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Home > 2011/04 - Anaheim, CA > Top 4 Feature Match: Chaotic Majid Khan vs. Tombkeeper Jonathan Weigle

Top 4 Feature Match: Chaotic Majid Khan vs. Tombkeeper Jonathan Weigle

April 10th, 2011

Majid Khan is facing off against Jonathan Weigle in our Top 4 Feature Match that pits Gravekeepers against Khan’s Black Salvo Chaos Deck. Weigle’s Necrovalley and its ability to prevent Khan from targeting the Graveyard or removing cards from there may make this a tough for the Salvo Chaos Duelist, but if Khan draws enough cards that destroy Necrovalley, he may easily be able to turn the tides.

Weigle started off Duel 1 with Gravekeeper’s Recruiter, Gravekeeper’s Commandant, Solemn Warning, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Seven Tools of the Bandit, and Pot of Duality. He discarded the Commandant to search his Deck for Necrovalley and then activated Pot of Duality, revealing Gravekeeper’s Spy, Necrovalley, and Book of Moon from the top of his Deck. He added the Spy to his hand and then activated Necrovalley. He Set Solemn Warning, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Seven Tools of the Bandit, and Gravekeeper’s Spy before ending his turn.

Khan Set a monster and Set 2 cards to his back row.

Weigle drew Royal Tribute next turn! He Normal Summoned Gravekeeper’s Recruiter and then Flip Summoned Gravekeeper’s Spy. Khan gave up 4000 Life Points and tried to negate the Spy’s Summon with Solemn Judgment, but Weigle flipped Seven Tools of the Bandit to negate it! Weigle Special Summoned Gravekeeper’s Descendant from his Deck with his Spy’s effect, and then activated Royal Tribute to force Khan to discard Chaos Sorcerer and Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind from his hand, as well as reveal Smashing Ground. Next, Weigle Tributed his Recruiter to activate his Descendant’s effect and destroy Khan’s face-down Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive. Weigle fetched another Recruiter from his Deck with the effect of his Tributed one. Weigle tried attacking directly with his Spy and Descendant next, but the Descendant was removed from the Duel by Khan’s Dimensional Prison.

Khan Special Summoned Cyber Dragon next turn, but Weigle negated its Summon with Solemn Warning. He activated Smashing Ground next, in order to destroy Gravekeeper’s Spy.

Weigle Summoned Gravekeeper’s Recruiter next turn and attacked directly, dropping Khan down to 600 Life Points.

Khan Summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior on his next turn, and when Weigle flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Breaker to Khan’s hand, it was all over! Weigle attacked directly with Gravekeeper’s Recruiter on the following turn to wipe out the rest of Khan’s Life Points!

Jonathan Weigle dominates the Duel and makes short work of Majid Khan. Khan will be going first in Duel 2!

Tombkeeper Jonathan Weigle

Khan started off Duel 2 by activating Pot of Duality, revealing Dimensional Prison and 2 copies of Breaker the Magical Warrior from the top of his Deck. He added the Prison to his hand and shuffled the Breakers into his Deck. He Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Weigle opened up with Nobleman of Crossout, Pot of Duality, Gravekeeper’s Stele, Royal Tribute, Compulsory Evacuation Device, and Solemn Judgment. He Set 3 cards to his back row and passed.

Khan attacked directly with Rai-Oh and Set a monster.

Weigle drew Gravekeeper’s Descendant and then flipped Nobleman of Crossout to remove Khan’s face-down Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive from the Duel, along with another one from his Deck.

Khan tried to Summon Spirit Reaper next turn and Weigle flipped Solemn Judgment to give up half of his Life Points and negate its Summon. When Rai-Oh attacked, Weigle flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to return it to Khan’s hand.

Weigle activated Pot of Duality next turn to get a Gravekeeper’s Commandant from the top of his Deck. He discarded it from his hand to get a Necrovalley from his Deck and then activated the Necrovalley. Khan used Dust Tornado to destroy it. Descendant attacked directly and Weigle Set 3 cards to his back row in Main Phase 2.

