. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Playoff Feature Match: Honorable Alex Reynolds vs. Honorable Joseph Vazquez
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Playoff Feature Match: Honorable Alex Reynolds vs. Honorable Joseph Vazquez

April 10th, 2011

Joseph Vazquez and Alex Reynolds are 2 of the 4 players who accumulated the most points by playing in Public Events this weekend. Now, they’re facing off against one another in a Six Samurai mirror-match that will determine who takes home a set of Super Rare YCS Darklord Prize Cards!

Reynolds started off the Match by activating Reinforcement of the Army to add Kagemusha of the Six Samurai from his Deck to his hand. He Summoned Kagemusha and then Special Summoned Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan. He Tuned his 2 Samurais together to Synchro Summon Naturia Barkion and then Set 4 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Vazquez opened up with Giant Trunade, Dark Hole, Solemn Warning, Book of Moon, Seven Tools of the Bandit, and Grandmaster of the Six Samurai. He Set Solemn Warning, Book of Moon, and Seven Tools of the Bandit before ending his turn.

Reynolds attacked with Naturia Barkion next turn, dropping Vazquez down to 5500 Life Points. He Set a 5th card to his back row and then ended his turn.

Vazquez drew Smashing Ground next turn. He activated it to try to destroy Naturia Barkion and Reynolds flipped Book of Moon to put Barkion face-down and protect it.

Reynolds Flip Summoned his Barkion and then declared a direct attack with it. Vazquez flipped Book of Moon to put it face-down and block the attack. (Poor Barkion was so dizzy by this point.)

Vazquez drew Reinforcement of the Army next turn. He activated Giant Trunade to return all 5 of Reynolds’s Spell / Trap Cards to his hand and return his own Seven Tools of the Bandit and Solemn Warning. Then he activated Reinforcement of the Army to search his Deck for Kagemusha of the Six Samurai and add it to his hand. He Normal Summoned Kagemusha and then Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai. Grandmaster attacked and destroyed the face-down Barkion and then Kagemusha attacked directly to drop Reynolds down to 7600 Life Points. Vazquez Set Seven Tools of the Bandit and Solemn Warning in Main Phase 2 and then Tuned Grandmaster with Kagemusha to Synchro Summon Scrap Archfiend.

Reynolds Set 5 cards to his back row and passed.

Vazquez drew another Solemn Warning next turn and then attacked with Scrap Archfiend. Reynolds flipped Mirror Force, Vazquez Chained Seven Tools of the Bandit, and then Reynolds Chained a Seven Tools of the Bandit of his own to make sure Scrap Archfiend was destroyed! Vazquez Set Solemn Warning and ended his turn.

Reynolds drew a card and passed.

Vazquez drew Shien’s Smoke Signal next turn. He activated it to search his Deck for a copy of Hand of the Six Samurai to add to his hand, and then Summoned it to the field. Reynolds activated Bottomless Trap Hole to remove it from the Duel.

Reynolds Set a card to his back row and passed.

Vazquez drew Kizan next turn. He Summoned it to the field and Reynolds activated Solemn Warning to negate its Summon while paying himself down to 4600 Life Points.

Reynolds Set a monster and ended his turn.

Vazquez drew Solemn Judgment, Set it, and passed. In his End Phase, Reynolds flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Solemn Judgment.

Reynolds activated Giant Trunade next turn to return Vazquez’s 2 Set cards to his hand. Then he activated Shien’s Smoke Signal to search his Deck for Kagemusha and add it to his hand. He Summoned Kageki and activated its effect to Special Summon Kagemusha from his hand, then Flip Summoned another Kageki. He Tuned Kageki with Kagemusha to Synchro Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En, then attacked directly with Kageki and Shi En to drop Vazquez down to 300 Life Points.

When Vazquez drew Six Samurai United next turn, he gave up. Unable to destroy Reynolds’s Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En, he knew he was defeated.

