. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 6: Robert Boyajian Reborn VS Futuristic Jeff Jones
Home > 2011 North American WCQ > Round 6: Robert Boyajian Reborn VS Futuristic Jeff Jones

Round 6: Robert Boyajian Reborn VS Futuristic Jeff Jones

July 16th, 2011

Boyajian made it to the Top 32 of YCS San Jose with a Blackwing Deck built by Jeff Jones, made it to the Top 32 of YCS Atlanta with a Debris Plants Deck built by Jeff Jones, and made it to the Top 16 of YCS Orlando with a Worm Deck that he built on his own. Now, he’s 5-0 in the WCQ and facing off against none other than Jeff Jones – the Duelist who built his Deck for 2 of the last 3 events that he succeeded in. Jeff Jones won the largest YCS event ever held, YCS Edison, with his Quickdraw Dandywarrior Deck, and won YCS Anaheim with his Dark Skill Drain Deck in 2009. Now, Robert Boyajian’s new Tengu Synchro Deck faces off against Jeff Jones’ new T.G. Deck.

Jones started off Duel 1 by activating Pot of Duality, revealing Mystical Space Typhoon, Pot of Duality, and Pot of Avarice from the top of his Deck. He added Pot of Duality to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, Jones Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu. He Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Boyajian opened up with Reborn Tengu, Dandylion, Spore, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Torrential Tribute, and Limit Reverse. He Set Torrential Tribute and Limit Reverse, then Set Dandylion and ended his turn.

Jones Summoned T.G. Rush Rhino next turn! He attacked Boyajian’s face-down Dandylion with Reborn Tengu, then flipped Horn of the Phantom Beast in the Damage Step in order to draw a card for taking down the Dandylion. Next, Rush Rhino attacked and destroyed a Fluff Token. Jones activated Pot of Duality in Main Phase 2, revealing Effect Veiler, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Solemn Judgment from the top of his Deck. He added Solemn Judgment to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Boyajian drew Gorz the Emissary of Darkness next turn. He Normal Summoned Spore and Tuned it with his remaining Fluff Token to try to Synchro Summon Formula Synchron; but Jones flipped Royal Oppression and paid 800 Life Points to try to negate the Summon; then Boyajian Chained Limit Reverse to try to Special Summon Spore from the Graveyard; and Jones Chained Maxx “C” from his hand. Spore was Special Summoned, Jones drew a card, and Royal Oppression destroyed Formula Synchron. Boyajian attacked Jones’s Rhino with his Spore so that Tengu couldn’t destroy his Spore next turn, and then passed.

Jones attacked directly with Rush Rhino and Reborn Tengu, dropping Boyajian down to 2300 Life Points.

Boyajian drew Call of the Haunted next turn. He Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu and then activated Torrential Tribute to try to clear the field; but Jones flipped Solemn Judgment and paid 3600 Life Points to negate the Torrential Tribute! Boyajian attacked Rush Rhino with his Tengu, and Jones’s Rhino went down in battle. In Boyajian’s End Phase, Jones added T.G. Striker from his Deck to his hand with his Rhino’s effect.

Jones Summoned T.G. Striker next turn, then activated TG1-EM1 to swap his Striker with Boyajian’s Tengu. Next, Jones attacked Striker with his 2500 ATK Reborn Tengu that was buffed up by Horn of the Phantom Beast, dropping Boyajian down to 600 Life Points and allowing Jones to draw a card. Finally, a direct attack from Jones’s other Tengu wiped out the rest of Boyajian’s Life Points!


Jeff Jones dominates Duel 1 with Horn of the Phantom Beast in order to make short work of Robert Boyajian’s Tengu Plant Deck! Robert Boyajian will be going first in Duel 2!

Boyajian opened up Duel 2 with Chain Whirlwind, Book of Moon, Torrential Tribute, Debris Dragon, Reborn Tengu, and Lonefire Blossom. He Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu and Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his first turn.

Jones Summoned T.G. Rush Rhino and attacked Boyajian’s Tengu, destroying it in battle. Boyajian lost 300 Life Points and Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck. Jones activated Pot of Duality in Main Phase 2, revealing Gozen Match and 2 copies of T.G. Striker from the top of his Deck. He added the Gozen Match to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Jones Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Boyajian drew Mind Control next turn, and Jones flipped Gozen Match in Boyajian’s Main Phase. Boyajian attacked and destroyed Rush Rhino with Reborn Tengu, and Jones used his Rhino’s effect in the End Phase to search his Deck for a copy of T.G. Striker to add to his hand.

Jones activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon T.G. Rush Rhino from his Graveyard, then Normal Summoned T.G. Striker. Boyajian flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field, destroying his own Tengu as well as Jones’s Striker and Rhino. Boyajian Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck when his other one left the field. When that Tengu was Summoned, Jones Special Summoned T.G. Warwolf from his hand in Attack Position with its effect. Then he attacked Boyajian’s Tengu with Warwolf, and flipped TG1-EM1 to trade his Warwolf for Boyajian’s Tengu. Jones re-declared an attack, choosing to make his Tengu attack the Warwolf that he just handed to Boyajian. Warwolf was destroyed, and in Jones’s End Phase, Jones searched his Deck for 2 copies of T.G. Rush Rhino and a T.G. Striker with the effects of his 3 fallen T.G. monsters.

Boyajian drew Chain Whirlwind next turn.  He Set Chain Whirlwind and Debris Dragon, then passed.

