. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Quarterfinal: Honorable Sean Coovert VS Tombkeeper Elijah Gersten
Home > 2011/03 – Charlotte, NC, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Quarterfinal: Honorable Sean Coovert VS Tombkeeper Elijah Gersten

Quarterfinal: Honorable Sean Coovert VS Tombkeeper Elijah Gersten

March 20th, 2011

Sean Coovert and Elijah Gersten are battling it out in the Quarterfinals! Sean Coovert is counting on his Samurais to carry him to the Semifinals, while Elijah Gersten is banking on his Gravekeeper’s. In the past, the Gravekeeper’s versus Six Samurai matchup has favored the Six Samurai Duelist, but with a new Forbidden & Limited List in effect, either Duelist can win this one.

Gersten started off the Match by Setting 4 cards to his back row and a monster in Defense Position.

Coovert opened up with Shien’s Smoke Signal; Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan; Dark Hole; 2 copies of Six Samurai United; and Book of Moon. He activated Shien’s Smoke Signal to search his Deck for Hand of the Six Samurai and add it to his hand, but when it got there, Gersten flipped Mind Crush, forcing Gersten to reveal his hand and discard the Hand. Coovert activated 2 copies of Six Samurai United next, and then Summoned Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan to the field. Gersten activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy a copy of Six Samurai United, and the other copy gained a Bushido Counter. Coovert sent his Six Samurai United to the Graveyard to draw Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from his Deck and then Special Summoned it to the field. Grandmaster of the Six Samurai attacked Gersten’s face-down monster, but Gersten flipped Book of Moon to put the Grandmaster face-down and protect his monster. Coovert Set Book of Moon and ended his turn.

Gersten flipped Gravekeeper’s Spy next turn and Special Summoned Gravekeeper’s Recruiter from his Deck. Then he Normal Summoned Gravekeeper’s Descendant and activated its effect. He Tributed his Recruiter to destroy Kizan, then used his Recruiter’s effect to search his Deck for Gravekeeper’s Commandant to add to his hand. Next, he pitched Gravekeeper’s Commandant in order to search his Deck for Necrovalley and activate it. Gravekeeper’s Spy attacked and destroyed Grandmaster, then Descendant attacked directly.

Coovert drew Kagemusha of the Six Samurai next turn. He activated Dark Hole to destroy Gravekeeper’s Spy and Gravekeeper’s Descendant, then Set Kagemusha.

Gersten activated Gravekeeper’s Stele. He returned Gravekeeper’s Spy and Gravekeeper’s Commandant to his hand and then Summoned Gravekeeper’s Commandant to the field. Commandant attacked, and Coovert flipped Book of Moon to put it face-down.

Coovert drew Upstart Goblin on his next turn. He activated it to draw Mirror Force, then Set Mirror Force and ended his turn.

Gersten flipped his Commandant and attacked Kagemusha with it. Coovert flipped Mirror Force, but Gersten negated it with Seven Tools of the Bandit. Kagemusha was destroyed in battle. Gersten Set Gravekeeper’s Spy and ended his turn.

Coovert drew Grandmaster of the Six Samurai next turn and passed.

Gersten Flip Summoned Gravekeeper’s Spy and activated its effect to Special Summon Gravekeeper’s Descendant from his Deck. Next, he Normal Summoned Gravekeeper’s Recruiter. Direct attacks from Gravekeeper’s Spy, Gravekeeper’s Descendant, Gravekeeper’s Recruiter, and Gravekeeper’s Commandant wiped out Coovert’s remaining 6000 Life Points, granting Gersten the Duel 1 victory!

A swarm of Gravekeeper’s make quick work of Sean Coovert, forcing him to win the next 2 Duels if he hopes to advance to the Top 4!

