Home > 2011 North American WCQ > Round 11: High-Tech Dueling Action – Jeff Jones VS Hansel Aguero

Round 11: High-Tech Dueling Action – Jeff Jones VS Hansel Aguero

July 17th, 2011

Hands down, Tech Genus is the breakout Deck of Day 2. With a slew of competitors heading into the start of the Day packing pure Tech Genus builds with great records, our last Swiss round Feature Match sees Jeff Jones take on Hansel Aguero in – get this – a Tech Genus mirror Match! Both of these Duelists had 9-1 records so far, so both would likely be headed to the Top 64. But this one was for pride, personal accomplishment, and showmanship.

Jones started the Match with a hand of T.G. Rush Rhino; T.G. Striker; Monster Reborn; TG1-EM1; Horn of the Phantom Beast; and Solemn Judgment. He Summoned the Rhino and Set his Traps.

Aguero Special Summoned T.G. Striker, and Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu. He Tuned them together to Synchro Summon Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth, and he Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck. Gaia Knight attacked into Rush Rhino, and Jones activated TG1-EM1 to trade his Rush Rhino for Gaia Knight! Aguero Set 4 cards to hs back row.

Jones drew Reborn Tengu and Summoned it. He attacked with Gaia Knight, sending it after Rush Rhino, and Aguero bounced it away with Compulsory Evacuation Device. Tengu attacked the Rhino next, and when the attack was good Jones flipped Horn of the Phantom Beast in the Damage Step! Aguero Chained Dark Bribe to stop the Horn, and Jones drew Effect Veiler with Bribe’s effect. Rhino was still destroyed, and in the End Phase Jones got to use its effect to get T.G. Warwolf from his Deck, adding it to his hand.

Aguero shook his head as he drew: he had Tengu on the field; 2 cards Set in his Spell and Trap Card Zone; and 1 card in hand. He sent his Tengu to destroy Jones’ in battle, and both Duelists Special Summoned another Tengu each. Aguero ran his last Tengu at Jones’ second, and Jones Special Summoned his third. Aguero Set a third Spell or Trap.

Jones drew Mystical Space Typhoon and Normal Summoned T.G. Striker. Striker and Tengu attacked for a combined total of 2500 Battle Damage, and Jones Set Typhoon.

Aguero passed.

Jones drew Solemn Warning. He Summoned T.G. Warwolf and attacked with all 3 of his monsters, dropping Aguero to 1700 Life Points. Jones Set Warning.

Aguero had to activate Dark Hole, destroying Jones Tengu and pair of Tech Genus monsters. Aguero tried to Summon Warwolf, but lost out to Solemn Warning. In the End Phase, Jones searched his Deck for 2 T.G. Rush Rhinos.

Jones drew Torrential Tribute and tried to Summon a Rhino: Aguero negated the Summon with Solemn Judgment. Jones blasted Aguero’s Set Skill Drain with Mystical Space Typhoon, then activated Monster Reborn to bring back Rush Rhino and attack for game!


An early TG1-EM1 and a flood of aggressively-played Tech Genus monsters gives Jeff Jones the win in the first Duel! Both Duelists went straight for their Side Decks, and took a little time considering their decisions for this almost unforeseeable mirror Match.

“It’s the one Match you didn’t expect to play,” commented YCS regular Billy Brake, shouting from the spectators’ gallery.

“Yeah!” responded Jones. “And I’ve played it three times this weekend!” Aguero chuckled. Tech Genus Decks had been far more popular in the WCQ than any Duelist had really anticipated, and there was a strong chance that both of these competitors would make it to the Top 64.

The second Duel began moments later, as Aguero Set 4 cards to his Spell and Trap Card Zone.

Jones had Horn of the Phantom Beast; 2 Thunder King Rai-Oh; T.G. Warwolf; and 2 Maxx “C”. Jones Summoned a Thunder King and attacked, scoring a direct shot for 1900 Battle Damage. He Set Horn, and lost it to Dust Tornado in the End Phase.

Aguero Set a fourth Spell or Trap: no monsters yet.

