. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 4: Imperial Luke Patterson VS Commander Stephen Silverman
Home > 2011/05 – Orlando, FL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 4: Imperial Luke Patterson VS Commander Stephen Silverman

Round 4: Imperial Luke Patterson VS Commander Stephen Silverman

May 21st, 2011

Luke Patterson and Stephen Silverman are both undefeated so far. Patterson made it here with his Scrap Deck packing 2 copies of Meklord Emperor Granel, and Silverman maintained his winning streak with X-Sabers. At the end of this round, one of these Duelists will have a perfect 4-0 record.

Patterson opened up the Match with Effect Veiler; Scrap Goblin; Sangan; Solemn Warning; Scrapyard; and Meklord Emperor Granel. He Set Solemn Warning, Scrapyard, and Sangan, ending his turn.

Silverman activated Mind Control to take control of Patterson’s face-down Sangan and Flip Summon it. Then he Set a monster along with 2 cards to his back row and passed the Sangan back to Patterson.

Patterson drew Solemn Warning next turn. He activated Scrapyard to search his Deck for Scrap Beast and add it to his hand. Then he Normal Summoned Scrap Beast and Tuned it with Sangan to try to Synchro Summon Black Rose Dragon; but Silverman activated Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon. Patterson grabbed an Effect Veiler from his Deck with the effect of Sangan and then Set Solemn Warning before ending his turn.

Silverman tried to Flip Summon XX-Saber Emmersblade and Patterson flipped Solemn Warning and gave up 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon. Silverman added 1 more card to his back row before passing.

Patterson drew Scapegoat next turn. He Set Scapegoat and Scrap Goblin, ending his turn.

Silverman activated Pot of Duality next turn, revealing Pot of Duality, XX-Saber Boggart Knight, and Reinforce Truth from the top of his Deck. He added the Boggart Knight to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. In Silverman’s End Phase, Patterson flipped Scapegoat and Special Summoned 4 Sheep Tokens.

Patterson drew Scrap Chimera next turn. He Flip Summoned Scrap Goblin and Silverman flipped Torrential Tribute to wipe the field clear of the Scrap Goblin and all 4 Tokens; but when Scrap Goblin was destroyed, Patterson Special Summoned Meklord Emperor Granel from his hand. Since Patterson had 6000 Life Points, the monster had 3000 ATK! Granel attacked, and Silverman flipped Book of Moon to put it face-down. In Main Phase 2, Patterson Normal Summoned Scrap Chimera and used its effect to Special Summon Scrap Beast from his Graveyard. He Tuned the Chimera with the Beast to Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon and then ended his turn.

Silverman Normal Summoned Boggart Knight next turn and attempted to activate its effect, but Patterson pitched Effect Veiler to negate it! He Set a card to his back row and then ended his turn.

Patterson drew Pot of Duality next turn. He Set it and then used Scrap Dragon to destroy the Pot of Duality and Silverman’s face-down Gottoms’ Emergency Call. Next, he flipped his Meklord face-up. Granel destroyed Boggart Knight while dealing 1100 points of damage to Silverman, and then a direct attack from Scrap Dragon dropped Silverman down to 2100 Life Points.

Silverman Set a card to each zone and passed.

Patterson drew another Pot of Duality next turn. He Set it and then used Scrap Dragon to destroy his own Pot of Duality again, along with Silverman’s Seven Tools of the Bandit. Granel attacked the face-down monster; it was a Pashuul! It couldn’t be destroyed in battle, so Silverman was still in the Duel!

Silverman drew to 2 cards in hand with only a Pashuul on the field. He Tributed Pashuul with Enemy Controller to take control of Granel and then activated its effect to try to absorb Scrap Dragon; but Patterson pitched Effect Veiler from his hand to negate Granel’s effect and drop it down to 0 ATK for the turn! Silverman instantly conceded, unable to take down the Scrap Dragon or the 3000 ATK Granel that Patterson would be getting back next turn.

A seemingly beneficial Torrential Tribute goes horribly wrong for Stephen Silverman, as it allows Patterson to Special Summon a Meklord Emperor Granel that Silverman can’t destroy! Silverman will be going first in Duel 2!

Silverman started off Duel 2 by Setting 2 cards to his back row and Summoning Banisher of the Radiance.

