundred-Eyes Dragon! He removed Infernity Necromancer from his Graveyard with the effect of Hundred-Eyes Dragon to copy it, and then Special Summoned Infernity Archfiend back from his Graveyard in Attack Position with its effect. He used Archfiend’s effect to grab a Barrier from his Deck and Set it. Lundgren entered his Battle Phase and destroyed Sly’s face-down Blackwing Armed Wing with Infernity Archfiend before attacking Sly’s Attack Position Spirit Reaper with Hundred-Eyes Dragon and inflicting 2700 points of damage to Sly’s Life Points. Reaper remained on the field and Lundgren ended his turn.
Sly Summoned Blackwing – Blizzard the Far North next turn and activated its effect. Lundgren tried to negate its effect with Infernity Barrier, but Sly activated Seven Tools of the Bandit to negate the Barrier, dropping down to 2500 Life Points. Blizzard Special Summoned Bora from the Graveyard, and then Sly Special Summoned another copy of Bora from his hand. Sly Tuned Blizzard, Bora, and Reaper together to Synchro Summon Mist Wurm, but when Sly activated its effect, Lundgren flipped Infernity Barrier to negate the effect of Mist Wurm and destroy it! Sly attacked Infernity Necromancer with Bora next, but Lundgren flipped Infernity Break and removed a Barrier from his Graveyard to destroy the Bora! Sly Set a card to his back row and ended his turn.
Lundgren drew Solemn Warning and Set it in his back row. He activated his Infernity Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Avenger. Then he Tuned Avenger, Archfiend, and Necromancer together to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon! Next, he removed another copy of Infernity Necromancer from his Graveyard to allow Hundred-Eyes Dragon to copy its effect, and used its effect to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend back from his Graveyard. The Archfiend’s effect activated, and Lundgren searched his Deck for a copy of Infernity Barrier to add to his hand. He Set the Barrier and then attacked directly with Stardust Dragon, ending the Duel!
A strong play made possible by Stygian Street Patrol allows Weston Lundgren to overwhelm Chase Sly with Hundred-Eyes Dragon and take a decisive victory in Duel 1! Chase Sly will be going first in Duel 2!
Sly started things off by activating Pot of Duality, revealing Blackwing – Bora the Spear, Blackwing – Kalut the Moon Shadow, and Mystical Space Typhoon from the top of his Deck. He added the Kalut to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Normal Summoned Bora and Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his turn.
Lundgren opened up with Mystical Space Typhoon, Book of Moon, Monster Reborn, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Infernity Avenger, and Infernity Archfiend. He activated Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Sly’s face-down Solemn Judgment. Next, he Summoned Infernity Archfiend and declared an attack on Bora. During Damage Calculation, Sly pitched a Kalut to boost the ATK of his Bora and take down Lundgren’s Archfiend. Lundgren Set Book of Moon from his hand before ending his turn.
Sly tried to attack directly with Bora next turn, but Lundgren flipped Book of Moon to put the Bora face-down and block the attack.
Lundgren drew Infernity Inferno! He Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and attacked Sly’s face-down Bora, but Sly flipped Icarus Attack, Tributing the Bora to destroy Thunder King Rai-Oh along with Sly’s own face-down Allure of Darkness. Lundgren Set Infernity Inferno and ended his turn.
Sly activated Monster Reborn next turn to Special Summon Thunder King Rai-Oh from Lundgren’s Graveyard. Next, he Normal Summoned Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame. Shura and Rai-Oh attacked directly, dropping Lundgren down to 3000 Life Points. Sly ended his turn without any cards in his back row.
Lundgren drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn. He activated Infernity Inferno and pitched an Avenger from his hand to send an Infernity Necromancer from his Deck to his Graveyard. Then he Set Mystical Space Typhoon and activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Infernity Necromancer in Defense Position. He activated Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard, but couldn’t use its effect due to the effect of Rai-Oh. Lundgren rammed Archfiend into Shura, destroying them both.
Sly Special Summoned Dark Armed Dragon next turn! He removed Bora and Kalut from his Graveyard to destroy Lundgren Infernity Necromancer and face-down Mystical Space Typhoon, and then attacked directly with Thunder King Rai-Oh and Dark Armed Dragon to end the Duel!
Lundgren’s own Thunder King Rai-Oh fights against him in Duel 2, giving Chase Sly unbreakable control. Weston Lundgren will be going first in the final Duel of the Match!
Lundgren opened up with Solemn Warning, Infernity Barrier, Infernity Break, One for One, Infernity Beetle, and Infernity Avenger. He activated One for One by pitching Avenger from his hand, and Special Summoned Infernity Mirage from his Deck in Defense Position. He Set Solemn Warning, Infernity Barrier, and Infernity Break to his back row. Then he Normal Summoned Infernity Beetle and Tributed it to Special Summon 2 more copies from his Deck, in Attack Position. Next, he Tributed his Mirage to Special Summon a third Beetle from his Graveyard in Attack Position, and an Avenger in Defense Position.
Sly Set 3 cards to his back row along with a monster, ending his turn. In his End Phase, Sly activated Infernity Break by removing Infernity Mirage from his Graveyard, destroying Sly’s face-down Seven Tools of the Bandit.
Lundgren drew Trap Stun next turn, Set it, and ended his turn.
Sly Set a card to each zone and passed.
Lundgren drew Infernity Inferno and Set it. Then he attacked Sly’s face-down monster with Infernity Beetle. It was Greenkappa! Sly tried to negate its effect with Infernity Barrier, but Sly flipped Solemn Judgment to negate the Barrier! Greenkappa destroyed Sly’s face-down Trap Stun and Solemn Warning. Next, Lundgren attacked Sly’s other face-down monster, a Spirit Reaper, and it flipped face-up without being destroyed.
Sly Summoned Blackwing – Kalut the Moon Shadow next turn and used it to attack Lundgren’s Beetle. The Beetle was destroyed and Lundgren lost 200 Life Points.
Lundgren drew Book of Moon next turn. He Set it and ended his turn.
Sly Special Summoned Bora from his hand next turn. Kalut attacked and destroyed another Beetle, and then Bora tried to destroy the third one, but Lundgren flipped Book of Moon to block the attack and put Bora face-down.
Lundgren drew Solemn Warning and Set it to his back row before taking down Sly’s face-down Bora with his Infernity Beetle.
Sly attacked and destroyed Lundgren’s last Beetle with Kalut on his next turn, dropping Lundgren down to 7400 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Lundgren Normal Summoned Blizzard from his hand and activated its effect to Special Summon Bora from his Graveyard. Then he Tuned Bora and Blizzard together to try to Synchro Summon Blackwing Armed Wing, but Lundgren flipped Solemn Warning and gave up 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon.
Lundgren drew Infernity Inferno next turn. He Set it and ended his turn.
Sly Summoned Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame. He attacked Avenger with Shura and activated Shura’s effect to Special Summon Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind from his Deck. Then Gale and Kalut attacked directly, costing Lundgren 2700 Life Points.
Lundgren drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn and Set it. But it wouldn’t be any help! Sly attacked with Shura on his next turn and boosted its ATK with Kalut to finish Sly off!
Chase Sly takes a stylish victory involving Greenkappa and advances in the tournament with a 9-1 record!