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Home > 2011/05 – Orlando, FL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: How big are your local tournaments?

QQ: How big are your local tournaments?

May 21st, 2011

Over 850 players have gathered here today, coming from all over the country, originating from various hobby shops of all different sizes. I asked a bunch of the players here today how big their local tournaments are. Check out their responses!

“About 15 to 20 players.” –Anthony Alvarado

“50 to 60 people.” –Greg Cohen

“I’d say 30 tops. Lots of GKs and Sams. It’s very competitive.” –Jonathan Siordia

“I’d say 15 to 20. Not very big, but very competitive.” –Andy Carmona

“There are like, 30 people every week. Very good players and creative Decks.” –Daniel Ortiz

“There are about 30 people. It’s pretty good competition. There’s a lot of people who top Regionals on a regular basis.” –Jose Guzman

“One of them has 30 to 40, the other has 20 to 30.” –Jacob Marino

“Average of 20 to 25.” –William Preising

“It averages between 30 to 40 people on Fridays and Saturdays. Sunday tournaments get another 30 people.” –Juan Morales

“About 60. We have them on Fridays and Saturdays. It’s usually pretty competitive and there’s a really good trade atmosphere. Every card is feasible to acquire there.” –Jonathan Sexton

Competition is fierce at some of these Duelists’ locals, but none can have competition as fierce as the competition at a YCS. Leaving the local card shop and Dueling among several hundred players is a big step for many players, and induces a thrill that’s unparalleled by any experience at a hobby shop local. Check it out when a YCS comes to a city near you!