Jones activated Pot of Duality, revealing Sangan, Royal Oppression, and Book of Moon from the top of his Deck. He added the Oppression to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck.  Next, Jones attacked Boyajian’s face-down monster: it was a 2000 DEF Debris Dragon! Jones lost 300 Life Points and Debris Dragon survived the battle.

Boyajian drew Banisher of the Radiance and passed.

Jones Set a card to his back row and ended his turn.

Boyajian drew Mystical Space Typhoon and Set it.

Jones passed without making a play.

Boyajian Set Solemn Warning and passed.

Jones Set a card to his back row, filling up all 5 of his Spell and Trap Card Zones, then ended his turn. In his End Phase, Boyajian activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Jones’s newly Set Horn of the Phantom Beast. After it was destroyed, Boyajian activated Chain Whirlwind to destroy Jones’s Gozen Match and Royal Oppression. When those 2 cards were destroyed, Boyajian activated another Chain Whirlwind to target Jones’s face-down Mystical Space Typhoon and Chain Disappearance. Jones Chained the Mystical Space Typhoon to target Boyajian’s last face-down Spell or Trap Card, Book of Moon, which he Chained to turn Jones’s Reborn Tengu face-down. Both players’ Spell and Trap Card Zones were cleared!


Boyajian drew Thunder King Rai-Oh next turn. He and Jones both had 5 cards in their hands with a monster on the field and no cards in their Spell and Trap Card Zones. Boyajian Normal Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and attacked Jones’s face-down Tengu. It was destroyed and sent to Boyajian’s Graveyard, since Boyajian was the original owner. Boyajian Set Solemn Warning before passing to Jones.

Jones Special Summoned T.G. Striker next turn, then used his in-hand Warwolf’s effect to Special Summon it to the field. Next, Jones tried to Normal Summoned T.G. Rush Rhino, but lost out to Boyajian’s Solemn Warning. Jones Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Boyajian drew Pot of Avarice next turn! He attacked Jones’s Warwolf with Rai-Oh, and Jones flipped Horn of the Phantom Beast in order to boost his Warwolf to 2000 ATK! Rai-Oh was destroyed in battle and Jones drew a card from his Deck with the effect of his Horn. Boyajian activated Mind Control next, allowing him to take control of T.G. Warwolf. He Tuned his Warwolf with Debris Dragon in order to Synchro Summon Ancient Fairy Dragon in Defense Position, then activated Pot of Avarice to send Thunder King Rai-Oh, Debris Dragon, and 3 copies of Reborn Tengu from his Graveyard to his Deck. He drew Reborn Tengu and Solemn Judgment from the top of his Deck with the effect of his Pot.

Jones activated his own Pot of Avarice next turn, returning 2 Warwolfs, 2 Rhinos, and a Striker from his Graveyard to his Deck to draw 2 cards. He ended his turn without using any more cards.

Boyajian drew Gorz the Emissary of Darkness next turn. He Normal Summoned Banisher of the Radiance and then switched his Dragon to Attack Position. He attacked Jones’s T.G. Striker with Banisher of the Radiance, and T.G. Striker was banished from the Duel. Next, Boyajian attacked directly with Ancient Fairy Dragon.

Jones Special Summoned T.G. Striker next turn and Special Summoned a T.G. Warwolf from his hand. Then he Normal Summoned Tengu. He Tuned his 3 monsters together to try to Summon Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, but Boyajian paid 2550 Life Points to activate Solemn Judgment and negate Trishula’s Summon! Jones Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck and used it to attack and destroy Banisher of the Radiance.

Boyajian drew Seven Tools of the Bandit next turn, then activated his Dragon’s effect to Special Summon Reborn Tengu from his hand. Boyajian switched his Ancient Fairy Dragon to Defense Position and then Set Seven Tools of the Bandit.

Jones Summoned T.G. Rush Rhino next turn and used it to attack and destroy Boyajian’s Tengu. Boyajian Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck with his fallen one’s effect, and then Jones attacked Boyajian’s Tengu with his own. Both Tengus destroyed each other, and Jones and Boyajian each Special Summoned another Tengu from their Decks in Attack Position. Jones clashed Tengus again, but this time, both Duelists were out of Tengus to Summon after both Tengus were destroyed.

Boyajian drew Mirror Force next turn. He Normal Summoned Lonefire Blossom and Tributed it to Special Summon another copy from his Deck; then he Tributed the new Lonefire Blossom to Special Summon Glow-Up Bulb. Jones flipped Torrential Tribute to try to clear the field, but Boyajian flipped Seven Tools of the Bandit and gave up 1000 Life Points to negate it! Boyajian Tuned Glow-Up Bulb with Ancient Fairy Dragon in order to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon, then attacked Rush Rhino with Stardust. Jones lost 900 Life Points and his Rhino was destroyed. Boyajian Set Mirror Force, and then in his End Phase, Jones searched his Deck for a T.G. Striker to add to his hand with the effect of his Rhino.

Jones Special Summoned T.G. Striker next turn and then Normal Summoned T.G. Rush Rhino. He Tuned his 2 monsters together to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, then used Brionac’s effect to discard Effect Veiler and return Stardust Dragon to Boyajian’s Extra Deck. Next, Jones discarded Maxx “C” to return Mirror Force to Boyajian’s hand. After one direct attack from Brionac, Robert Boyajian’s last 1150 Life Points were extinguished!

Jeff Jones uses Horn of the Phantom Beast and his T.G. Deck to defeat Robert Boyajian 2-0 and advance in the tournament with a 6-0 record!