. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Dragon Duel: ESPer Jake Chammas VS Banisher Ezekiel Callender
Home > 2011 North American WCQ > Dragon Duel: ESPer Jake Chammas VS Banisher Ezekiel Callender

Dragon Duel: ESPer Jake Chammas VS Banisher Ezekiel Callender

July 17th, 2011

Jake Chammas from New York and Ezekiel Callender from Virginia are both 12-year-old Duelists competing in their first WCQ Dragon Duel Championship. Jake Chammas took second place with his Six Samurai Deck in the Dragon Duels at YCS Providence, but today he decided to run Psychics. Ezekiel Callender is running a banishing Deck. This will be a tough Matchup for Chammas.

Callender Set 3 cards to his back row and Summoned Reborn Tengu.

Chammas opened up with Pot of Duality, Dimensional Prison, Esper Girl, Serene Psychic Witch, Silent Psychic Wizard, and Neo-Spacian Grand Mole. He activated Pot of Duality to reveal Cyber Dragon, Emergency Teleport, and Psychic Commander from the top of his Deck and added the Teleport to his hand. Then he Summoned Silent Psychic Wizard, Set Dimensional Prison and Emergency Teleport, and ended his turn.

Callender flipped his face-down Mystical Space Typhoon next turn to destroy Chammas’s face-down Emergency Teleport. Next, he activated Reinforcement of the Army to add Rose, Warrior of Revenge from his Deck to his hand. He flipped his face-down Enemy Controller next, Tributing his Tengu to take control of Chammas’s Wizard. Tengu’s effect activated, allowing Callender to Special Summon another copy from his Deck. Then, Callender Tuned Rose with his Wizard in order to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon. Stardust Dragon attacked, and Chammas flipped Dimensional Prison to banish it. Tengu attacked directly next, dropping Chammas down to 6300 Life Points. Callender Set 1 card to his back row before ending his turn.

Chammas drew Mirror Force next turn. He Set Serene Psychic Witch and Mirror Force, then passed to Callender.

Callender attacked the face-down Witch with Tengu next turn, and Chammas activated its effect to remove Destructotron from his Deck! Callender Set a third card to his back row in Main Phase 2 and then ended his turn.

Chammas drew Dark Hole next turn. He Special Summoned Destructotron in his Standby Phase and Callender had no response. Chammas activated its effect and paid 1000 Life Points to target Callender’s face-down Dimensional Prison, and Callender Chained Book of Moon to put Destructotron face-down. Book of Moon and Dimensional Prison were sent to the Graveyard. Chammas Summoned Neo-Spacian Grand Mole next, and attacked Reborn Tengu with it. He used his Mole’s effect to return both monsters to their owners’ hands, and Tengu’s effect activated to give Callender another Tengu from his Deck.

Callender Tributed Tengu to Summon Caius and used Caius’s effect to remove Mirror Force from the Duel. Then he attacked and destroyed Destructotron with Caius.

Chammas drew Solemn Warning next turn. He Normal Summoned Neo-Spacian Grand Mole and attacked Caius with it, returning both monsters to their owners’ hands. He Set Solemn Warning and Dark Hole before ending his turn.

Callender Summoned D.D. Survivor next turn, but Chammas flipped Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon. Chammas had 3300 Life Points remaining.

Chammas drew Giant Rat. He Summoned it and attacked, but his monster was banished by Dimensional Prison.

Callender Summoned Reborn Tengu next turn. Tengu attacked directly, and Chammas lost 1700 Life Points. Callender Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Chammas drew Serene Psychic Witch next turn. He activated Dark Hole to destroy Reborn Tengu and then Summoned Serene Psychic Witch. He tried to attack directly with his Witch, but Callender banished it with Dimensional Prison.

The Duel was over on Callender’s next turn! Callender Summoned Spined Gillman to the field and attacked directly with it, wiping out Chammas’s last 1500 Life Points!

Ezekiel Callender draws all 3 Dimensional Prisons and uses them to control the Duel against Jake Chammas! Chammas will be going first in Duel 2!DDR1-Ezekiel

Chammas opened up with Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Solemn Judgment, Overdrive Teleporter, and Book of Moon. He Summoned Grand Mole and then Set Book of Moon in his back row before ending his turn.

