Round 4: Brainsmith Christopher Rivera VS Chaotic Machinist Francisco Rome
Christopher Rivera is currently undefeated with his Zombie Psychic Lightsworn Deck. His opponent, Francisco Rome, is undefeated with his Machine Chaos Deck. This is sure to be an interesting Match, played by 2 different Decks that are tough to spot in this weekend’s field of players. Either Duelists can win here and advance with a 4-0 record.
Rome started things off by activating Gold Sarcophagus in order to remove Giant Trunade from his Deck so that he could reclaim it 2 turns later. He Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and Set a card to his back row before passing to Rivera.
Rivera opened up with 2 copies of Krebons; Zombie Master; Dust Tornado; Torrential Tribute; and Gold Sarcophagus. He Summoned Krebons and then activated Gold Sarcophagus, grabbing Dark Armed Dragon from his Deck so that he could add it to his hand 2 turns later. Rivera Set Dust Tornado and Torrential Tribute before ending his turn.
Rome attacked Krbons with Thunder King Rai-Oh and Rivera paid 800 Life Points to negate the attack. Rome Set a monster before ending his turn.
Rivera drew Sangan next turn. He activated Dust Tornado to destroy Rome’s face-down Scapegoat, then Tuned Sangan with Krebons to Synchro Summon Ally of Justice Catastor. Rome negated Catastor’s Summon by sending Thunder King Rai-Oh to the Graveyard, and Rivera searched his Deck for a copy of Goblin Zombie to add to his hand with Sangan’s effect.
Rome added Giant Trunade to his hand in the next Standby Phase and then Flip Summoned Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive to draw a card. Next, he activated Pot of Duality, revealing 2 copies of Cyber Phoenix and a Mirror Force from the top of his Deck. He added the Phoenix to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Then he activated Gold Sarcophagus to remove Future Fusion from his Deck so that he could reclaim it 2 turns later. Rome Summoned Cyber Phoenix next, and Rivera flipped Torrential Tribute to wipe out Dekoichi and Cyber Phoenix. Rome ended his turn with only 1 card in his back row.
Rivera drew Mezuki next turn and then added Dark Armed Dragon from his removed-from-play pile to his hand due to the effect of Gold Sarcophagus. He Summoned Goblin Zombie and attacked directly, forcing Rome to send Mirror Force from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard as a result of Goblin Zombie’s effect.
Rome Special Summoned Cyber Dragon next turn and then removed Thunder King Rai-Oh and Dekoichi from his Graveyard to Special Summon Chaos Sorcerer in Defense Position. Sorcerer removed Rivera’s Goblin Zombie from the Duel and then Cyber Dragon attacked directly. Rome ended his turn by Setting another card to his back row.
Rivera drew Caius the Shadow Monarch next turn. He tried to Special Summon Dark Armed Dragon, but Rome flipped Solemn Judgment and paid 3450 Life Points to negate its Summon. He Normal Summoned Krebons next, and ended his turn.
Rome Summoned Spirit Reaper and activated his Sorcerer’s effect to remove the Krebons from the Duel. Then Cyber Dragon and Spirit Reaper attacked directly, dropping Rivera down to 2700 Life Points and forcing him to discard a Caius from his hand.
Rivera drew Goblin Zombie and Set it.
Rome switched Chaos Sorcerer into Attack Position and then attacked Rivera’s face-down Goblin Zombie with it. Goblin Zombie was destroyed and Rivera used its effect to search his Deck for a copy of Plaguespreader Zombie to add to his hand. But it was all over on the next attack! Rome attacked with Cyber Dragon and flipped his face-down Limiter Removal to double its ATK to 4200 and finish Rivera off!
A strong stream of plays that culminate in an attack by a 4200 ATK Cyber Dragon allow Francisco Rome to dominate Duel 1! Christopher Rivera will be going first in Duel 2!
