Round 2: Clockwork Oliver Tomajko VS Dylan Lee “Rex”
Oliver Tomajko won the Dragon Duel at YCS Dallas by defeating the legendary Dragon Duelist, Jack Hoyt, in the finals. Now, 10-year-old Oliver is back, and he’s running Machina Gadgets in the Main Event of a YCS! He’s currently 1-0, and facing off against Dylan Lee’s Frog Monarch Deck in Round 2.
Tomajko opened up Duel 1 with Solemn Warning, Bottomless Trap Hole, Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, Dimensional Prison, Compulsory Evacuation Device, and Torrential Tribute. He Set all 5 Trap Cards and Summoned Grand Mole before ending his turn.
Lee Set a card to his back row and then tried to Normal Summoned Swap Frog, but Tomajko negated the Summon by paying 2000 Life Points with Solemn Warning. Next, Lee activated Foolish Burial to send Treeborn Frog from his Deck to his Graveyard.
Tomajko drew Green Gadget next turn. He attacked directly with Neo-Spacian Grand Mole and passed. In his End Phase, Lee flipped his face-down Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Tomajko’s face-down Dimensional Prison.
Lee Special Summoned Treeborn Frog from his Graveyard next turn and then Tributed it to Summon Dark Dust Spirit. Tomajko flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to remove it from the Duel, and the Dust Spirit destroyed Grand Mole with its effect. Lee passed without any cards on his field.
Tomajko drew Royal Oppression and Summoned Green Gadget next turn. He used the Gadget’s effect to grab a Red Gadget from his Deck, then declared a direct attack. Lee Special Summoned Battle Fader from his hand to negate the attack. Tomajko Set Royal Oppression and ended his turn.
Lee Summoned Swap Frog and Tomajko flipped Torrential Tribute to wipe the field clear. Swap Frog’s effect sent Ronintoadin from the Deck to his Graveyard.
Tomajko drew Effect Veiler next turn. He Normal Summoned Red Gadget to grab a Yellow Gadget and attacked directly, dropping Lee down to 5800 Life Points.
Lee Special Summoned Treeborn Frog in his next Standby Phase. Then he Set a card to his back row, Set a monster, and ended his turn with 1 card in his hand.
Tomajko drew Dimensional Prison next turn and then Normal Summoned Yellow Gadget. He activated its effect to search his Deck for Green Gadget and add it to his hand. Then he attacked Lee’s face-down Treeborn Frog with Red Gadget and attacked his face-up Treeborn Frog with Yellow Gadget. Tomajko Set Dimensional Prison and ended his turn.
Lee activated his face-down Soul Exchange next turn, Tributing Tomajko’s Red Gadget to Summon Raiza the Storm Monarch. He activated its effect to send Yellow Gadget to the top of Tomajko’s Deck, and when Raiza attacked, it was removed from the Duel by Dimensional Prison. Neither Duelist remembered that Lee was unable to attack due to the activation of Soul Exchange.
Tomajko drew Yellow Gadget next turn. He Normal Summoned Green Gadget and activated its effect to search his Deck for a Red Gadget, then attacked directly to drop Lee down to 4400 Life Points.
Lee Special Summoned Treeborn Frog in his next Standby Phase and then passed his turn.
Tomajko drew Smashing Ground next turn. He Normal Summoned Red Gadget to grab a Yellow Gadget from his Deck and then attacked Treeborn Frog with Red Gadget to destroy it. Green Gadget attacked directly, dropping Lee down to 3000 Life Points.
Lee Special Summoned Treeborn Frog again on his next turn and then activated Soul Exchange. He Tributed Tomajko’s Green Gadget to Summon Mobius the Frost Monarch, and when Lee tried to destroy Tomajko’s 2 back rows, Tomajko pitched Effect Veiler to negate its effect. Mobius attacked and destroyed Red Gadget, dropping Tomajko down to 4900 Life Points. Once again, neither Duelist remembered that Lee was unable to attack.
Tomajko drew Thunder King Rai-Oh next turn. He activated Smashing Ground to destroy Mobius and then Normal Summoned Rai-Oh. He attacked Treeborn Frog and ended his turn.
