Top 8 Feature Match: Scott Page vs. Honorable Nizar Sarhan
Scott Page is running the last Monarch Deck standing in the tournament. His opponent, Honorable Nizar Sarhan, is running Six Samurais. Page’s Battle Faders may be problematic for Sarhan, who’s hoping to finish Page off as quickly as possible. Only one of these Duelists can advance to the Top 4, so both of them will be trying their hardest to win with their Deck of choice.
Page opened up with Light and Darkness Dragon, Foolish Burial, Mystical Space Typhoon, Dark Dust Spirit, Caius the Shadow Monarch, and Treeborn Frog. He Set Treeborn Frog and Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn.
Sarhan activated Reinforcement of the Army and searched his Deck for Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki. He activated 2 copies of Gateway of the Six and Summoned Kageki. He activated its effect and Page Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy a Gateway. He got 2 Bushido Counters on his other Gateway, Special Summoned Kagemusha of the Six Samurai from his hand, and got 2 more Counters. He removed all 4 to search his Deck for Kizan, Special Summoned it to get 2 more Bushido Counters, and then Tuned Kagemusha and Kizan together to Synchro Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En. He put 2 more Counters on his Gateway and then removed all 4 Counters from the Gateway to search his Deck for another Kizan. He Special Summoned it from his hand, along with a Grandmaster of the Six Samurai, putting 4 more Counters on his Gateway. He removed all 4 Counters to search his Deck for another Kizan and Special Summoned it, putting 2 more counters on his Gateway. Kizan attacked Page’s face-down Treeborn Frog, and then 2 more Kizans, Shi En, and Grandmaster of the Six Samurai finished Page off!
Nizar Sarhan wins the first Duel on his first turn, thanks to Gateway of the Six! Scott Page will be going first in Duel 2!
Page opened up with Tragoedia, Mystical Space Typhoon, Dark Hole, Battle Fader, Fishborg Blaster, and Caius the Shadow Monarch. He Set Mystical Space Typhoon and ended his turn.
Sarhan activated Gateway of the Six. He Summoned Kizan, putting 2 Bushido Counters on Gateway, and then attacked directly with Kizan. Page lost 1800 Life Points and Special Summoned Tragoedia from his hand in Defense Position, with 4 other cards in his hand. Sarhan Set 2 cards to his back row and ended his turn. In his End Phase, Page activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Sarhan’s Gateway.
Page drew Treeborn Frog next turn. He switched his 3000 ATK Tragoedia to Attack Position and then attacked Kizan, destroying it in battle and dropping Sarhan down to 6800 Life Points. Page Set Treeborn Frog in Main Phase 2 and ended his turn.
Sarhan activated Dark Hole to destroy Tragoedia and Treeborn Frog, then Normal Summoned Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki from his hand and activated its effect to Special Summon Kizan. He attacked with Kageki for 1700 points of damage, and chose not to attack with Kizan.
Page activated Mystical Space Typhoon next turn during his Standby Phase in order to destroy Sarhan’s face-down Bottomless Trap Hole, then Special Summoned Treeborn Frog. He Tributed it for Caius, but Sarhan activated Solemn Judgment and gave up half of his Life Points to negate the Summon. Page cleared the field with Dark Hole next.
Sarhan Set Solemn Warning and passed.
Page Special Summoned Treeborn Frog and then Tributed it for Caius, but the Summon was stopped by Sarhan’s Solemn Warning.
Sarhan Set a monster and ended his turn.
Page Special Summoned Treeborn Frog in his Standby Phase and then Normal Summoned Fishborg Blaster. He Tuned them together to Synchro Summon Formula Synchron and draw Dark Dust Spirit from the top of his Deck with Formula Synchron’s effect.
Sarhan Set another monster on his next turn, and passed to Page.
Page Special Summoned Treeborn Frog in his next Standby Phase and then Tributed it, along with Formula Synchron, in order to Summon Light and Darkness Dragon! He used his Dragon to destroy a face-down Kageki in battle and ended his turn.
Sarhan drew a card and passed.
Page attacked another face-down Kageki with Light and Darkness Dragon next turn, destroying it in battle.
On Sarhan’s next turn, he drew a card and conceded, unable to defeat Page’s 2800 ATK Light and Darkness Dragon.
Scott Page dominates from the start and manages to push the Match to a third Duel! Nizar Sarhan will be starting things off in Duel 3!