Khan Special Summoned Cyber Dragon next turn and destroyed Weigle’s Descendant in battle.

Weigle activated Pot of Duality next turn to grab a Mystical Space Typhoon from the top of his Deck. Then he activated Stele to return Descendant and Commandant from his Graveyard to his hand, and activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Khan’s face-down Nobleman of Crossout. Next, he activated Necrovalley and Summoned Gravekeeper’s Commandant. Commandant attacked Cyber Dragon, and Khan flipped Dimensional Prison to remove the Commandant from the Duel. In Main Phase 2, Weigle activated Royal Tribute, discarding his own hand, consisting of a Gravekeeper’s Descendant, and discarding Khan’s entire hand, consisting of Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind, Chaos Sorcerer, and Thunder King Rai-Oh.

Khan drew a card and Set it to his back row. He attacked directly with Cyber Dragon and Weigle dropped down to 350 Life Points.

Weigle drew Necrovalley and conceded, unable to get Khan’s Cyber Dragon off of the field.

Majid Khan applies strong pressure early on with Thunder King Rai-Oh, allowing him to take a quick victory! Jonathan Weigle will be going first in the final Duel of the Match!

Chaotic Majid Khan

Weigle started off Duel 3 with Cyber Dragon, Book of Moon, Solemn Warning, Gravekeeper’s Assailant, and 2 copies of Necrovalley. He Set Book of Moon and Solemn Warning, ending his turn.

Khan Summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior and Weigle flipped Book of Moon to put it face-down. Khan Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Weigle drew Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind and then Normal Summoned Gravekeeper’s Assailant. He activated Necrovalley next and then attacked Breaker with Gravekeeper’s Assailant. Khan flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to return the face-down Breaker to his hand, and Weigle attacked directly with the Assailant instead.

Khan tried to Normal Summon Breaker again on his next turn, but Weigle flipped Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon! Khan Set 1 card to his back row before ending his turn.

Weigle drew Compulsory Evacuation Device next turn. He attacked directly with Gravekeeper’s Assailant to drop Khan down to 4000 Life Points and then Set Compulsory Evacuation Device.

Khan Set a card to each zone and passed.

Weigle drew Dimensional Prison and then attacked Khan’s face-down Effect Veiler with his Assailant, destroying it in battle. Weigle Set Dimensional Prison before passing to Khan.

Khan Set a card to his back row and passed.

Weigle drew Mystical Space Typhoon. He attacked directly with Gravekeeper’s Assailant to drop Khan to 2000 Life Points, and then Set his Mystical Space Typhoon.

Khan Set Solemn Judgment next turn, and Weigle destroyed it in his End Phase with Mystical Space Typhoon.

On Weigle’s next turn, he attacked directly with Gravekeeper’s Assailant to wipe out Khan’s last 2000 Life Points! Khan revealed his face-down Nobleman of Crossout, My Body as a Shield, Mind Crush, and Torrential Tribute, none of which were able to help him, and he conceded.

Jonathan Weigle wins Duel 3 with 4 direct attacks from Gravekeeper’s Assailant! He’s moving on to the finals with Gravekeepers!

Here’s what our expert(s) had to say:

Erik Mishtar (Modern day pharaoh)
Thunder King Rai-Oh can be a real thorn in the side for any Deck that has search effects. Gravekeeper’s are especially affected by it because almost 25% of their Deck becomes useless while Rai-Oh is on the field. Gravekeeper’s Recruiter can’t add monsters to their hand, Gravekeeper’s Commandant can’t pull Necrovalley out of the Deck, and Pot of Duality can’t be activated at all! Thunder King Rai-Oh is a very commonly played monster, so keep it in mind when you decide how many search effects you want in your Deck.

Click here for more post-event analysis!