Home > 2011 North American WCQ > Round 3: Frazier “Agent” Smith VS Honorable Josh Snyder

Round 3: Frazier “Agent” Smith VS Honorable Josh Snyder

July 16th, 2011

Frazier Smith is a YCS winner who beat out the competition at YCS Atlanta by using Gravekeeper’s. This allowed him to claim his first championship title. Since then, he has made it to the Top 16 at YCS Rhode Island with X-Sabers, and made it to the Top 16 at YCS Charlotte with Dragunities. But Josh Snyder is no stranger to the top tables either. He made the Top 32 of YCS Dallas with his Six Samurai Deck, and now he’s back for the WCQ, using his Six Samurai Deck against Smith’s Agents.

Snyder began Duel 1 by Setting 3 cards to his back row.

Smith opened up with The Agent of Creation – Venus, Honest, Mystical Space Typhoon, Cards from the Sky, Fiendish Chain, and Solemn Warning. He Summoned Venus and activated its effect. He paid 1500 Life Points to Special Summon 3 copies of Mystical Shine Ball from his Deck, all in Attack Position. Smith attacked directly with all 3 of his Shine Balls and Venus, dropping Snyder down to 4900 Life Points. Smith Set Mystical Space Typhoon, Fiendish Chain, and Solemn Warning before ending his turn, and Snyder activated Mystical Space Typhoon in his End Phase to destroy Smith’s newly Set Mystical Space Typhoon.

Synder activated Dimensional Fissure next turn. Then he activated Dark Hole, destroying and banishing Smith’s 3 Shine Balls and Venus.

Smith drew Genex Ally Birdman next turn and then activated Cards from the Sky to banish Honest from his hand and draw 2 cards. He picked up Giant Trunade and The Agent of Mystery – Earth from his Deck. He Summoned Earth and used its effect to grab The Agent of Miracles – Jupiter from his Deck, then ended his turn.

Snyder Normal Summoned Elder of the Six Samurai then Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from his hand. Next, he activated Asceticism of the Six Samurai, selecting his Elder in order to Special Summon Kagemusha of the Six Samurai from his Deck. He Tuned Elder with Kagemusha to Synchro Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En, and when Smith activated Solemn Warning to try to negate Shi En’s Summon, Snyder flipped Musakani Magatama to negate the Solemn Warning! Shi En attacked and destroyed Earth, and then Grandmaster attacked directly, dropping Smith down to 900 Life Points.

Smith drew Master Hyperion next turn.  He had Giant Trunade, Jupiter, Birdman, and Master Hyperion in his hand, with Fiendish Chain face-down. Snyder had a face-down card in his back row, Dimensional Fissure face-up, and 2 Attack Position Samurais: Grandmaster and Shi En. Smith flipped Fiendish Chain targeting Shi En, and Snyder negated the Fiendish Chain with Shi En’s effect. Next, Smith activated Giant Trunade, and Snyder negated it by paying 2450 Life Points and flipping Solemn Judgment. Smith removed Jupiter from his hand next, in order to Special Summon Master Hyperion, and used his Hyperion to attack and destroy Grandmaster of the Six Samurai. Snyder dropped down to 1850 Life Points and Smith ended his turn with a Hyperion on the field and no back rows.

Synder drew a card and passed, unable to destroy Hyperion.

Smith drew Cards from the Sky next turn. He attacked and destroyed Shi En with Hyperion while dropping Snyder down to 1650 Life Points.

Snyder Set a monster and passed.

Smith drew another copy of Cards from the Sky and then attacked Snyder’s face-down monster. It was Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki. Hyperion destroyed it in battle, and it was banished due to Dimensional Fissure. Smith Set both copies of Cards from the Sky and Set his Birdman before ending his turn.

Snyder Set a monster and passed.

Smith drew another copy of Master Hyperion, then attacked and destroyed Snyder’s face-down monster: it was another Kageki! Kageki was destroyed in battle and Smith passed his turn.

Snyder Set a monster and a card to his back row.

Smith drew The Agent of Mystery – Earth next turn and attacked Snyder’s face-down monster with his Hyperion, but lost his Hyperion to Snyder’s Mirror Force! Smith Summoned Earth in Main Phase 2 and used its effect to search for Venus. Then he banished his on-field Earth in order to Special Summon Master Hyperion from his hand!

Snyder Flip Summoned Elder of the Six Samurai next turn and then activated Asceticism of the Six Samurai in order to Special Summon Kagemusha from his Deck. He Tuned Elder with Kagemusha to Synchro Summon Ally of Justice Catastor, then attacked Hyperion with Catastor to destroy Hyperion with Catastor’s effect.

Smith drew another Master Hyperion next turn. He activated his face-down Cards from the Sky by banishing Master Hyperion from his hand, then drew Dark Hole and Earth from his Deck. Next, Smith flipped his other copy of Cards from the Sky and banished Venus from his hand in order to draw Archlord Kristya and Torrential Tribute. Smith activated Dark Hole to destroy Ally of Justice Catastor and his own Birdman, then Summoned Earth and used its effect to grab Venus from his Deck. Smith Set Torrential Tribute before ending his turn.

Snyder drew a card and Set it to his back row.

Smith drew Solemn Judgment and then Summoned Venus to the field. Earth and Venus attacked directly, wiping out Snyder’s 1650 Life Points!

Frazier Smith wins the first Duel with Master Hyperion, without even destroying Snyder’s first-turn Dimensional Fissure! Josh Snyder will be going first in Duel 2!

