. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Top 4 Feature Match: Honorable Daniel Carlos vs. Honorable Nizar Sarhan
Home > 2011/02 - Dallas, TX > Top 4 Feature Match: Honorable Daniel Carlos vs. Honorable Nizar Sarhan

Top 4 Feature Match: Honorable Daniel Carlos vs. Honorable Nizar Sarhan

February 13th, 2011

Honorable Nizar Sarhan and Honorable Daniel Carlos both made it to the Top 4 with their Samurai Decks, and are now facing off in a Mirror-Match! With 2 Samurai Decks going at it, this is sure to be a fast Match.

Sarhan opened up with Musakani Magatama, Mirror Force, 2 copies of Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan, Solemn Judgment, and Hand of the Six Samurai in his hand. He Summoned Kizan and Set 3 cards to his back row.

Carlos activated Upstart Goblin to give Sarhan 1000 Life Points and draw a card. Then he activated Six Samurai United. He Summoned Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki next, putting a Bushido Counter on Six Samurai United and activating its effect to Special Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan from his hand. That allowed him to put a second Bushido Counter on his Six Samurai United. He sent it to the Graveyard to draw 2 cards, and then activated Giant Trunade to return all of Sarhan’s cards back to his hand. Carlos Special Summoned Kizan and Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from his hand next, and attacked with Kageki, Grandmaster, and both copies of Kizan, taking down Sarhan’s Kizan in battle and dropping Sarhan down to 2800 Life Points.

Sarhan drew Grandmaster of the Six Samurai next turn. He Normal Summoned Hand of the Six Samurai, and then Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and Kizan from his hand. Sarhan attacked Carlos’s Kageki with his Grandmaster, and then traded his Kizan with Carlos’s Grandmaster in battle. Next, he Tributed Hand to destroy Sarhan’s Kizan. He Set 3 Traps to his back row and ended his turn.

Carlos Summoned Hand of the Six Samurai next turn and then activated Monster Reborn to try to revive Grandmaster of the Six Samurai. But Sarhan flipped Solemn Judgment, paying 1400 Life Points to negate it! Carlos Set a card to his back row and ended his turn.

Sarhan drew Kagemusha of the Six Samurai next turn. He Summoned it to the field and then attacked Hand with Grandmaster.

Carlos Summoned Kagemusha of the Six Samurai next turn, and then flipped Double-Edged Sword Technique to Special Summon Grandmaster and Hand of the Six Samurai. He Tuned Kagemusha with Kizan to Summon Naturia Barkion and then attacked with Barkion. Sarhan flipped Mirror Force to stop the attack, and when Carlos tried to negate it with his Barkion’s effect, Sarhan flipped Musakani Magatama to negate the effect of Barkion and destroy it! Sarhon’s Grandmaster and Hand were destroyed, and Carlos got Kagemusha back from his Graveyard with Grandmaster’s effect.

Sarhan drew Upstart next turn and activated it to draw Gateway of the Six and give Carlos 1000 Life Points. He activated the Gateway, switched Kagemusha to Defense Position, and attacked with Grandmaster.

Carlos drew a card and Set one card to his Spell and Trap Card Zone.

Sarhan drew Solemn Warning and Set it next turn. He attacked directly with Grandmaster and passed.

Carlos drew a card and Set it in his back row.

Sarhan drew Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki and Summoned it to the field, putting 2 Bushido Counters on his Gateway. He Tuned Kageki with Kagemusha next, Synchro Summoning Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En. Carlos instantly conceded with only 3900 Life Points left, and unable to fight off Sarhan’s Grandmaster and Shi En.

Nizar Sarhan gains the eventual edge in a back-and-forth Duel to take the first win, and Daniel Carlos will be going first in Duel 2!

Carlos activated Six Samurai United, Set a card to his back row, and Set a monster. Play passed to Sarhan.

Sarhan opened up with Enishi, Shien’s Chancellor, Shien’s Smoke Signal, Reinforcement of the Army, Mirror Force, and Kinetic Soldier. He Set the Kinetic Soldier along with his Mirror Force and Shien’s Smoke Signal, ending his turn.

Carlos Summoned Hand of the Six Samurai next turn, adding a counter to his Six Samurai United. Then he flipped up his face-down Kagemusha of the Six Samurai. He Tributed Kagemusha to destroy Sarhan’s face-down Kinetic Soldier with Hand’s effect, then Set another card to his back row.

Sarhan drew Double-Edged Sword Technique next turn. He flipped his face-down Shien’s Smoke Signal to seach his Deck for Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki and add it to his hand, and then Normal Summoned it to the field. Carlos’s Six Samurai United got another Bushido Counter. Sarhan activated Kageki’s effect, and Carlos Chained Solemn Warning to negate the effect and destroy the Kageki. Sarhon Set 2 cards to his back row and passed.

Carlos sent Six Samurai United to the Graveyard to draw 2 cards. Then he Normal Summoned Kagemusha of the Six Samurai and attacked with it. Sarhan flipped Mirror Force, destroying Sarhan’s Hand and Kagemusha. Sarhan Set another card to his back row and then ended his turn.

Sarhan drew Solemn Warning next turn. He flipped his face-down Reinforcement of the Army and used its effect to grab a Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki from his Deck and add it to his hand. He Normal Summoned Kageki, but its Summon was negated by Carlos’s second Solemn Warning. Carlos was down to 4000 Life Points. Sarhan Set his own Solemn Warning to conclude his turn.

Carlos activated Gateway of the Six next turn, and then used Monster Reborn to try to revive Hand of the Six Samurai from his Graveyard, but Sarhan flipped Solemn Warning to negate the Monster Reborn, by giving up 2000 Life Points. Carlos Set a monster and ended his turn.

Sarhan drew Grandmaster of the Six Samurai next turn. He had Grandmaster, Enishi, Shien’s Chancellor, and Kagemusha of the Six Samurai in his hand, with Double-Edged Sword Technique face-down, against Carlos’s face-down monster, face-down back row, and face-up Gateway of the Six with no Bushido Counters on it. Sarhan decided to Summon Kagemusha to the field, giving Carlos 2 Counters on his Gateway. Next, he Special Summoned Grandmaster from his hand, giving Carlos another 2 Counters. Then, he activated Double-Edged Sword Technique, but Carlos flipped his third Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate it, dropping down to 2000 Life Points. Sarhan Tuned Grandmaster with Kagemusha next, to Synchro Summon Black Rose Dragon and destroy Carlos’s Gateway and face-down Kagemusha, along with the Black Rose Dragon itself! Sarhan finished the Duel, and the Match, on his next play, by removing 2 Six Samurai monsters from his Graveyard and Special Summoning Enishi, Shien’s Chancellor from his hand to attack directly for 2200 points of damage!

A huge play culminating in the Special Summon of Enishi, Shien’s Chancellor allows Sarhan to finish off Carlos after he paid 6000 Life Points with Solemn Warning! Nizar Sarhan is moving on to the Finals!