Sarhan activated Gateway of the Six and then Summoned Kagemusha, putting 2 Bushido Counters on the Gateway from its Summon. Next, he Special Summoned Kizan from his hand, bringing the Bushido Counter count on Gateway up to 4. He Tuned Kagemusha with Kizan next, and Synchro Summoned Naturia Barkion. Next, he removed all 4 Bushido Counters from his Gateway to Search his Deck for Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan and add it to his hand. He Set a card in his back row and ended his turn.
Page opened up with 2 copies of Puppet Plant, 2 copies of Battle Fader, Mobius the Frost Monarch, and Caius the Shadow Monarch. He passed without making a play, secure behind his Battle Faders.
Sarhan Summoned Kageki next turn and used its effect to Special Summon Kizan from his hand, adding 4 Bushido Counters to his Gateway thanks to the 2 Summons. He removed those 4 Counters to search his Deck for another copy of Kizan and add it to his hand. He declared an attack, but was stopped by Page’s Battle Fader.
Page drew Enemy Controller next turn. He pitched Puppet Plant from his hand to take control of Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan, and then attacked Kageki with it. Next, he Tributed Kizan to Summon Mobius, and activated its effect to destroy Sarhan’s Gateway of the Six and Bottomless Trap Hole. Sarhan Chained Bottomless Trap Hole to remove Mobius from the Duel.
Sarhan activated Six Samurai United next turn and then Summoned Kizan, adding a Counter to his Six Samurai United. He attacked Mobius with Barkion and followed up with an attack from Kizan. He sent his Six Samurai United to the Graveyard to draw a card and then Set 1 card in his back row.
Page drew Cold Wave next turn. He discarded Puppet Plant to take control of Kizan and then activated Enemy Controller to Tribute it and take control of Barkion. Barkion attacked Sarhan directly, and then Page Tributed Barkion to Summon Caius, and used Caius’s effect to remove Sarhan’s face-down Double-Edged Sword Technique from the Duel.
Sarhan activated Dark Hole to destroy Caius, and then Set a card to his back row.
Page drew a card and passed.
Sarhan drew and Set another card to his back row, passing.
Page drew and passed once again, without making a play.
Sarhan drew a card for his turn and Set one card to his back row before passing back to Page.
Page drew Mystical Space Typhoon, Set it, and ended his turn.
Sarhan flipped his face-down Six Samurai United next turn. Then he flipped up his Set Gateway of the Six. Next, he activated Double-Edged Sword Technique, targeting Kageki and Kagemusha from his Graveyard. Page Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the Six Samurai United. Kageki and Kagemusha hit the field, and Gateway gained 2 Bushido Counters. Sarhan Tuned his 2 Samurais together to Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En next, and added 2 more Bushido Counters to his Gateway. He removed all 4 of the Bushido Counters to search his Deck for Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and add it to his hand. He Special Summoned it to the field, adding 2 more Bushido Counters to his Gateway, and then declared a direct attack with Grandmaster. But Page stopped the attack by Special Summoning Battle Fader from his hand! Sarhan Set a card to his back row and ended his turn.
Page drew Kinetic Soldier next turn. He activated Cold Wave and Page negated it with his Shi En. Next, Page activated Dark Hole to destroy Grandmaster and Shi En. Grandmaster’s effect activated to return Kagemusha to Sarhan’s hand. Page Set his Soldier and ended his turn.
Sarhan Special Summoned Cyber Dragon and next turn, and Normal Summoned Kagemusha. He added 2 Counters to his Gateway and removed 4 from it to grab a Kizan from his Graveyard and Special Summon it. He Tuned Kizan with Kagemusha to Synchro Summon Goyo Guardian next, and attacked Page’s face-down Kinetic Soldier with it. The Soldier gained 2000 DEF, and Sarhan lost 1000 Life Points. Next, Cyber Dragon took down the Kinetic Soldier.
Page drew Raiza the Storm Monarch and ended his turn.
Sarhan attacked directly with Goyo Guardian and Cyber Dragon, Set some cards to his back row, and ended his turn.
Page drew Puppet Plant next turn and discarded it to take control of Goyo Guardian. He attacked Cyber Dragon with Goyo, and tried to take control of the Cyber Dragon with Goyo’s effect. But Sarhan flipped Solemn Warning to negate Goyo’s effect and destroy Goyo Guardian!
Sarhan drew Solemn Judgment and Set it on his next turn.
Page drew Light and Darkness Dragon and passed.
Sarhan Summoned Kageki next turn, adding 2 counters to his Gateway. Then he removed 4 Counters from his Gateway and Page conceded, bound to be defeated by the Kizan Sarhan was about to take from his Graveyard.
Scott Page had a great run with his Monarch Deck, but in the end, Honorable Nizar Sarhan’s Samurais reigned supreme, and it will be Sarhan advancing to the Top 4!