Top 32 Feature Match: Scrapper Guillermo Morales vs. T.G. Collin Reilly
Collin Reilly finished the Swiss Rounds with an 8-2 record and is now facing off against Guillermo Morales’s Scrap Deck, which Morales piloted to a 9-1 finish at the end of Swiss. Reilly is running a T.G. Plant Deck that uses T.G. Cyber Magician, and Morales is teching Horn of the Phantom Beast in his Deck to give strength to his weaker Scraps. The unique card choices in these Duelists’ Decks may make all the difference in this Match.
Morales started off the Match by Summoning Reborn Tengu and Setting 2 cards to his back row.
Reilly opened up with Call of the Haunted, Solemn Warning, Solemn Judgment, Dimensional Prison, Pot of Avarice, and Dark Hole. He Set his 4 Trap Cards and passed.
Morales Normal Summoned Scrap Goblin next turn and Tuned it with Reborn Tengu to try to Synchro Summon Black Rose Dragon. Reilly negated its Summon with Solemn Warning, and Morales Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck due to the effect of his first one. Tengu attacked Reilly directly, and Reilly dropped down to 4300 Life Points.
Reilly drew another copy of Pot of Avarice next turn. He Set it to the field and ended his turn.
Morales activated Scrapyard next turn. He used it to search his Deck for a copy of Scrap Beast to add to his hand, then Normal Summoned the Beast to the field. Morales Tuned his Scrap Beast with his Reborn Tengu to Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon; but Reilly flipped Solemn Judgment to negate its Summon, and Morales Special Summoned Scrap Beast from his Graveyard due to Scrap Dragon’s effect. Morales activated Monster Reborn next, reviving the Reborn Tengu in his Graveyard. He attacked with Scrap Beast, and Reilly flipped Dimensional Prison to try to banish the Beast from the Duel; but Morales activated Compulsory Evacuation Device to return the Beast to his hand. Tengu attacked directly next, dropping Reilly down to 450 Life Points.
Reilly drew T.G. Cyber Magician next turn. He activated Dark Hole to destroy Reborn Tengu and then Set Pot of Avarice.
Morales Normal Summoned Scrap Beast next turn and when he activated Mind Control to take control of Reilly’s monster, Reilly conceded without revealing it!
Collin Reilly can’t to get his strategy working in Duel 1, allowing Guillermo Morales to defeat him without even discovering what type of Deck Reilly is playing! Reilly will be going first in Duel 2!
Reilly opened up Duel 2 with Dimensional Prison, T.G. Striker, Spore, Lonefire Blossom, Seven Tools of the Bandit, and T.G. Warwolf. He Set Seven Tools, Dimensional Prison, and Spore, ending his turn.
Morales Summoned Scrap Beast and attacked with it, but his monster was banished by Reilly’s Dimensional Prison.
Reilly drew Reborn Tengu next turn. He Summoned Lonefire Blossom and then Flip Summoned Spore. He Tributed Spore to activate the effect of Lonefire Blossom and Special Summon Glow-Up Bulb from his Deck. He attacked directly with Lonefire Blossom to drop Morales down 7500 Life Points and then ended his turn.
Morales flipped his face-down Mystical Space Typhoon on his next turn, in order to destroy Reilly’s Seven Tools of the Bandit. Then he activated Scrapyard to search his Deck for a Scrap Beast to add to his hand. He Summoned it to the field and used it to attack Lonefire Blossom, destroying Lonefire in battle and dealing 1100 points of damage to Reilly. Morales Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.
Reilly drew Dimensional Prison next turn. He Normal Summoned Tengu, then removed Lonefire Blossom from his Graveyard to Special Summon Spore from his Graveyard as a Level 4 monster. He Tuned Spore with Tengu to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon, then Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck. Next, he Tuned Glow-Up Bulb with Reborn Tengu to Synchro Summon Ally of Justice Catastor. Reilly Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck after the Synchro Summon. Ally of Justice Catastor attacked Scrap Beast, destroying it with its effect, and then Tengu and Stardust attacked directly, dropping Morales down to 3300 Life Points. Reilly Set Dimensional Prison before ending his turn.
Morales Normal Summoned Scrap Chimera next turn and activated its effect to Special Summon Scrap Beast from his Graveyard. He Tuned his monsters together to Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon, then attacked Stardust Dragon with his monster. Reilly flipped Dimensional Prison to try to banish Scrap Dragon, but Morales negated it with Seven Tools of the Bandit! Stardust Dragon was destroyed and Morales ended his turn.
Reilly drew T.G. Cyber Magician next turn. He Normal Summoned T.G. Striker and Tuned it with Tengu to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Next, he discarded Cyber Magician from his hand to return Scrap Dragon to Morales’s Extra Deck by using Brionac’s effect. Reilly followed up with a direct attack from Brionac, wiping out the rest of Morales’s Life Points!