An extremely slow first Duel ends when Alex Reynolds finally manages to Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En. Joseph Vazquez will be going first in Duel 2!

Honorable Alex Reynolds

Vazquez opened up Duel 2 with Six Samurai United, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Solemn Warning, Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki, Magic Drain, and Monster Reborn. He Set Magic Drain, Solemn Warning, and Seven Tools of the Bandit before ending his turn.

Reynolds Set 3 cards to his back row and Set a monster.

Vazquez drew Kagemusha of the Six Samurai next turn. He activated Six Samurai United and then Normal Summoned Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki to the field. He activated its effect and Reynolds flipped Chain Disappearance to try to remove Kageki from the Duel, but Vazquez flipped Seven Tools of the Bandit to negate it! Vazquez Special Summoned Kagemusha of the Six Samurai from his hand and now had 2 Bushido Counters on Six Samurai United. He sent it to the Graveyard to draw Gateway of the Six and Book of Moon. He activated Gateway next, and then Tuned Kageki with Kagemusha to Synchro Summon Shi En and add 2 Bushido Counters to his Gateway. He attacked and destroyed Reynolds’s face-down Kageki with Shi En and then Set Book of Moon in Main Phase 2.

Reynolds activated Giant Trunade next turn and Vazquez negated it with his Shi En. Next, Reynolds activated Shien’s Smoke Signal, and Vazquez flipped Magic Drain! Reynolds wasn’t able to discard a Spell Card, so the Shien’s Smoke Signal was negated!

Vazquez drew Grandmaster of the Six Samurai next turn and Special Summoned it. He added 2 more Counters to his Gateway of the Six and then removed 4 Counters from it to search his Deck for Kizan and add it to his hand. Reynolds activated Mind Crush to force Vazquez to discard his Kizan, and then Vazquez activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Kizan from his Graveyard and add 2 Counters to his Gateway. Kizan, Grandmaster, and Shi En attacked directly, dropping Reynolds down to 1300 Life Points.

Reynolds Normal Summoned Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki next turn and activated its effect. Vazquez negated its effect with Solemn Warning and Reynolds quickly conceded. The Match moved on to a third Duel!

Honorable Joseph Vazquez

Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En seals the victory for Vazquez! Reynolds will be going first in Duel 3.

Reynolds started off the third Duel by activating Gateway of the Six and Setting 2 cards to his back row.

Vazquez opened up with Gateway of the Six, Six Samurai United, Hand of the Six Samurai, Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki, Kagemusha of the Six Samurai, and Solemn Warning. He activated Six Samurai United and then activated Gateway of the Six. He attempted to Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki and Reynolds negated its Summon with Solemn Warning. Vazquez Set Solemn Warning and ended his turn.

Reynolds passed his next turn without making a play.

Vazquez drew another Six Samurai United next turn! He activated it and then Summoned Kagemusha of the Six Samurai to the field. Each Gateway gained 2 Counters and each of Vazquez’s Six Samurai Uniteds gained 1 Counter. Vazquez removed those 4 Counters to search his Deck for Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan and Special Summon it, and then gained 4 more Bushido Counters. He removed those to grab another Kizan, Special Summoned it to gain 4 more Bushido Counters, removed those Counters to get another Kizan from his Deck, and then Special Summoned that Kizan to gain 4 more Counters. He Tuned Kizan with Kagemusha to Synchro Summon Naturia Barkion and then removed 4 more Bushido Counters from his side of the field to search his Deck for Grandmaster of the Six Samurai. After Special Summoning Grandmaster of the Six Samurai, Vasquez attacked directly with both copies of Kizan, Naturia Barkion, and Grandmaster of the Six Samurai to end the Duel! Reynolds tried to stop it with his face-down Mirror Force, but Vazquez tore right through the Trap Card with Naturia Barkion by removing 2 cards from his Graveyard!

In a single turn, Joseph Vazquez deals over 8000 points of damage to win the final Duel of the Match and secure a set of Darklord Prize Cards!