Top 32 Feature Match: Honorable Karl Arbeiter vs. Honorable Brandon Wigley
Honorable Karl Arbeiter and Honorable Brandon Wigley are both running explosive Six Samurai Decks that aim for an early Summon of Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En to lock the opponent out of the Duel and take a quick win. With Gateway of the Six and Six Samurai United gaining Bushido Counters any time either player Summons a Six Samurai monster, this is sure to be a fast Match.
Arbeiter opened up with Gateway of the Six, Upstart Goblin, Six Samurai United, 2 copies of Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki, and Shien’s Smoke Signal in his hand. He activated Shien’s Smoke Signal to search his Deck for a copy of Kagemusha of the Six Samurai and added it to his hand. Then he activated Upstart Goblin, granting Wigley 1000 Life Points and allowing Arbeiter to draw another Upstart Goblin from his Deck. He used that one too, bringing Wigley up to 10,000 Life Points and this time drawing Arbeiter Grandmaster of the Six Samurai. Arbeiter activated Gateway of the Six and Six Samurai United and then Normal Summoned Kageki. He activated its effect to Special Summon Kagemusha from his hand, putting a total of 4 Bushido Counters on his Gateway and 2 Bushido Counters on Six Samurai United. He removed 2 Counters from Gateway and 2 from Six Samurai United to search his Deck for Kizan and add it to his hand. He Special Summoned it, putting 2 more counters on Gateway (for a total of 4 counters) and putting a Bushido Counter on Six Samurai United. Then he removed all 4 Counters from Gateway to search his Deck for another Kizan. He Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai next, adding 2 more Counters to his Gateway and putting a second Bushido Counter on Six Samurai United. Next, he removed 2 Counters from Six Samurai United and 2 from Gateway to Search his Deck for Hand of the Six Samurai. He Tuned Kageki and Kagemusha together next, Synchro Summoning Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En and bringing Gateway up to 2 Bushido Counters and Six Samurai United up to 1 Bushido Counter. He Special Summoned another copy of Kizan from his hand next, adding 2 more counters onto Gateway (for a total of 4 Bushido Counters) and putting a second Bushido Counter on Six Samurai United. Next, Arbeiter removed 4 Bushido Counters from Gateway of the Six to search his Deck for Kagemusha of the Six Samurai. Then he sent Six Samurai United to the Graveyard with its 2 Bushido Counters on it, in order to draw 2 copies of Book of Moon from his Deck. He Set them both and ended his turn, with Shi En, Grandmaster, and 2 copies of Kizan in Attack Position, along with a Gateway face-up and 2 copies of Book of Moon Set in his Spell and Trap Card Zone. What a turn!
Wigley activated Shien’s Smoke Signal next turn and Arbeiter allowed it to resolve. Wigley searched his Deck for Kagemusha of the Six Samurai and added it to his hand. Next, he activated Mystical Space Typhoon and destroyed Arbeiter’s face-down Book of Moon. He Summoned Kagemusha next, and Arbeiter got 2 Counters on his Gateway. Wigley Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai next, bringing Arbeiter up to 4 Bushido Counters on Gateway, and Arbeiter flipped Book of Moon to put Kagemusha face-down, preventing Wigley from Synchro Summoning Black Rose Dragon. Wigley conceded, completely overwhelmed by Arbeiter’s field, and unwilling to even try fighting out of it.
Some amazing draws for Honorable Karl Arbeiter allow him to make quick work of Honorable Brandon Wigley! Wigley will be going first in Duel 2!
Wigley started things off by activating Shien’s Smoke Signal and searching for a copy of Kagemusha of the Six Samurai to add to his hand. Then he Normal Summoned Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki and activated its effect to Special Summon Kagemusha from his hand. He Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai next, and then Tuned Kagemusha with Kageki to Synchro Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En! He Set a card to his back row and ended his turn.
Arbeiter opened up with Double-Edged Sword Technique, Monster Reborn, Chain Disappearance, Kagemusha of the Six Samurai, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, and Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan. He Set Double-Edged Sword Technique, Chain Disappearance, and Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, ending his turn.
