Round 4: Tombkeeper Jonathan Weigle VS Duplicator Nick Amato
Jonathan Weigle has topped 3 YCS events in the past year. He took second place at YCS Anaheim with Gravekeeper’s, Top 16 at YCS Orlando with Gravekeeper’s, and Top 32 at YCS Atlanta with X-Sabers. Now, he’s back with his Deck of choice, running Gravekeeper’s in the WCQ. His opponent, Nick Amato, doesn’t have any YCS tops and is running a Deck based around the Junk Synchron/Doppelwarrior combo in today’s tournament. Weigle has a favorable Matchup against this sort of Deck, plus experience on his side, so this may be a tough Match for Amato.
Weigle opened up with Compulsory Evacuation Device, Gravekeeper’s Descendant, Gravekeeper’s Recruiter, Solemn Judgment, and 2 copies of Necrovalley. He activated Necrovalley, Set 2 cards to his back row, and Set a Recruiter.
Amato Summoned Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress and then activated her effect to destroy Necrovalley and switch her to Defense Position. Then he Set a card to his back row. In his End Phase, Amato sent Dandylion, Charge of the Light Brigade, and Foolish Burial from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard and Special Summoned 2 Fluff Tokens with the effect of Dandylion.
Weigle drew Solemn Warning next turn. He flipped his Recruiter and attacked Lyla with it, destroying her in battle. Weigle Set Solemn Warning in Main Phase 2 and then ended his turn.
Amato Set a card to each zone and passed.
Weigle drew Royal Tribute! He Summoned Gravekeeper’s Descendant and then activated his last in-hand card: Royal Tribute. Amato revealed Reinforcement of the Army, Debris Dragon, and Gorz the Emissary of Darkness from his hand, and discarded his 2 monsters to the Graveyard due to Royal Tribute’s effect. Gravekeeper’s Descendant attacked Amato’s Fluff Token, but Amato activated Book of Moon to put the Descendant face-down and protect the Token. Next, Gravekeeper’s Recruiter attacked and destroyed a Fluff Token.
Amato drew Card Trooper next turn and activated its effect by sending Effect Veiler, Mirror Force, and Dark Hole from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Amato attacked Weigle’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Descendant in battle by using his 1900 ATK Card Trooper. In Main Phase 2, Amato tried to Flip Summon Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, and Weigle flipped Solemn Warning to negate its Summon.
Weigle drew Gravekeeper’s Assailant next turn and Summoned it. Gravekeeper’s Assailant attacked Amato’s Fluff Token and Weigle used his Assailant’s effect to switch the Token to Attack Position. Amato lost 2000 Life Points. Next, Gravekeeper’s Recruiter attacked and destroyed Card Trooper, dropping Amato down to 4700 Life Points. Card Trooper was destroyed and Amato drew a card due to his Trooper’s effect.
Amato Normal Summoned Lonefire Blossom next turn! He Tributed it to Special Summon another Lonefire from his Deck, then Tributed that one to Special Summon Spore from his Deck. Amato ended his turn without any other play.
Weigle drew Dimensional Prison next turn. He attacked Spore with Gravekeeper’s Assailant and switched it into Attack Position with his Assailant’s effect, destroying it in battle and dealing 1600 points of damage to Amato. Next, Gravekeeper’s Recruiter attacked directly, dropping Amato down to 1400 Life Points.
Amato conceded on his next turn, pinned down by Necrovalley!
Jonathan Weigle dominates Duel 1 with a first-turn Necrovalley and early Royal Tribute. Nick Amato will be going first in Duel 2!
Amato started off Duel 2 by activating Charge of the Light Brigade. He paid the cost by sending Debris Dragon, Effect Veiler, and Solemn Judgment from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard, then searched his Deck for a copy of Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress to add to his hand. Next, he Normal Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and Set 2 cards to his back row.
Weigle opened up with Effect Veiler, Gravekeeper’s Stele, Gravekeeper’s Commandant, Rivalry of Warlords, Necrovalley, and Gravekeeper’s Recruiter. He Summoned Gravekeeper’s Commandant to the field and then activated Necrovalley. Amato Chained Dust Tornado to destroy it. Weigle Set Rivalry of Warlords and ended his turn.