Jones drew Pot of Avarice and attacked with Thunder King: this time, Aguero blocked with Book of Moon. Thunder King went face-down, so Jones tried to Summon another, but the Summon was negated with Solemn Warning.

Aguero activated Pot of Duality, revealing Bottomless Trap Hole and 2 T.G. Rush Rhinos off the top of his Deck: he added a Rhino to his hand and shuffled the rest back to his Deck. He Summoned Rhino; attacked to destroy Thunder King; and Set a Spell or Trap.

Jones drew Reborn Tengu. He tried to Summon it, but Aguero negated the Summon with Solemn Judgment, keeping his Rhino safe. Aguero had 2050 Life Points left.

Aguero took a moment to consider the risk of Gorz the Emissary of Darkness (Jones had 4 cards in hand), and Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu. He went for it, attacking with both monsters for a combined total of 3700 Battle Damage.

Jones drew Monster Reborn. He activated it to target his Tengu, and when he Special Summoned it he Special Summoned Warwolf. He sent his Tengu at Aguero’s, and in response to his own attack he activated the effect of Maxx “C”! Each Duelist Special Summoned another Tengu, and when those 2 clashed, they each Summoned another: Jones drew 2 cards total, Dark Hole and T.G. Striker. It was a great use of his Maxx “C”. Jones sent his last Tengu to destroy Aguero’s, and in Main Phase 2 he activated Pot of Avarice to shuffle back all 3 Tengus plus 2 Thunder Kings back into his Deck. He drew TG1-EM1 and Tengu, and promptly Set TG1. Aguero destroyed it with Dust Tornado in the End Phase.

Aguero Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh next turn, and ran over Warwolf with Rhino. Thunder King made a direct attack, and Jones dropped to 1600 Life Points.

Jones drew Rush Rhino next turn, holding Tengu, Striker, Maxx “C”, and Dark Hole. Aguero had Thunder King Rai-Oh, Rush Rhino, and a Set card in his back row; plus a card in hand. Jones activated Dark Hole, and Aguero countered with Dark Bribe, letting Jones draw Sangan from his Deck. He Special Summoned Striker in Defense Position, then Normal Summoned Tengu. Jones attempted to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, but Aguero negated the Summon with Thunder King Rai-Oh. Jones Special Summoned another Tengu, and attacked to destroy Rush Rhino. Aguero dropped to 1950 Life Points. He got T.G. Striker from his Deck.

Aguero drew to 3 cards in hand, and activated Pot of Avarice to return Rush Rhino; Thunder King; and 3 Tengus to his Deck. He drew 2 cards for a total hand of 4, and Special Summoned Striker in Attack Position. He Normal Summoned Tengu, and Jones pitched his second Maxx “C”. Aguero attacked with his Tengu, and both he and Jones each Special Summoned another: Jones had just 1600 Life Points left, and drew a card with Maxx “C”. Aguero traded his Tengu against Jones’ last Tengu; Special Summoned his third copy; and struck for game with Striker, then Tengu, actually leaving himself wide open to a potential Gorz that Jones luckily didn’t have.


Hansel Aguero fights back from an unsuccessful first Duel to capture the second! Play quickly moved to the last Duel.

Jones opened with 2 T.G. Striker; Horn of the Phantom Beast; 2 T.G. Warwolf; and Maxx “C”. He Summoned Warwolf and Set Horn.

Aguero Set 4 cards to his back row.

Jones drew Dimensional Prison and Summoned Striker: he attacked with Striker, and lost it to Dimensional Prison. Warwolf scored a direct shot for 1200 Battle Damage, and Jones Set Prison, losing it to Dust Tornado in the End Phase.

Aguero Summoned Reborn Tengu and attacked: Jones activated Horn of the Phantom Beast, but Aguero activated a Horn of his own! Warwolf went down, and Aguero drew a card. Aguero Set 2 more cards to his Spell and Trap Card Zone, and Jones searched his Deck for T.G. Rush Rhino in the End Phase.

Jones drew Pot of Duality and activated it, revealing Reborn Tengu, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, and Maxx “C”. He added Gorz to his hand and ended, not wanting to Summon another monster and give Aguero another draw with Horn of the Phantom Beast.

