QQ: What’s your favorite Generation Force card?
QQ Stands for Quick Questions! While YCS Indianapolis kicked off here today at the Indianapolis Convention Center, Duelists around the globe were getting their first taste of the new booster set, Generation Force! Hundreds of Sneak Preview events are being held this weekend worldwide, and competitors here in Indy will get their Sneak Preview here tomorrow. With that in mind, we asked a spread of attendees: “What’s your favorite card from Generation Force?”
“Vision Hero Adoration! I like being able to dump ANYTHING with Future Fusion and Elemental Hero Prisma, and it – looks – AWESOME!” – Billy Brake
“Pain Painter! I’m a big Zombie fan!” – David Mitchell
“Steelswarm Roach: that card’s just really, really good at negating summons.” – Joe Re
“Orient Dragon: it replaces Iron Chain Dragon in the Extra Deck and it makes Debris Dragon way better.” – Jacob Medley
“Pain Painter!” – Augustin Herrera
“Steelswarm Roach. It’s like Thunder King, and I played that before, so why not?” – Hansel Aguero
“Definitely Thunder Short. I play Burn!” – Michael Przetak
“Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon! It destroys cards every turn and you can make him with two Hyper Librarians.” – Josh Harris
“Steelswarm Roach: it stops Special Summons, so it’s really strong.” – Thomas Ferguson
“Tiras, Keeper of Genesis. It can’t be destroyed by effects, and it’s got really high attack.” – Paul Cooper
“Leviair the Sea Dragon, because you can make it with Tour Guide, and it Special Summons.” – Evan Petre
“Steelswarm Roach. That’s a pretty good one, I hear!” – Matt Hoey
“Pain Painter!” – Joshua Matheson
“The Xyz that destroys guys! Adreus!” – Phillip Pena
So what’s YOUR favorite card? If you went to the Sneak Peek, you got a link to a special web survey asking you that very question. The survey will also be available to the general public, once Generation Force is on store shelves on August 16! Make sure to make your voice heard when the time comes!