Snyder started off Duel 2 by activating Shien’s Smoke Signal to search his Deck for Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki and add it to his hand. Then he activated another copy of Smoke Signal to grab Kagemusha of the Six Samurai. He Normal Summoned Kageki and activated its effect to Special Summon Kagemusha from his hand. He Tuned Kageki with Kagemusha to Synchro Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En, then Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Smith opened up Duel 2 with Mystical Shine Ball, Solemn Judgment, The Agent of Mystery – Earth, Archlord Kristya, Pot of Duality, and The Agent of Creation – Venus. He Summoned Venus and activated its effect twice, allowing him to pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 2 Mystical Shine Balls from his Deck. Then he paid another 500 Life Points to Special Summon a Mystical Shine Ball from his hand. Smith Set Pot of Duality and Solemn Judgment before ending his turn.

Snyder attacked and destroyed a Mystical Shine Ball with Shi En. In Main Phase 2, he Normal Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh.

Smith drew Kinetic Solder next turn! He Normal Summoned it and Snyder paid 2000 Life Points to activate Solemn Warning and negate Kinetic Soldier’s Summon. Smith chose not to use his Solemn Judgment to counter the Warning. He switched his Venus into Defense Position and then ended his turn.

Snyder activated Six Samurai United next turn and Special Summoned Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan from his hand. He added a Bushido Counter to his Six Samurai United and then Normal Summoned Elder of the Six Samurai to add another Bushido Counter to Six Samurai United. He sent the United to the Graveyard to draw 2 cards, then destroyed all 3 of Smith’s monsters in battle before attacking directly with Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En. Smith dropped down to 4000 Life Points and play passed to Smith.

Smith drew Dark Hole next turn. He tried to Special Summon Archlord Kristya, but Snyder sent Thunder King Rai-Oh to the Graveyard to negate its Summon. Next, Smith Normal Summoned Earth from his hand and used its effect to add a copy of Jupiter from his Deck to his hand. He attacked and destroyed Elder with Earth, then Set Dark Hole and ended his turn.

Snyder activated Reinforcement of the Army next turn. He searched his Deck for Kagemusha of the Six Samurai and Summoned it to the field. Next, he Tuned Kagemusha with Kizan in order to Synchro Summon Naturia Barkion.  Smith flipped Solemn Judgment and paid 2000 Life Points to negate Barkion’s Summon, but Snyder Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai next, and Smith instantly conceded with nothing but bluffs in his back row.

Josh Snyder wins Duel 2 thanks to an early Shi En, pushing the Match to a third Duel! Frazier Smith will be going first in the final Duel!

Smith opened up Duel 3 with Cards from the Sky, Mystical Shine Ball, Pot of Duality, Fiendish Chain, Royal Oppression, and The Agent of Miracles – Jupiter. He activated Cards from the Sky to remove the Shine Ball from his hand and draw Dark Hole and Earth from his Deck. Next, he Normal Summoned Earth and used its effect to add The Agent of Creation – Venus from his Deck to his hand. Smith activated Pot of Duality next, revealing Solemn Warning, Torrential Tribute, and another copy of Earth from the top of his Deck. He added the Torrential Tribute to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Smith Set Torrential Tribute, Royal Oppression, and Fiendish Chain before ending his turn.

Snyder activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Smith’s face-down Fiendish Chain, then activated Dimensional Fissure. He Set a card to each zone and then ended his turn.

Smith drew Monster Reborn next turn; but with no monsters in the Graveyard and Dimensional Fissure face-up, it wasn’t much use. He Normal Summoned Venus and paid 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 2 copies of Mystical Shine Ball from his Deck in Defense Position. Next, Smith Tuned Earth with Venus and 2 copies of Mystical Shine Ball to try to Summon Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, and Snyder flipped Solemn Judgment, paying 4000 Life Points to negate Trishula’s Summon! Smith passed to Snyder with no monsters on the field.

Snyder activated Six Samurai United and then Flip Summoned Kagemusha of the Six Samurai. He tried to Special Summon Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan next, but Smith flipped Royal Oppression and paid 800 Life Points to negate its Summon. Snyder ended his turn with an Attack Position Kagemusha, a Dimensional Fissure, and a Six Samurai United with no Bushido Counters on it.

Smith drew Kinetic Soldier next turn. He Normal Summoned The Agent of Miracles – Jupiter and then attacked Kagemusha to destroy it in battle. Snyder dropped down to 2600 Life Points and Kagemusha was banished due to the effect of Dimensional Fissure.

Snyder activated Dark Hole to destroy Jupiter, then Summoned Hand of the Six Samurai to add a Bushido Counter to his Six Samurai United. He sent the United to the Graveyard to draw a card, then attacked directly with Hand to drop Smith down to 3800 Life Points.

Smith drew Venus next turn and then Summoned Kinetic Soldier. He attacked Hand with Kinetic Soldier, dropping Snyder down to 850 Life Points and destroying the Hand.

Snyder Set a card to each zone and passed.

Smith drew Master Hyperion. He attacked Snyder’s face-down monster with Kinetic Soldier, revealing Kizan and taking it down in battle.

Snyder drew Musakani Magatama next turn and conceded, knowing that his last 850 Life Points would be wiped out by Smith’s Kinetic Soldier on the next turn!

Frazier Smith wins Round 3 with his Agent Deck to advance undefeated in the tournament!