Aguero Summoned T.G. Striker and attacked with it: Jones tried to Special Summon Gorz, but Aguero had the Solemn Warning to beat it. Tengu then made a direct attack for 2500 Battle Damage.

Jones drew Mystical Space Typhoon. He activated it and blindly chose to destroy Aguero’s face-down Solemn Judgment. He Special Summoned Striker, then Special Summoned Warwolf, and Aguero Special Summoned a Warwolf of his own. Jones Normal Summoned Rush Rhino, and Synchro Summoned Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! It banished Aguero’s Set Dark Bribe; his Solemn Judgment in his Graveyard; and his hand was empty. Jones attacked T.G. Striker with Trishula, keeping Aguero from making his own Trishula next turn. Aguero got Rush Rhino in the End Phase.

Aguero turned Warwolf to Defense Position next turn, and Set a Spell or Trap.

Jones drew Solemn Warning and Set it, not risking an attack with Trishula.

Aguero Set a card to his Spell and Trap Card Zone.

Jones drew Thunder King Rai-Oh, and seemed to visibly debate the risk of Summoning it. Torrential Tribute would be his worst-case scenario, since it would wipe his field but leave Aguero claiming 2 Tech Genus search effects. After a lot of thought Jones went for it, and Summoned Thunder King: sure enough, Aguero had the Torrential! He flipped it and Jones Chained Maxx “C”, losing his field but drawing a card when Aguero Special Summoned Reborn Tengu. The card Jones drew was Monster Reborn! Jones activated it to bring back Trishula, but Aguero had Bottomless Trap Hole! Trishula was banished, along with any hopes Jones had for a comeback! He Set Warning and continued to Duel anyways, not giving up.

Aguero tried to Summon Rush Rhino, and Jones negated the Summon with Warning. Aguero got his own Warning with Pot of Duality, and attacked with Reborn Tengu: Jones drew for his next turn and immediately offered the handshake, knowing there was no way out.

Hansel Aguero drops the first Duel of this Tech Genus mirror Match to Jeff Jones, but fights back to take the second and third contests! Aguero finishes the Swiss Rounds with a 10-1 record, moving on to the Top 64.

Round 11: High-Tech Dueling Action – Jeff Jones VS Hansel Aguero

Hands down, Tech Genus is the breakout Deck of Day 2. With a slew of competitors heading into the start of the Day packing pure Tech Genus builds with great records, our last Swiss round Feature Match sees Jeff Jones take on Hansel Aguero in – get this – a Tech Genus mirror Match! Both of these Duelists had 9-1 records so far, so both would likely be headed to the Top 64. But this one was for pride, personal accomplishment, and showmanship.

Jones started the Match with a hand of T.G. Rush Rhino; T.G. Striker; Monster Reborn; TG1-EM1; Horn of the Phantom Beast; and Solemn Judgment. He Summoned the Rhino and Set his Traps.

Aguero Special Summoned T.G. Striker, and Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu. He Tuned them together to Synchro Summon Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth, and he Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck. Gaia Knight attacked into Rush Rhino, and Jones activated TG1-EM1 to trade his Rush Rhino for Gaia Knight! Aguero Set 4 cards to hs back row.

Jones drew Reborn Tengu and Summoned it. He attacked with Gaia Knight, sending it after Rush Rhino, and Aguero bounced it away with Compulsory Evacuation Device. Tengu attacked the Rhino next, and when the attack was good Jones flipped Horn of the Phantom Beast in the Damage Step! Aguero Chained Dark Bribe to stop the Horn, and Jones drew Effect Veiler with Bribe’s effect. Rhino was still destroyed, and in the End Phase Jones got to use its effect to get T.G. Warwolf from his Deck, adding it to his hand.

Aguero shook his head as he drew: he had Tengu on the field; 2 cards Set in his Spell and Trap Card Zone; and 1 card in hand. He sent his Tengu to destroy Jones’ in battle, and both Duelists Special Summoned another Tengu each. Aguero ran his last Tengu at Jones’ second, and Jones Special Summoned his third. Aguero Set a third Spell or Trap.