Coovert opened up Duel 2 with Dust Tornado, Gateway of the Six, Shien’s Smoke Signal, Dark Hole, Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki, and Grandmaster of the Six Samurai. He activated Shien’s Smoke Signal to search his Deck for Kagemusha of the Six Samurai and add it to his hand, then activated Gateway of the Six. He Normal Summoned Kageki and tried to activate its effect, but Gersten pitched an Effect Veiler to negate it! Coovert put 2 Counters on his Gateway as a result of Kageki’s Summon and then Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai, adding 2 more Bushido Counters to it. Next, he removed all 4 Coutners from Gateway of the Six to search his Deck for Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan, and Special Summoned it to the field. Coovert Set Dust Tornado and ended his turn.

Gersten Summoned Gravekeeper’s Recruiter and attacked Coovert’s Kageki with it. Realizing he didn’t even have a Necrovalley, he decided that he had no chance of winning and conceded, moving on to Duel 3.

Despite Gersten’s Effect Veiler, Sean Coovert starts with an amazing opening that gets Coovert to forfeit on his first turn. Elijah Gersten will be going first in Duel 3!

Gersten started off the Duel by activating Pot of Duality, revealing Solemn Warning, Gravekeeper’s Descendant, and Trap Dustshoot from the top of his Deck. He added the Dustshoot to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He activated Necrovalley, Set a monster, and then Set 2 cards to his back row.

Coovert opened up with Hand of the Six Samurai, Grandmaster of the Six Samurai, Six Samurai United, Reinforcement of the Army, Solemn Judgment, and Smashing Ground. Gersten activated Trap Dustshoot in Coovert’s Draw Phase, forcing him to shuffle Grandmaster of the Six Samurai back into his Deck. Coovert acticated Reinforcement of the Army next, fetching Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan from his Deck. He activated Six Samurai United and then Normal Summoned Hand of the Six Samurai, adding a Bushido Counter to Six Samurai United. Next, he Special Summoned Kizan to add a second Bushido Counter to Six Samurai United, and sent the Six Samurai United to his Graveyard to draw Solemn Warning and Shien’s Smoke Signal from his Deck. Coovert Set his Solemn Judgment and Solemn Warning, then ended his turn.

Gersten Flip Summoned Gravekeeper’s Spy next turn, and Coovert flipped Solemn Warning to try to negate the Summon. When Gersten flipped Seven Tools of the Bandit and gave up 1000 Life Points to try to negate the Solemn Warning, Coovert activated Solemn Judgment and paid himself down to 3000 Life Points to negate it. Gravekeeper’s Spy’s effect was negated and the Spy was destroyed! Gersten Summoned Gravekeeper’s Commandant next, and used it to attack over Coovert’s Hand of the Six Samurai and destroy it in battle. He ended his turn without any cards in his back row.

Coovert drew Dark Hole next turn. He activated Smashing Ground to destroy Gravekeeper’s Commandant and then activated Shien’s Smoke Signal to search his Deck for Kagemusha of the Six Samurai and add it to his hand. He Summoned Kagemusha to the field and then Tuned his Kagemusha with Kizan to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Brionac attacked Gersten directly, dropping him down to 4700 Life Points. Coovert Set Dark Hole in his back row and passed.

Gersten Set a monster and ended his turn.

Coovert drew Upstart Goblin next turn. He activated it to give Gersten 1000 Life Points and draw Kizan from the top of his Deck. Next, he activated Brionac’s effect to try to return Gersten’s monster to his hand, but Gersten used Effect Veiler to stop the effect. Coovert attacked over Gersten’s face-down Thunder King Rai-Oh next, destroying it in battle.

Gersten Set Solemn Judgment and ended his turn.

Coovert drew Mystical Space Typhoon, used it to destroy Solemn Judgment, and attacked directly with Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier.

Gersten Set a monster and passed.

Coovert drew Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and discarded it to activate Brionac’s effect and return Coovert’s face-down monster to his hand. Brionac attacked directly, and Gersten dropped down to 1100 Life Points.

On Gersten’s next turn, he revealed his hand of Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, Gravekeeper’s Recruiter and Necrovalley, and offered the handshake in concession.

Sean Coovert is moving on to the Semifinals with Six Samurai!