Team “Konami Kids” in the 3 VS 3 Team Tournament
While the YCS main event continues to play out on the other side of the tournament hall, twenty-three different teams are going head-to-head in a 3 Vs. 3 Team Tournament! From their team names and Deck choices, to their personalities and their reasons for uniting, each team in this competition is unique: but none moreso than the team that calls themselves the “Konami Kids”!
Long-time Duel-fans will probably remember all three of these competitors. Jack Hoyt holds the current record for most Dragon Duels won by a single competitor, but he turned thirteen three weeks ago, so his Dragon Duel days have come to a close. Hoyt’s last Dragon Duel tournament took place at YCS Dallas, where he lost in the Finals to ten year-old Oliver Tomajko. Now Hoyt and Tomajko have become friends and allies, Dueling side-by-side as teammates in today’s tournament. And the third Duelist on their team? None other than Dakota Ticheli, the son of Greg Abbey: voice actor for Yusei Fudo in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s TV show!
From left to right, Oliver Tomajko is playing Machina Gadgets; Dakota Ticheli is running Karakuri; and Jack Hoyt is piloting a daring build of Lightsworn Zombies. With one win already under their belts, these three young Duelists are having a great time in the 3 Vs. 3 tournament! In fact, all the teams looked like they were having a ton of fun: competition amongst friends is common, but it’s not often that friends get a chance to formally team up in official tournament competition, and that leant a great vibe to the entire event.
The competition is still in full swing: good luck to Team Konami Kids, and good luck to everyone competing in today’s 3 Vs. 3 team tournament!