Amato drew a card and Weigle flipped Rivalry of Warlords in his Draw Phase. Amato Summoned another Thunder King Rai-Oh to the field, and then attacked over the Commandant with his first Rai-Oh. The other Rai-Oh attacked Weigle directly, dropping him down to 5800 Life Points.
Weigle drew another copy of Effect Veiler next turn. He Set it and passed.
Amato attacked Weigle’s face-down Effect Veiler with his first Rai-Oh, destroying it in battle, and then attacked directly with his other Rai-Oh to drop Weigle down to 3900 Life Points.
Weigle drew Pot of Duality. He couldn’t activate it due to the effect of Rai-Oh, so he Set it instead. He Set Gravekeeper’s Recruiter before ending his turn.
Amato attacked the face-down Recruiter with Rai-Oh, destroying it in battle. Recruiter couldn’t grab Weigle another Gravekeeper’s monster due to Rai-Oh’s effect. Amato’s other Rai-Oh attacked directly, dropping Weigle down to 2000 Life Points. Amato Set a monster and a card to his back row before ending his turn.
Weigle drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn. He Set it along with Effect Veiler and passed.
Amato attacked Weigle’s face-down Effect Veiler with Rai-Oh to destroy it, and then another direct attack from Rai-Oh dropped Weigle down to 100 Life Points.
Weigle drew Compulsory Evacuation Device next turn. He Set it in his Spell and Trap Card Zone along with a Gravekeeper’s Stele and then passed to Amato.
Amato attacked directly with Rai-Oh on his next turn, and the Duel was over! Weigle used Compulsory Evacuation Device to bounce one of the Rai-Ohs to Amato’s hand, but a direct attack from the other one finished Weigle off!
Nick Amato wins Duel 2 by Summoning 2 copies off Thunder King Rai-Oh while Rivalry of Warlords is on the field! Jonathan Weigle will be going first in Duel 3!
Weigle opened up Duel 3 with Effect Veiler, Gravekeeper’s Recruiter, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Dark Hole, and 2 copies of Gozen Match. He Set all of his Trap Cards and Gravekeeper’s Recruiter, then ended his turn.
Amato activated Charge of the Light Brigade by sending Thunder King Rai-Oh, One for One, and Reborn Tengu from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard, and searched his Deck for a copy of Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress to add to his hand with its effect. Then Amato Summoned Card Trooper to the field and activated its effect by sending Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, Effect Veiler, and Dust Tornado from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Amato Set 3 cards to his back row and ended his turn without attacking.
Weigle drew Gravekeeper’s Commandant next turn. He Flip Summoned Gravekeeper’s Recruiter and then discarded Gravekeeper’s Commandant from his hand to search his Deck for Necrovalley and add it to his hand. Next, he activated Necrovalley. Amato Chained Dust Tornado, but Weigle negated it with Seven Tools of the Bandit. Weigle attacked Card Trooper with Recruiter, and Amato flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Necrovalley and reduce the Recruiter’s ATK to 1200. Amato lost 800 Life Points, Card Trooper was sent to the Graveyard, and Amato drew a card due to the Trooper’s effect.
Amato activated Foolish Burial next turn to send Dandylion from his Deck to his Graveyard and Special Summon 2 Fluff Tokens with Dandylion’s effect. Weigle flipped Gozen Match when they were Summoned, in order to prevent Amato from Summoning a non-WIND monster. Next, Amato activated Pot of Avarice and sent Effect Veiler, Ryko, Rai-Oh, Tengu, and Card Trooper from his Graveyard to his Deck in order to draw 2 cards. Amato Set a card to each zone before ending his turn.
Weigle drew Gravekeeper’s Spy next turn. He attacked a Token with Gravekeeper’s Recruiter and then Set Gravekeeper’s Spy in Main Phase 2.
Amato activated Giant Trunade next turn! Both players returned all Spell and Trap Cards to their hands. Then, Amato Flip Summoned Card Trooper and activated its effect by sending Thunder King Rai-Oh, Sangan, and Book of Moon from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Next, Amato Normal Summoned Spore. He Tuned Spore with a Fluff Token in order to Synchro Summon Formula Synchron, then drew a card with Formula Synchron’s effect. Amato attacked Weigle’s Recruiter with his Card Trooper, inflicting 700 points of damage to Weigle and sending the Recruiter to the Graveyard. Weigle searched his Deck for a copy of Gravekeeper’s Commandant to add to his hand with the Recruiter’s effect.