Patterson opened up with Royal Oppression; Sangan; Book of Moon; Scrapyard; Meklord Emperor Granel; and Fiendish Chain. He Normal Summoned Sangan and declared an attack against Banisher; Silverman allowed the attack and then Patterson activated Book of Moon to put Banisher of the Radiance face-down and destroy it with Sangan. In Main Phase 2, Patterson activated Scrapyard to search his Deck for Scrap Goblin and add it to his hand. He Set Royal Oppression and Fiendish Chain before ending his turn. Silverman activated Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase, destroying Patterson’s face-down Fiendish Chain.

Silverman Normal Summoned XX-Saber Boggart Knight next turn and activated its effect; but Patterson flipped Royal Oppression and paid 800 Life Points to negate the effect and destroy Boggart Knight!

Patterson drew Scrapstorm next turn. He attacked directly with Sangan to drop Silverman down to 7000 Life Points, and in Main Phase 2, he Set Scrapstorm and Scrap Goblin.

Silverman Set a monster and passed.

Patterson drew Call of the Haunted next turn. He attacked Silverman’s face-down XX-Saber Emmersblade with Sangan, triggering its effect and allowing Silverman to Special Summon XX-Saber Darksoul from his Deck in Defense Position. Patterson Set Call of the Haunted before ending his turn.

Silverman Set a card to his back row and passed.

Patterson drew Royal Decree next turn. He Set it, and then Silverman was up once again.

Silverman Normal Summoned XX-Saber Fulhelmknight. He switched XX-Saber Darksoul to Attack Position and then attacked Patterson’s face-down Scrap Goblin with Fulhelmknight. Next, Darksoul attacked the Goblin. Before the end of the Battle Phase, Patterson activated Scrapstorm. He sent Scrap Chimera from his Deck to his Graveyard, then drew Solemn Warning and destroyed Scrap Goblin. He activated the effect of Granel as Chain Link 1 when the Goblin was destroyed, and made Scrap Goblin’s effect Chain Link 2 so that Silverman wouldn’t be able to use Royal Oppression to negate the Summon of Granel. Patterson returned Scrap Chimera to his hand and then Special Summoned Granel to the field with 3600 ATK.

Patterson drew Scrap Chimera next turn and Summoned it to the field. He activated its effect to revive Scrap Goblin, and when Silverman paid 800 Life Points to try to negate the effect with Royal Oppression, Patterson flipped Royal Decree to negate the Royal Oppression! Silverman Chained Effect Veiler to negate the Chimera’s effect anyway. Next, Patterson attacked Fulhelmknight with Scrap Chimera, and Fulhelmknight negated the attack. Granel attacked it next, and Silverman lost 2300 Life Points along with his Fulhelmknight. Patterson Set Solemn Warning before passing to Silverman.

Silverman activated Giant Trunade next turn, returning all Spell and Trap Cards on the field to their owners’ hands. Then he Normal Summoned X-Saber Airbellum and Tuned it with Darksoul to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Silverman attacked Scrap Chimera with Brionac in order to destroy it, and then discarded Mirror Force to return Granel to Patterson’s hand. Silverman Set the last 2 cards in his hand and then searched his Deck for a copy of Fulhelmknight to add to his hand in the End Phase with Darksoul’s effect.

Patterson drew Reborn Tengu next turn! He Set his 4 Trap Cards and then Normal Summoned the Tengu. Sangan attacked Brionac and Patterson used Sangan’s effect to grab an Effect Veiler from his Deck and add it to his hand.

Silverman attacked Tengu with Brionac next turn, and when it was destroyed, Patterson Special Summoned another copy from his Deck. Silverman Set a monster in Main Phase 2 and ended his turn. Patterson activated Call of the Haunted in the End Phase, in order to Special Summon Scrap Goblin from his Graveyard.

Patterson drew Mind Control next turn! He flipped Royal Decree and then activated Mind Control to take control of Silverman’s Brionac. Then he discarded Scrap Chimera from his hand to return Silverman’s face-down monster to his hand. Next, he Tuned Scrap Goblin with Brionac in order to Synchro Summon Scrap Twin Dragon! He used the Twin Dragon’s effect to destroy his own Tengu and send both of Silverman’s back rows to his hand. When Patterson tried to Special Summon Granel on the destruction of Tengu, Silverman offered the handshake!

Meklord Emperor Granel pulls through again for Patterson, allowing his Scrap Deck to take a 2-0 victory over Silverman’s X-Sabers! Patterson will be moving on to the fifth round with a 4-0 record!