Wigley activated Giant Trunade next turn, returning Chain Disappearance and Double-Edged Sword Technique to Arbeiter’s hand. Next, he activated Shien’s Smoke Signal to search his Deck for Hand of the Six Samurai. He Summoned it to the field and then Tributed it to destroy Arbeiter’s face-down Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo without flipping it up. Wigley attacked directly with Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En and Grandmaster next, dropping Arbeiter down to 3400 Life Points. Wigley re-Set his back row card and passed.
Arbeiter drew Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki next turn. He tried to Summon it, but Wigley activated Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate the Summon. Next, he activated Monster Reborn, targeting Wigley’s Kagemusha, but Wigley negated the Monster Reborn with Shi En’s effect. Arbeiter Set Chain Disappearance and Double-Edged Sword Technique again in Main Phase 2, but they were no help!
Wigley attacked directly with Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En next turn, wiping out Arbeiter’s remaining 3400 Life Points!
An amazing read allows Honorable Brandon Wigley to take down Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo without its effect activating, and quickly defeat Honorable Karl Arbeiter. Arbeiter will be going first in Duel 3!
Arbeiter opened up with Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan, Shien’s Smoke Signal, Monster Reborn, Upstart Goblin, Kagemusha of the Six Samurai, and Six Samurai United. He activated Shien’s Smoke Signal to search his Deck for Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki and add it to his hand. Then he activated Upstart Goblin, granting Wigley 1000 Life Points and allowing Arbeiter to draw Gateway of the Six from the top of his Deck. Arbeiter activated Gateway of the Six and Six Samurai United, and then Summoned Kageki from his hand. He added 2 Counters to Gateway and 1 to Six Samurai United, and activated its effect to Special Summon Kagemusha from his hand, putting another pair of Counters on Gateway and a second Bushido Counter on Six Samurai United. Arbeiter removed 2 Bushido Counters from Gateway and 2 from Six Samurai United to search his Deck for Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and Special Summon it. He got 2 more Counters on Gateway and put a Counter on Six Samurai United. Then he removed all 4 Bushido Counters from Gateway of the Six to search his Deck for Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan, and Special Summoned it from his hand, adding 2 Counters to his Gateway and a second Counter onto his Six Samurai United. Arbeiter removed 2 Counters from Gateway and 2 Counters from Six Samurai United, clearing his field of Bushido Counters, to search his Deck for another copy of Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan and add it to his hand. Next, he Tuned Kagemusha with Kageki to Synchro Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En, adding 2 Counters to his Gateway and putting a Counter on his Six Samurai United. He Special Summoned Kizan from his hand next, getting a total of 4 counters on Gateway and 2 on Six Samurai United. Next, he removed 2 Counters from Gateway and 2 Counters from Six Samurai United to search his Deck for Hand of the Six Samurai and add it to his hand. He activated Monster Reborn next, reviving Kagemusha of the Six Samurai from his Graveyard and adding 2 more Counters to his Gateway, for a total of 4, and putting a Counter on his Six Samurai United. He removed all 4 Bushido Counters from Gateway of the Six to search his Deck for Kageki, and then Tuned Kagemusha of the Six Samurai with Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan to Synchro Summon Naturia Barkion. Next, he Special Summoned Kizan from his hand, putting 2 Counters on Gateway and a second Counter on Six Samurai United. He Sent the Six Samurai United to the Graveyard to draw Solemn Warning and Mystical Space Typhoon, and then Set them. He ended his turn with Grandmaster of the Six Samurai, Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En, Naturia Barkion, and 2 copies of Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan in Attack Position, with Solemn Warning and Mystical Space Typhoon face-down, and a face-up Gateway with 2 Bushido Counters on it. Arbeiter’s field looked untouchable.
Wigley activated Reinforcement of the Army next turn and Arbeiter chose not to negate it. He searched his Deck for Kagemusha of the Six Samurai. He Normal Summoned it to the field and then Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai. He tried Tuning them together to Synchro Summon Black Rose Dragon, but Arbeiter flipped Solemn Warning to negate the Summon, and Wigley surrendered!

Solemn Warning spells doom for Wigley's attempted counter-attack.
Two explosive hands for Honorable Karl Arbeiter allow him to defeat Honorable Brandon Wigley with ease and advance to the Top 16 with his Samurais!