. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 6: Fired-Up Jonathan Barber vs. Tombkeeper Marquis Johnson
Home > 2011/03 – Charlotte, NC, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 6: Fired-Up Jonathan Barber vs. Tombkeeper Marquis Johnson

Round 6: Fired-Up Jonathan Barber vs. Tombkeeper Marquis Johnson

March 19th, 2011

Jonathan Barber and Marquis Johnson are currently undefeated in the tournament, with perfect 5-0 records. Barber is running a Flamvell Lightsworn Deck that he’s been running for over a year. His opponent, Marquis Johnson is running a Gravekeeper’s Deck that uses Malefic Stardust Dragon and Malefic Cyber End Dragon to overwhelm opponents with high-attack monsters. Necrovalley may make this a tough Match for Barber, who won’t be able to use Rekindling while it’s on the field. (Rekindling Special Summons as many 200 DEF FIRE monsters from your Graveyard as possible. All the Flamvell monsters Barber uses fit the bill.)

Barber opened up with Scapegoat, 2 copies of Flamvell Firedog, 2 copies of Flamvell Archer, and a copy of Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress. He Set an Archer along with his Scapegoat and ended his turn.

Johnson started off his first turn by pitching Gravekeeper’s Commandant from his hand to grab Necrovalley from his Deck. He activated Necrovalley and then Set 3 cards to his back row before Normal Summoning Gravekeeper’s Assailant. Next, he removed a Stardust Dragon from his Extra Deck to Special Summon Malefic Stardust Dragon, and attacked Barber’s face-down Archer with his Malefic monster. He flipped Royal Tribute in Main Phase 2, forcing Johnson to discard both Firedogs, an Archer, and a Lyla from his hand.

Barber drew and Set Card Trooper next turn.

Johnson attacked the Trooper with Malefic Stardust Dragon, allowing Barber to draw Pot of Duality with Trooper’s effect after it hit the Graveyard.

Barber drew another Pot of Duality next turn. He activated one copy of Pot of Duality, revealing Mystical Space Typhoon, Glow-Up Bulb, and Flamvell Grunika from the top of his Deck. He added the Glow-Up Bulb to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Set Glow-Up Bulb and ended his turn.

Johnson attacked and destroyed Glow-Up Bulb with Malefic Stardust Dragon before Setting a monster and passing.

Barber drew D.D. Crow next turn. He activated Pot of Duality next, and added Rekindling to his hand before shuffling the other 2 cards he revealed with his Duality back into his Deck. Barber Set D.D. Crow and ended his turn.

Johnson activated Pot of Duality next turn and added Gravekeeper’s Commandant to his hand before shuffling the other 2 revealed cards back into his Deck. He attacked and destroyed Barber’s face-down D.D. Crow with his Malefic Stardust Dragon and then ended his turn.

Barber drew Mind Control and passed.

Johnson attacked with Malefic Stardust Dragon and Barber flipped Scapegoat, Special Summoning 4 Sheep Tokens and allowing one of them to take the hit from Malefic Stardust Dragon.

Barber drew Flamvell Magician next turn. He sent a Flamvell Magician from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard to Special Summon Glow-Up Bulb and then Tuned the Glow-Up Bulb with a Fluff Token to Synchro Summon Formula Synchron. He activated the Formula Synchron’s effect to draw Dimensional Prison from the top of his Deck and then activated Mind Control to take control of Johnson’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Recruiter. Barber flipped Gravekeeper’s Recruiter face-up and Johnson flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to remove it from the Duel so that Barber wouldn’t be able to Tune it with Formula Synchron. Barber Summoned Flamvell Magician next, and Tuned it with both Fluff Tokens to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Next, he activated its effect, discarding Dimensional Prison to return Necrovalley to Johnson’s hand. Malefic Stardust Dragon was destroyed since there was no longer a Field Spell Card on the field. With Necrovalley gone, Barber was free to activate Rekindling! He Tuned Formula Synchron with Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier to Summon Stardust Dragon and then used Rekindling to Special Summon 2 copies of Flamvell Firedog, a Flamvell Magician, and a Flamvell Archer from his Graveyard! Johnson tried to remove Barber’s monsters with Bottomless Trap Hole, but Barber Tributed Stardust Dragon to protect his monsters. Barber activated his Archer’s effect to Tribute it next, in order to boost all of his Flamvells by 800 ATK. Then he attacked Gravekeeper’s Assailant with Flamvell Firedog, destroying it in battle and Special Summoning another Magician from his Deck. Next, Barber used a Flamvell Firedog to attack and destroy Johnson’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Spy. Johnson Special Summoned Gravekeeper’s Recruiter from his Deck in Defense Position with the Spy’s effect, and Barber Special Summoned Flamvell Grunika from his Deck with his Firedog’s effect. Grunika attacked and destroyed the Recruiter, dropping Johnson by 600 Life Points due to Grunika’s effect, and allowing Johnson to search his Deck for Gravekeeper’s Descendant with the effect of Gravekeeper’s Recruiter. Barber attacked directly with 2 Flamvell Magician and then entered Main Phase 2. He Tuned 1 Flamvell Magician with 1 Flamvell Firedog to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon, and another Flamvell Magician with another Flamvell Firedog to Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon. Finally, he entered his End Phase and Special Summoned the Stardust Dragon that he Tributed earlier in the Duel. Barber was left with Scrap Dragon, Flamvell Grunika, and 2 copies of Stardust Dragon on his field, with no cards in his hand.