Weigle drew Fiendish Chain next turn. He had Fiendish Chain, Dark Hole, Effect Veiler, Gravekeeper’s Commandant, and 2 copies of Gozen Match in his hand, with a face-down Gravekeeper’s Spy on the field. Weigle discarded the Commandant from his hand to grab Necrovalley, and in response to Necrovalley being added to Weigle’s hand, Amato activated Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Thunder King Rai-Oh from his Graveyard. Next, Weigle activated Dark Hole to destroy Rai-Oh, Formula Synchron, and Card Trooper. Amato drew a card due to Trooper’s effect. Weigle activated Necrovalley and Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his turn.
Amato Summoned Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress next turn. He tried to activate her effect, but Weigle flipped Fiendish Chain to negate her effect and prevent her from attacking.
Weigle drew Solemn Warning next turn and Set it.
Amato Set a monster and passed.
Weigle drew Pot of Duality and activated it, revealing Mirror Force, Royal Tribute, and Necrovalley from the top of his Deck. He added Royal Tribute to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he Set a monster and activated Royal Tribute. Amato revealed Effect Veiler, Monster Reborn, and Reborn Tengu from his hand. He sent the Veiler and Tengu to the Graveyard and then play passed to Amato.
Amato tried to Flip Summon Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter next turn, but Weigle flipped Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon. Amato Set a monster before passing.
Weigle drew Solemn Warning and Set it.
Amato Set a card to his back row and passed.
Weigle drew Gravekeeper’s Commandant next turn and Normal Summoned it to the field. He attacked Lyla with his Commandant and Amato flipped Mirror Force to destroy the Commandant.
Amato Normal Summoned Lonefire Blossom next turn and immediately Tributed it to use its effect. Weigle flipped Gozen Match, and Amato Chained Torrential Tribute to clear the field! Amato Special Summoned Tytannial, Princess of Camellias with Lonefire’s effect after the field was cleared and attacked with her; but Weigle activated Dimensional Prison! Amato Tributed Tytannial to negate Dimensional Prison, Tributing Tytannial so that she should go to the Graveyard instead of being banished.
Weigle drew Gravekeeper’s Stele next turn, and activated it to return Gravekeeper’s Recruiter and Gravekeeper’s Spy to his hand. He Summoned the Recruiter and attacked with it, dropping Amato down to 5500 Life Points.
Amato Set a card to his back row and passed.
Weigle drew Dimensional Prison and attacked with Recruiter. Amato flipped Malevolent Catastrophe, destroying Weigle’s 2 Gozen Matches and Necrovalley, and Amato’s own face-down Monster Reborn. Weigle Set a card to each zone and passed.
Amato drew a card and passed.
Weigle Flip Summoned Gravekeeper’s Spy next turn and used its effect to Special Summon Gravekeeper’s Descendant to the field. Next, he attacked with Gravekeeper’s Recruiter, dropping Amato down to 3100 Life Points. Amato Special Summoned the only card in his hand: Gorz the Emissary of Darkness! Amato also Special Summoned an Emissary of Darkness Token in Defense Position. Gravekeeper’s Descendant destroyed the Token in battle, and Weigle Tributed Gravekeeper’s Recruiter with his Descendant’s effect to destroy the Gorz in Main Phase 2. He grabbed another Recruiter from his Deck with the effect of the one he Tributed.
Amato drew Dark Hole next turn and used it to clear the field!
Weigle drew Pot of Duality next turn and used it to add Necrovalley to his hand. He activated Necrovalley and Summoned Recruiter, then attacked directly with Gravekeeper’s Recruiter to drop Amato down to 1400 Life Points.
Amato drew Thunder King Rai-Oh next turn! He Summoned it to the field and used it to attack Gravekeeper’s Recruiter. If the attack was successfully, Recruiter would be destroyed and Amato would lose his Recruiter’s effect to Rai-Oh; but Amato protected his monster with Dimensional Prison and banished Thunder King Rai-Oh! Amato instantly conceded with only 1400 Life Points remaining. Gravekeeper’s Recruiter was bound to wipe out the rest of his Life Points on Weigle’s following turn.
Jonathan Weigle is moving on with a 4-0 record!