Callender activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Chammas’s face-down Book of Moon. Then he Set a card to his back row and activated Mind Control to take control of Grand Mole! Next, he Summoned Genex Ally Birdman to the field and Tuned it with Grand Mole in order to Synchro Summon Flamvell Uruquizas. Uruquizas attacked directly, and Chammas Special Summoned Gorz the Emissary of Darkness from his hand along with a 2100 ATK Emissary of Darkness Token. Callender Set 2 more cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Chammas Tributed his Emissary of Darkness Token to Summon Overdrive Teleporter next turn, and activated its effect by paying 2000 Life Points. Callender Chained Bottomless Trap Hole to banish the Teleporter, and then Chammas Special Summoned Psychic Commander and Serene Psychic Witch from his Deck in Attack Position. Next, Chammas Tuned his Witch with his Commander in order to Synchro Summon Naturia Barkion. Callender flipped Macrocosmos next, and Chammas removed Book of Moon and Grand Mole from his Graveyard to negate and destroy Macrocosmos with the effect of his Barkion. Barkion attacked and destroyed Uruquizas, dropping Callender down to 7900 Life Points. Gorz attacked next, and Callender flipped Book of Moon to put it face-down and block the attack. Chammas Set 2 cards to his back row and passed.

Callender drew a monster and Set it.

Chammas drew Mirror Force and then Flip Summoned his Gorz. He attacked Callender’s face-down D.D. Survivor with his Barkion to destroy it, and then attacked directly with Gorz to drop Callender down to 5200 Life Points. Chammas Set Mirror Force before ending his turn.

Callender drew Deep Sea Diva next turn and tried to Summon it, but Chammas flipped Solemn Judgment and paid half of his Life Points to negate its Summon.

Chammas attacked directly with Barkion and Gorz on his next turn, wiping out Callender remaining 5200 Life Points!

Jake Chammas wins Duel 2 with a big play using Overdrive Teleporter, pushing the Match to a final Duel! Ezekiel Callender will be going first in Duel 3!


Callender started off Duel 3 by activating Dimensional Fissure, Setting 2 cards to his back row, and Summoning D.D. Survivor to the field.

Chammas opened up with Solemn Warning, Esper Girl, Dark Hole, Psychic Commander, Compulsory Evacuation Device, and Rivalry of Warlords. He Summoned the Commander and then Set Solemn Warning, Compulsory Evacuation Device, and Rivalry.

Callender Summoned Reborn Tengu next turn and Chammas flipped Rivalry of Warlords! Callender chose to keep his D.D. Survivor and banish his Tengu. Its effect activated, giving Callender another Tengu to banish. Callender didn’t have the third Tengu in his Deck. Callender attacked Commander with D.D. Survivor next, and Chammas paid 500 Life Points to activate his Commander’s effect and win the battle. Callender Set 1 card to his back row. When he tried to return D.D. Survivor to his field in the End Phase, Chammas flipped Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon.

Chammas drew Psychic Jumper next turn. He attacked directly with his Commander and Callender dropped down to 6500 Life Points. Chammas Set Esper Girl before ending his turn.

Callender Normal Summoned Deep Sea Diva next turn and activated its effect to Special Summon Spined Gillman from his Deck. Gillman attacked and destroyed Chammas’s face-down Esper Girl, banishing her from the Duel.

Chammas drew Book of Moon next turn. He attacked Deep Sea Diva with his Commander, and Callender flipped Dimensional Prison to try to banish the Commander; but Chammas flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to safely return his Commander to his hand! He activated Dark Hole next, in order to destroy Gillman and Diva, and then Normal Summoned Commander to the field. He Set Book of Moon before ending his turn.

Callender Summoned Reborn Tengu next turn.

Chammas drew Neo-Spacian Grand Mole. He attacked Tengu with his Commander and paid 500 Life Points in the Damage Step to reduce Tengu’s ATK to 1200. Tengu was removed from the Duel and Callender had no Tengus left to Summon.

Callender drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn and activated it to destroy Rivalry of Warlords.

Chammas drew Dimensional Prison. He attacked with Psychic Commander, but Callender blocked the attack with Enemy Controller, switching Commander to Defense Position. Chammas Set Dimensional Prison before ending his turn.

Callender activated Return from the Different Dimension next turn! He paid 3150 Life Points to Special Summon Deep Sea Diva, D.D. Survivor, Spined Gillman, and 2 copies of Reborn Tengu from his banished zone. Then he Tributed his Tengu to Summon Caius the Shadow Monarch, and activated its effect to banish Chammas’s Dimensional Prison. Next, Chammas flipped Book of Moon to flip Callender’s Deep Sea Diva face-down so that Callender couldn’t Tune with it. Tengu attacked and destroyed Chammas’s Defense Position Commander, and Callender’s D.D. Survivor, Spined Gillman, and Caius the Shadow Monarch attacked directly, wiping out all of Chammas’s remaining Life Points!

Ezekiel Callender defeats Jake Chammas’s Psychic Deck with his banishing Deck and advances in the tournament with a first round win!