Johnson Summoned Gravekeeper’s Descendant next turn and activated Necrovalley. He attacked Flamvell Grunika, destroying it in battle and dropping Barber by 300 Life Points.

Barber drew Bottomless Trap Hole. He Set it and then activated Scrap Dragon’s effect to destroy his own Bottomless Trap Hole and Johnson’s face-down Mirror Force. Barber attacked with his swarm of 3 Synchro Monsters, wiping out Johnson’s remaining 3800 Life Points!
An early dominance for Marquis Johnson comes crumbling down when Jonathan Barber’s Rekindling allows him to swarm the field with Synchro Monsters! Johnson will be going first in Duel 2!

Johnson activated Necrovalley and Set 3 cards to his back row before activating Royal Tribute! Barber revealed his hand of Dust Tornado; Flamvell Firedog; Flamvell Magician; Card Trooper; and Giant Trunade before sending all 3 of his monsters to the Graveyard due to Royal Tribute’s effect.

Barber drew Charge of the Light Brigade next turn and activated by sending the top 3 cards of his Deck to the Graveyard. He searched his Deck for Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress and tried to Summon it, but Johnson negated its Summon with Solemn Warning. Barber Set Dust Tornado and ended his turn.

Johnson activated Pot of Duality to grab a Gravekeeper’s Spy from the top 3 cards of his Deck and add it to his hand. He shuffled the other 2 revealed cards back into his Deck. Johnson Set the Gravekeeper’s Spy and passed.

Barber drew Mirror Force and Set it.

Johnson flipped his Gravekeeper’s Spy next turn and activated its effect to Special Summon Gravekeeper’s Recruiter from his Deck. He attacked with his Gravekeeper’s Recruiter and Barber flipped Mirror Force, destroying the Recruiter and Spy while preventing their damage. Johnson used his Recruiter’s effect to add a Gravekeeper’s Descendant from his Deck to his hand. Johnson activated Gravekeeper’s Stele next, returning Gravekeeper’s Recruiter and Gravekeeper’s Spy from his Graveyard to his hand. He Set a monster and a third card to his back row before ending his turn.

Barber drew Dark Hole and passed.

Johnson Flip Summoned his Gravekeeper’s Spy and activated its effect to Special Summon Gravekeeper’s Recruiter from his Deck in Attack Position. Then he Normal Summoned another copy of Gravekeeper’s Recruiter from his hand. Both copies of Recruiter and the Gravekeeper’s Spy attacked Barber directly, and Barber used Dust Tornado to destroy Johnson’s face-down Bottomless Trap Hole.

Barber drew Monster Reborn next turn. He activated Giant Trunade to return all Spell and Trap Cards on the field, including Necrovalley, to their owners’ hands, and then activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Flamvell Firedog from his Graveyard. He attacked Gravekeeper’s Recruiter with Flamvell Firedog, destroying it in battle and dealing 700 points of damage to Johnson. Johnson added Gravekeeper’s Assailant from his Deck to his hand with his Recruiter’s effect, and Barber Special Summoned Flamvell Magician with the effect of his Firedog. The Magician attacked and destroyed the Attack Position Gravekeeper’s Spy next, leaving Johnson with only a Recruiter on the field. In Main Phase 2, Johnson Tuned Flamvell Magician with Flamvell Firedog to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon, and Set Dark Hole to his Spell and Trap Card Zone.

Johnson activated Mystical Space Typhoon next turn to destroy Barber’s face-down Dark Hole. With only 2900 Life Points remaining, Barber chose not to Tribute his Stardust Dragon to negate it, since Stardust Dragon was his only monster. Johnson activated Necrovalley next and then switched his Recruiter to Defense Position. He Set a monster and ended his turn.

