Home > 2011/05 – Orlando, FL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What’s Your Favorite Gold Series 4 Card Revealed So Far?

QQ: What’s Your Favorite Gold Series 4 Card Revealed So Far?

May 21st, 2011

Only 12 of the 18 Gold Rares and a handful of Commons have been revealed from Gold Series 4: Pyramid’s Edition, but that limited knowledge isn’t affecting the buzz about the set. Gold Series 4: Pyramid’s Edition is one of the most talked about sets of the year! I asked a bunch of this weekend’s Duelists which card from the new Gold Series they’re looking forward to the most. Check out their responses!

Doomcaliber Knight. It was one of those cards that never made its way into my binder.” –Anthony Alvarado

Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning. It was there when I first started playing Yu-Gi-Oh!.” –Hector F. Muniz

“Foil Trap Stun. It goes in Glads.” –Greg Cohen

“BLS! Black Luster! I have a feeling it’s going to come back, and I want more!” –Jonathan Siordia

“Black Luster Soldier. It’s the shock value. The fact that he’s banned, but still getting reprinted.” –Andy Carmona

Royal Oppression Gold Rare. It’s a nice rarity bump.” –Daniel Ortiz

Trap Stun. It’s the only card that has been revealed that can go in an Infernity Deck.” –Albert Siordia

“I really like Gravekeeper’s Spy because it will holo out a lot of Common Gravekeeper’s Decks. It looks really nice.” –Jose Guzman

“So far, Doomcaliber Knight. It’s Doomcaliber! He’s so cool!” –Jacob Marino

Trap Stun, because the card is really hot right now and it’s just a really good card.” –Joe Bethel

Players are anxious to get their hands on the upcoming Gold Rares, and by the looks of it, Duelists are after all different cards. Some of them want easy-to-get reprints, while others are just eager to foil out their Decks. You can first get your hands on Gold Series 4 on June 28th!