Jones drew Mystical Space Typhoon and Normal Summoned T.G. Striker. Striker and Tengu attacked for a combined total of 2500 Battle Damage, and Jones Set Typhoon.

Aguero passed.

Jones drew Solemn Warning. He Summoned T.G. Warwolf and attacked with all 3 of his monsters, dropping Aguero to 1700 Life Points. Jones Set Warning.

Aguero had to activate Dark Hole, destroying Jones Tengu and pair of Tech Genus monsters. Aguero tried to Summon Warwolf, but lost out to Solemn Warning. In the End Phase, Jones searched his Deck for 2 T.G. Rush Rhinos.

Jones drew Torrential Tribute and tried to Summon a Rhino: Aguero negated the Summon with Solemn Judgment. Jones blasted Aguero’s Set Skill Drain with Mystical Space Typhoon, then activated Monster Reborn to bring back Rush Rhino and attack for game!

An early TG1-EM1 and a flood of aggressively-played Tech Genus monsters gives Jeff Jones the win in the first Duel! Both Duelists went straight for their Side Decks, and took a little time considering their decisions for this almost unforeseeable mirror Match.

“It’s the one Match you didn’t expect to play,” commented YCS regular Billy Brake, shouting from the spectators’ gallery.

“Yeah!” responded Jones. “And I’ve played it three times this weekend!” Aguero chuckled. Tech Genus Decks had been far more popular in the WCQ than any Duelist had really anticipated, and there was a strong chance that both of these competitors would make it to the Top 64.

The second Duel began moments later, as Aguero Set 4 cards to his Spell and Trap Card Zone.

Jones had Horn of the Phantom Beast; 2 Thunder King Rai-Oh; T.G. Warwolf; and 2 Maxx “C”. Jones Summoned a Thunder King and attacked, scoring a direct shot for 1900 Battle Damage. He Set Horn, and lost it to Dust Tornado in the End Phase.

Aguero Set a fourth Spell or Trap: no monsters yet.

Jones drew Pot of Avarice and attacked with Thunder King: this time, Aguero blocked with Book of Moon. Thunder King went face-down, so Jones tried to Summon another, but the Summon was negated with Solemn Warning.

Aguero activated Pot of Duality, revealing Bottomless Trap Hole and 2 T.G. Rush Rhinos off the top of his Deck: he added a Rhino to his hand and shuffled the rest back to his Deck. He Summoned Rhino; attacked to destroy Thunder King; and Set a Spell or Trap.

Jones drew Reborn Tengu. He tried to Summon it, but Aguero negated the Summon with Solemn Judgment, keeping his Rhino safe. Aguero had 2050 Life Points left.

Aguero took a moment to consider the risk of Gorz the Emissary of Darkness (Jones had 4 cards in hand), and Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu. He went for it, attacking with both monsters for a combined total of 3700 Battle Damage.

Jones drew Monster Reborn. He activated it to target his Tengu, and when he Special Summoned it he Special Summoned Warwolf. He sent his Tengu at Aguero’s, and in response to his own attack he activated the effect of Maxx “C”! Each Duelist Special Summoned another Tengu, and when those 2 clashed, they each Summoned another: Jones drew 2 cards total, Dark Hole and T.G. Striker. It was a great use of his Maxx “C”. Jones sent his last Tengu to destroy Aguero’s, and in Main Phase 2 he activated Pot of Avarice to shuffle back all 3 Tengus plus 2 Thunder Kings back into his Deck. He drew TG1-EM1 and Tengu, and promptly Set TG1. Aguero destroyed it with Dust Tornado in the End Phase.

Aguero Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh next turn, and ran over Warwolf with Rhino. Thunder King made a direct attack, and Jones dropped to 1600 Life Points.

Jones drew Rush Rhino next turn, holding Tengu, Striker, Maxx “C”, and Dark Hole. Aguero had Thunder King Rai-Oh, Rush Rhino, and a Set card in his back row; plus a card in hand. Jones activated Dark Hole, and Aguero countered with Dark Bribe, letting Jones draw Sangan from his Deck. He Special Summoned Striker in Defense Position, then Normal Summoned Tengu. Jones attempted to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, but Aguero negated the Summon with Thunder King Rai-Oh. Jones Special Summoned another Tengu, and attacked to destroy Rush Rhino. Aguero dropped to 1950 Life Points. He got T.G. Striker from his Deck.