Barber drew Mind Control next turn. He attacked Gravekeeper’s Recruiter with his Stardust Dragon, sending it to the Graveyard and allowing Johnson to add a copy of Gravekeeper’s Commandant from his Deck to his hand with its effect. Johnson activated Mind Control in Main Phase 2 to take control of Johnson’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Spy. He flipped it up and ended his turn, giving it back to Johnson with its effect depleted.

Johnson activated Dark Hole next turn and Barber allowed it to resolve, destroying Gravekeeper’s Spy and Stardust Dragon. He knew that if he Tributed Stardust Dragon to negate it, Johnson would Summon a monster to join his Spy and wipe out Barber’s Life Points. Johnson Summoned Gravekeeper’s Commandant and attacked directly for 2100 points of damage instead, dropping Barber down to 800 Life Points.

Barber drew Rekindling next turn and conceded, unable to activate it due to the effect of Necrovalley, and unable to destroy Gravekeeper’s Commandant.

Marquis Johnson wins Duel 2 with Gravekeeper’s and pushes the Match to a final Duel! Jonathan Barber will be starting off Duel 3!


Barber opened up Duel 3 with Flamvell Grunika, Charge of the Light Brigade, Giant Trunade, Glow-Up Bulb, Flamvell Firedog, and Mystical Space Typhoon. He Set the Mystical Space Typhoon and Summoned Grunika before ending his turn.

Johnson activated Necrovalley and then Normal Summoned Gravekeeper’s Commandant. He attacked Grunika with Gravekeeper’s Commandant, and Barber activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Necrovalley, weakening Commandant by 500 ATK! Grunika’s 1700 ATK was enough to destroy the 1600 ATK Commandant in battle, and Grunika’s effect kicked in to inflict an extra 800 points of damage. Barber pitched another Gravekeeper’s Commandant next turn to grab another Necrovalley and activated it. He Set a card to his back row and ended his turn.

Barber drew Gold Sarcophagus next turn. He activated it to remove Rekindling from his Deck so that he could reclaim it 2 turns later. Then he activated Charge of the Light Brigade by sending Dust Tornado, Monster Reborn, and Gorz the Emissary of Darkness from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard and grabbed a Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress from his Deck with Charge’s effect. He attacked directly with Grunika and then Summoned Lyla, losing it to Johnson’s Bottomless Trap Hole.

Johnson Summoned Gravekeeper’s Commandant next turn and used it to attack over Grunika. He Set a back row and passed.

Barber Set Dust Tornado and Glow-Up Bulb next turn.

Johnson attacked Glow-Up Bulb with Gravekeeper’s Commandant, destroying it in battle and sending it to the Graveyard. He Set a card to each zone and passed.

Barber added Rekindling to his hand next turn due to the effect of Gold Sarcophagus! He activated Giant Trunade and then Normal Summoned Flamvell Firedog. He used his Firedog to attack Gravekeeper’s Commandant, destroying it in battle and Special Summoning Flamvell Magician from his Deck. He Tuned his Magician with his Firedog to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon, then activated Rekindling to Special Summon Flamvell Magician, Flamvell Firedog, and Flamvell Grunika from his Graveyard. He Tuned Grunika with his Magician to Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon, then activated its effect to destroy his own Firedog along with Johnson’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Spy. Barber Set a card to his back row and ended his turn.

Johnson Set 2 cards to his back row and activated Necrovalley. He used Gravekeeper’s Stele to return 2 of his Gravekeeper’s monsters from the Graveyard, then Set a Gravekeeper’s Spy before ending his turn.

Barber drew Puppet Plant and then Special Summoned Glow-Up Bulb from his Graveyard. He destroyed Glow-Up Bulb along with Johnson’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Spy by using the effect of his Scrap Dragon. Stardust Dragon attacked directly and Johnson dropped down to 2600 Life Points. Then Scrap Dragon attacked, and Johnson used Dimensional Prison to remove it from the Duel. (Glow-Up Bulb’s effect can be used while Necrovalley is in play.)

Johnson Set a card to his back row and a monster before ending his turn.

Barber drew Flamvell Archer next turn. He activated Dust Tornado to destroy Johnson’s face-down Smashing Ground and then Normal Summoned his Archer to the field. Stardust Dragon attacked and destroyed Johnson’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Commandant, and then Flamvell Archer attacked directly, dropping Johnson down to 1600 Life Points.

Johnson drew a card and conceded on his next turn, unable to take down Stardust Dragon.

Rekindling saves the day for Jonathan Barber as he takes down Gravekeeper’s with his swarm of Flamvell monsters in 2 out of the 3 Duels! Jonathan Barber is moving on 6-0 with his Flamvellsworn Deck!