Rivera opened up with Pot of Duality; Pyramid Turtle; Thunder King Rai-Oh; Nobleman of Crossout; Krebons; and Caius the Shadow Monarch. He activated Pot of Duality, revealing Cyber Dragon, Book of Life, and Spirit Reaper from the top of his Deck. He added Cyber Dragon to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Then he Normal Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and Set Nobleman of Crossout, ending his turn.
Rome activated Gold Sarcophagus to remove Giant Trunade from his Deck so that he could reclaim it 2 turns later. Then he Special Summoned Cyber Dragon and Rivera sent his Thunder King Rai-Oh to the Graveyard negate the Summon. Rome Summoned Spirit Reaper next, and attacked directly, costing Rivera 300 Life Points and a Krebons from his hand.
Rivera drew Sangan next turn. He Special Summoned Cyber Dragon and attacked Rome’s Spirit Reaper. Rome lost 1800 Life Points. Rivera Set Sangan and ended his turn.
Rome switched Spirit Reaper to Defense Position and passed.
Rivera drew Royal Oppression next turn. Then he Tributed his Sangan to Summon Caius the Shadow Monarch, and Rome activated Solemn Warning to negate the Summon by paying 2000 Life Points. Rivera grabbed a Glow-Up Bulb from his Deck with the effect of Sangan. He Set Royal Oppression before passing to Rome.
Rome claimed his removed-from-play Giant Trunade in his next Standby Phase and then Set a monster before ending his turn.
Rivera flipped his face-down Nobleman of Crossout to remove Rome’s face-down Plaguespreader Zombie from the Duel. He Set a monster and passed.
Rome passed without making a play.
Rivera Set a back row and ended his turn.
Rome passed again without making a play.
Rivera drew Divine Wrath and Set it.
Rome activated Giant Trunade to return all Spell and Trap Cards on the field to their owners’ hands. Then he Tributed Spirit Reaper to Summon Cyber Dragon and fused it with Rivera’s Cyber Dragon to Fusion Summon a 2000 ATK Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. Rome used Chimeratech Fortress Dragon to attack Rivera’s face-down Pyramid Turtle and Rivera Special Summoned Goblin Zombie from his Deck with the Turtle’s effect. Rome Special Summoned Chaos Sorcerer in Defense Position in Main Phase 2, and activated its effect to remove Goblin Zombie from the Duel. Rome Set 1 cards to his back row before ending his turn.
Rivera drew a card for his turn and then had Torrential Tribute, Royal Oppression, Mirror Force, Divine Wrath, Dust Tornado, and Glow-Up Bulb in his hand. He Set all 6 of those cards and passed.
Rome drew for turn and then Rivera activated Dust Tornado to destroy Rome’s Dust Tornado, and Rome Chained it to destroy Rivera’s Divine Wrath. Rome Summoned Banisher of the Radiance, but Rivera flipped Torrential Tribute to wipe the field clear!
Rivera drew a Trap Card and Set it.
Rome activated Pot of Duality next turn to grab Thunder King Rai-Oh from the top of his Deck and Summoned it. He attacked with Rai-Oh, but lost his monster to Rivera’s Mirror Force.
Rivera drew a card and Set it to his back row.
Rome Summoned and attacked directly with Banisher of the Radiance.
Rivera drew another card that he Set directly to the back row.
Rome attacked directly again with Banisher of the Radiance.
Rivera drew and Summoned Mezuki, using it to destroy Banisher of the Radiance in battle. Rome Special Summoned an 1800 DEF Tragoedia in Defense Position after taking 100 points of damage. In Main Phase 2, Rivera sent Book of Life from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard in order to Special Summon Glow-Up Bulb from his Graveyard, then Tuned Glow-Up Bulb with Mezuki to Synchro Summon Magical Android. He ended his turn and gained 600 Life Points due to his Android’s effect.
Rome drew a card and passed, protected by his 2400 DEF Tragoedia.
Rivera drew Plaguespreader Zombie next turn. He Summoned it and then removed Mezuki from his Graveyard to Special Summon Pyramid Turtle. He Tuned his Pyramid Turtle with Plaguespreader Zombie to Summon Revived King Ha Des, and then attacked Tragoedia with his Revived King. Rivera scored a direct attack with Magical Android next. He ended his turn and gained another 600 Life Points in his End Phase.