Aguero drew to 3 cards in hand, and activated Pot of Avarice to return Rush Rhino; Thunder King; and 3 Tengus to his Deck. He drew 2 cards for a total hand of 4, and Special Summoned Striker in Attack Position. He Normal Summoned Tengu, and Jones pitched his second Maxx “C”. Aguero attacked with his Tengu, and both he and Jones each Special Summoned another: Jones had just 1600 Life Points left, and drew a card with Maxx “C”. Aguero traded his Tengu against Jones’ last Tengu; Special Summoned his third copy; and struck for game with Striker, then Tengu, actually leaving himself wide open to a potential Gorz that Jones luckily didn’t have.

Hansel Aguero fights back from an unsuccessful first Duel to capture the second! Play quickly moved to the last Duel.

Jones opened with 2 T.G. Striker; Horn of the Phantom Beast; 2 T.G. Warwolf; and Maxx “C”. He Summoned Warwolf and Set Horn.

Aguero Set 4 cards to his back row.

Jones drew Dimensional Prison and Summoned Striker: he attacked with Striker, and lost it to Dimensional Prison. Warwolf scored a direct shot for 1200 Battle Damage, and Jones Set Prison, losing it to Dust Tornado in the End Phase.

Aguero Summoned Reborn Tengu and attacked: Jones activated Horn of the Phantom Beast, but Aguero activated a Horn of his own! Warwolf went down, and Aguero drew a card. Aguero Set 2 more cards to his Spell and Trap Card Zone, and Jones searched his Deck for T.G. Rush Rhino in the End Phase.

Jones drew Pot of Duality and activated it, revealing Reborn Tengu, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, and Maxx “C”. He added Gorz to his hand and ended, not wanting to Summon another monster and give Aguero another draw with Horn of the Phantom Beast.

Aguero Summoned T.G. Striker and attacked with it: Jones tried to Special Summon Gorz, but Aguero had the Solemn Warning to beat it. Tengu then made a direct attack for 2500 Battle Damage.

Jones drew Mystical Space Typhoon. He activated it and blindly chose to destroy Aguero’s face-down Solemn Judgment. He Special Summoned Striker, then Special Summoned Warwolf, and Aguero Special Summoned a Warwolf of his own. Jones Normal Summoned Rush Rhino, and Synchro Summoned Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! It banished Aguero’s Set Dark Bribe; his Solemn Judgment in his Graveyard; and his hand was empty. Jones attacked T.G. Striker with Trishula, keeping Aguero from making his own Trishula next turn. Aguero got Rush Rhino in the End Phase.

Aguero turned Warwolf to Defense Position next turn, and Set a Spell or Trap.

Jones drew Solemn Warning and Set it, not risking an attack with Trishula.

Aguero Set a card to his Spell and Trap Card Zone.

Jones drew Thunder King Rai-Oh, and seemed to visibly debate the risk of Summoning it. Torrential Tribute would be his worst-case scenario, since it would wipe his field but leave Aguero claiming 2 Tech Genus search effects. After a lot of thought Jones went for it, and Summoned Thunder King: sure enough, Aguero had the Torrential! He flipped it and Jones Chained Maxx “C”, losing his field but drawing a card when Aguero Special Summoned Reborn Tengu. The card Jones drew was Monster Reborn! Jones activated it to bring back Trishula, but Aguero had Bottomless Trap Hole! Trishula was banished, along with any hopes Jones had for a comeback! He Set Warning and continued to Duel anyways, not giving up.

Aguero tried to Summon Rush Rhino, and Jones negated the Summon with Warning. Aguero got his own Warning with Pot of Duality, and attacked with Reborn Tengu: Jones drew for his next turn and immediately offered the handshake, knowing there was no way out.

Hansel Aguero drops the first Duel of this Tech Genus mirror Match to Jeff Jones, but fights back to take the second and third contests! Aguero finishes the Swiss Rounds with a 10-1 record, moving on to the Top 64.