Some powerful plays with Reborn Tengu allow Collin Reilly to dominate Duel 2, even though Morales was able to Summon Scrap Dragon! Guillermo Morales will be going first in Duel 3!
Morales started off Duel 3 by Summoning King Tiger Wanghu and Setting 2 cards to his back row.
Reilly opened up with Solemn Warning, T.G. Rush Rhino, T.G. Striker, T.G. Warwolf, T.G. Cyber Magician, and Seven Tools of the Bandit. He Set his 2 Trap Cards along with a Magician and ended his turn. In his End Phase, he lost Seven Tools of the Bandit to Morales’s Mystical Space Typhoon.
Morales tried to Normal Summon Reborn Tengu next turn, but Reilly flipped Solemn Warning and negated its Summon.
Reilly drew another Solemn Warning next turn. He Normal Summoned Rush Rhino, and before he could attack and destroy King Tiger, was stopped by Fiendish Chain. Reilly Set Solemn Warning before passing.
Morales tried to Normal Summon Scrap Beast next turn, and Reilly flipped Solemn Warning to negate its Summon. Reilly attacked T.G. Rush Rhino with King Tiger, destroying it in battle. In Morales’s End Phase, Reilly added a T.G. Striker from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his Rhino.
Reilly drew Glow-Up Bulb next turn. He Set T.G. Striker and passed.
Morales attacked Reilly’s face-down Cyber Magician with his King Tiger and Set a card to his back row in Main Phase 2. Reilly searched his Deck for another Rhino to add to his hand in the End Phase thanks to the effect of his Cyber Magician.
Reilly drew Dimensional Prison next turn. He Summoned his Rhino to the field and attacked King Tiger, but in the Damage Step, Morales flipped Horn of the Phantom Beast to give his Tiger 800 ATK! Rush Rhino was destroyed and Morales drew a card thanks to the Horn. Reilly Set Dimensional Prison and then searched his Deck for T.G. Warwolf in his End Phase with the effect of his Rhino.
Morales Summoned Scrap Beast next turn. He attacked Reilly’s face-down monster with King Tiger, but Reilly flipped Dimensional Prison to banish the Tiger. Scrap Beast attacked next, destroying Reilly’s face-down T.G. Striker. Morales Set 2 back rows in Main Phase 2, and Reilly added another Rush Rhino to his hand in the End Phase with the effect of his fallen Striker.
Reilly drew Pot of Avarice next turn. He Special Summoned T.G. Striker in Defense Position and then Special Summoned 2 copies of T.G. Warwolf from his hand with their effects. Next, he Tuned Warwolf with Striker to Synchro Summon T.G. Wonder Magician, and used its effect to try to destroy one of Morales’s back rows; but Morales flipped Fiendish Chain to negate its effect! Reilly used Pot of Avarice next, returning 2 copies of T.G. Rush Rhino, 2 copies of T.G. Striker, and 1 T.G. Warwolf from his Graveyard to his Deck to draw 2 copies of Reborn Tengu. Reilly Normal Summoned Tengu to the field and then Tuned his Wonder Magician with his Warwolf to Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon. He used its effect by targeting his Tengu and Morales’s face-down Compulsory Evacuation Device, and Morales Chained the Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Scrap Dragon to Reilly’s Extra Deck. Tengu was destroyed by Scrap Dragon’s effect, and Reilly Special Summoned another copy of Reborn Tengu from his Deck. Reilly attacked Scrap Beast with his Tengu, and Morales flipped Scrapstorm, selecting his Scrap Beast. Morales sent Scrap Chimera from his Deck to his Graveyard, drew a card, and then destroyed the Beast with the effect of Scrapstorm. He used his Beast’s effect to return Scrap Chimera from his Graveyard to his hand. Reilly continued his turn by attacking directly with Reborn Tengu, dropping Morales down to 6300 Life Points.
Morales Normal Summoned his Chimera next turn and activated its effect to Special Summon Scrap Beast from his Graveyard. He Tuned his monsters together to Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon and then used Scrap Dragon’s effect to destroy his face-up Fiendish Chain and Reilly’s Tengu. Reilly had no more Tengus left to Special Summon from his Deck. Morales Set a card to his back row and attacked directly before ending his turn.
Reilly drew T.G. Cyber Magician next turn. He Summoned it to the field and Tuned it with the Rush Rhino in his hand to Synchro Summon T.G. Power Gladiator! Reilly attacked Scrap Dragon with his Power Gladiator with the hopes of drawing a card that would help him, but Morales flipped Dimensional Prison to remove the Power Gladiator from the Duel! Reilly instantly conceded, offering the handshake with only 600 Life Points remaining!
Guillermo Morales wins Duel 3 with Scrap Dragon and advances to the Top 16 with his Scrap Deck!