Rome Set Effect Veiler and Mirror Force next turn, but it wouldn’t be enough to save him! Rivera activated Dust Tornado in Rome’s End Phase to destroy the Mirror Force, and then Special Summoned Plaguespreader Zombie from his Graveyard next turn by putting a card from his hand on top of his Deck. By Tuning Plaguespreader Zombie with Revived King Ha Des, Rivera Synchro Summoned Dark End Dragon! He reduced Dark End Dragon’s ATK by 500 to send Effect Veiler Rivera’s face-down Effect Veiler to the Graveyard, and then attacked directly with Magical Android and Dark End Dragon to wipe out Rome’s remaining 1700 Life Points!
Christopher Rivera uses Plaguespreader Zombie to smooth over his Synchro Summons and take Duel 2 against Francisco Rome by storm! Rome will be going first in Duel 3!
Rome Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.
Rivera opened up with Glow-Up Bulb, Sangan, Emergency Teleport, Smashing Ground, Nobleman of Crossout, and Goblin Zombie. He activated Smashing Ground to destroy Thunder King Rai-Oh and then Normal Summoned Goblin Zombie. Goblin Zombie attacked Rome directly, and Rome lost a Solemn Judgment from the top of his Deck due to the Zombie’s effect. Rivera Set Nobleman of Crossout before ending his turn.
Rome Summoned Banisher of the Radiance next turn and attacked Goblin Zombie, removing it from the Duel so that Rivera wouldn’t get its effect.
Rivera drew Dark Hole next turn. He activated Emergency Teleport to Special Summon Psychic Commander from his Deck, then attacked Rome’s Banisher of the Radiance with it. He paid 300 Life Points to reduce the Banisher’s ATK by enough for him to destroy it in battle. Then he Normal Summoned Sangan and Tuned it with Psychic Commander to Synchro Summon Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth. He searched his Deck for Goblin Zombie with the effect of Sangan before ending his turn. (Psychic Commander lets you pay up to 500 Life Points when one of your Psychic monsters battle to reduce the opposing monster’s ATK and DEF by that same amount.)
Rome activated Future Fusion next turn, sending 3 Cyber Dragons, 2 Dekoichis, and a Black Salvo from his Deck to his Graveyard. Then he activated Pot of Avarice, shuffling 3 copies of Cyber Dragon, a copy of Dekoichi, and a copy of Thunder King Rai-Oh from his Graveyard into his Deck to draw 2 cards. He activated Dark Hole next to destroy Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth, and then Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and attacked directly with it for 1900 points of damage. Rivera dropped down to 5600 Life Points. (Future Fusion lets you Fusion Summon a monster 2-turns after you activate it. It sends the Materials from your Deck to the Graveyard when it resolves.)
Rivera drew Torrential Tribute next turn. He activated Dark Hole to destroy Thunder King Rai-Oh, then tried Summoning Goblin Zombie; but Rome negated the Summon by activating Solemn Warning and giving up 2000 Life Points! Rivera Set Torrential Tribute before ending his turn.
Rome drew a card and had only Future Fusion on the field. He ended his turn, not wanting to commit any more cards to the field for Chimeratech to destroy.
Rivera drew and Summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior next turn. It gained a Spell Counter when he Summoned it, which he removed to destroy Future Fusion. He attacked directly for 1600 points of damage before ending his turn.
Rome Special Summoned Chaos Sorcerer next turn and used its effect to remove Breaker from the Duel. Then he Normal Summoned Plaguespreader Zombie, and Rivera flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field! Rome activated Monster Reborn to revive Chaos Sorcerer and then put a card from his hand on top of his Deck to Special Summon Plaguespreader Zombie from his Graveyard. One inscrutable flurry of cards later, Rivera was packing up his cards after a 5600 ATK surge from Rome’s monsters!
Francisco Rome wins the third Duel to advance with a 4-0 record!