Lee Special Summoned Treeborn Frog next turn and then passed with 3000 Life Points remaining.
Tomajko drew Monster Reborn next turn! He Normal Summoned Yellow Gadget, then activated Monster Reborn to revive Mobius from his opponent’s Graveyard. Yellow Gadget destroyed Treeborn Frog and then direct attacks from Rai-Oh and Mobius finished Lee off!
Oliver Tomajko dominates Duel 1 with his steady stream of Gadgets and an opening hand that allows him to Set 5 cards in his back row on the first turn! Dylan Lee will be going first in Duel 2!
Lee started off Duel 2 by Normal Summoning Swap Frog and using its effect to send Treeborn Frog from his Deck to his Graveyard. He returned Swap Frog to his hand and then Set a back row before ending his turn.
Tomajko opened up with Green Gadget, Yellow Gadget, Effect Veiler, Chain Disappearance, Debunk, and Solemn Warning. He Normal Summoned Green Gadget and activated its effect to add a Red Gadget from his Deck to his hand, then declared a direct attack with Green Gadget; but Lee flipped Enemy Controller to switch the Green Gadget to Defense Position. Tomajko Set Chain Disappearance, Debunk, and Solemn Warning before ending his turn.
Lee Special Summoned Treeborn Frog in his next Standby Phase, and Tomajko flipped Chain Disappearance to remove it from the Duel along with 2 more copies from Lee’s Deck. Lee Summoned Swap Frog next, and used its effect to send a Ronintoadin from his Deck to his Graveyard. He attacked the Defense Position Green Gadget to destroy it and then returned Swap Frog to his hand in Main Phase 2.
Tomajko drew Pot of Duality next turn. He activated it to reveal Mirror Force, Dimensional Prison, and King Tiger Wanghu from the top of his Deck, and added the King Tiger to his hand. He Summoned it to the field and attacked directly, dropping Lee down to 6300 Life Points. Lee tried to Special Summon Gorz the Emissary of Darkness after taking the damage, but Tomajko flipped Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate the Summon of Gorz!
Lee had 6 cards in his hand. He activated Dark Hole to destroy King Tiger and then activated Monster Reborn to revive Gorz. He attacked directly with Gorz, dropping Tomajko down to 3300 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Lee Tributed Gorz to Summon Caius the Shadow Monarch and remove Tomajko’s face-down Debunk from the Duel.
Tomajko drew Thunder King Rai-Oh next turn. He Summoned Yellow Gadget and activated its effect to grab a Green Gadget from his Deck, then ended his turn.
Lee Normal Summoned Swap Frog next turn and then attacked over Yellow Gadget with Caius. Swap Frog struck directly next, dropping Tomajko down to 1100 Life Points. Lee returned Swap Frog to his hand in Main Phase 2 and Set a card to his back row.
Tomajko drew Machina Gearframe next turn! He Summoned it and used its effect to search his Deck for Machina Fortress and add it to his hand. Then he discarded the Fortress and a Gadget to Special Summon the Fortress. He attached Gearframe to it for protection and then attacked Caius to destroy it.
Lee activated Soul Exchange next turn to Tribute the Fortress and Summon Dark Dust Spirit. Then he ended his turn and returned the Dust Spirit to his hand.
Tomajko drew and activated Pot of Duality next turn, revealing Machina Gearframe, Spirit Reaper, and King Tiger Wanghu from his Deck. He added the Gearframe to his hand and Normal Summoned it to search his Deck for a copy of Machina Force to add to his hand. He attacked directly with his Gearframe, dropping Lee down to 4400 Life Points. Tomajko ended his turn.
Lee Set a card to his back row and Set a monster.
Tomajko drew Yellow Gadget next turn. He attacked the face-down monster with Gearframe; it was a Swap Frog and it was destroyed in battle.
In Main Phase 2, Tomajko discarded a Green Gadget and a Yellow Gadget to Special Summon Machina Fortress. Then he equipped it with his Gearframe. In his End Phase, Lee flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the Gearframe equipped to it.
Lee Set Swap Frog and passed.
Tomajko drew Smashing Ground next turn. He Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and then attacked the face-down Swap Frog with his Fortress to destroy it. Then Thunder King Rai-Oh attacked directly to drop Lee down to 2500 Life Points.
Lee removed Swap Frog from his Graveyard to Special Summon Ronintoadin and then Tributed Ronintoadin to Summon Dark Dust Spirit and try to destroy all of Tomajko’s monsters; but Tomajko used Effect Veiler to negate its effect! The Spirit attacked and destroyed Thunder King Rai-Oh and then returned to Lee’s hand in the End Phase.
Tomajko tried to attack for game with Fortress next turn, but Lee Special Summoned Battle Fader to survive! Tomajko activated Smashing Ground to destroy the Battle Fader and then Set the Solemn Warning he had just drawn.
But it was all over on the next turn! Lee removed another Swap Frog from his Graveyard to Special Summon Ronintoadin and then Tributed Ronintoadin to Summon Caius the Shadow Monarch. He removed Machina Fortress from the Duel with Caius’s effect, and then a direct attack from Caius wiped out Tomajko’s remaining 800 Life Points.
Despite losing all 3 copies of Treeborn Frog, Dylan Lee manages to triumph in Duel 2 and push the Match to a final Duel! Oliver Tomajko will be going first in Duel 3!
Tomajko opened up Duel 3 with King Tiger Wanghu, Machina Gearframe, Red Gadget, Solemn Warning, Dimensional Prison, and Spirit Reaper. He Summoned King Tiger and then Set Solemn Warning and Dimensional Prison.
Lee Set 2 cards to his back row and Set a monster.
Tomajko drew Dark Hole. He attacked Lee’s face-down monster with his Tiger; it was a Swap Frog and the Tiger destroyed it in battle.
Lee Set a third card to his back row and then passed his turn.
Tomajko drew Red Gadget. He attacked directly with King Tiger, but Lee flipped Enemy Controller to switch the Tiger to Defense Position and block the attack.
Lee Set a monster and passed.
Tomajko drew Dimensional Prison and then switched King Tiger to Attack Position. He attacked Lee’s face-down Battle Fader to destroy it. He Set Dimensional Prison in Main Phase 2 but lost it to Mystical Space Typhoon in his End Phase.
Lee drew a card and passed.
Tomajko drew Chain Disappearance next turn. He attacked directly with King Tiger to drop Lee down to 6300 Life Points and Lee Special Summoned Tragoedia with 1800 ATK from his hand. Tomajko Set Chain Disappearance and lost it to Lee’s Mystical Space Typhoon in his End Phase.
Lee activated Soul Exchange next turn to Tribute Tomajko’s King Tiger for Raiza, but Tomajko flipped Solemn Warning and gave up 2000 Life Points to negate the Summon.
Tomajko drew Bottomless Trap Hole next turn and Summoned Machina Gearframe, grabbing a Fortress from his Deck with Gearframe’s effect. He attacked Tragoedia with his Gearframe, destroying it in battle. He Set Bottomless Trap Hole and passed.
Lee Set a card to his back row and passed.
Tomajko drew Effect Veiler next turn. He Summoned Spirit Reaper and then attacked directly with Reaper and Gearframe, dropping Lee down to 4200 Life Points and costing him a Light and Darkness Dragon from his hand due to the Reaper’s effect.
Lee flipped his face-down Soul Exchange next turn, Tributing Tomajko’s Gearframe to Summon Caius. Tomajko used Effect Veiler to negate the effect of Caius.
Tomajko drew Machina Fortress next turn. He Summoned Red Gadget to grab a Yellow Gadget from his Deck, then activated Dark Hole to clear the field. He discarded a Yellow Gadget and a Fortress to Special Summon a Fortress, then discarded a Red Gadget and a second Fortress to Summon the new one to the field. Two direct attacks for a combined total of 5000 points of damage wiped out Lee’s remaining 4200 Life Points!
A big finish with 2 copies of Machina Fortress allows 10-year-old Oliver Tomajko to defeat Dylan Lee’s Frog Monarch Deck and advance in the tournament with a 2-0 record!