Round 5 Feature Match: Marcus Paternoster vs. Tyler Tabman
Tyler Tabman is undefeated here in Round 5 with an Elemental Hero Fusion Deck. Tabman is running triple Fusion Gate, double Super Polymerization, and a bunch of other tricks. His opponent, Marcus Paternoster, is playing a Master Hyperion Deck with The Agent of Creation – Venus and Archlord Kristya. Kristya may give Paternoster an edge, but the surprise factor is definitely on Tabman’s side. This one is anybody’s Match!
Paternoster opened the Match with The Agent of Mystery – Earth, getting The Agent of Miracles – Jupiter from his Deck. He Set 2 cards to his Spell and Trap Card Zone.
Tabman had Effect Veiler, Pot of Duality, 2 Solemn Warnings, Fusion Gate, and Miracle Fusion. Pot of Duality revealed E – Emergency Call, Dark Hole, and Elemental Hero Neos Alius. He took Emergency Call, and used it to get Stratos. Tabman Summoned Stratos, and got Neos Alius from his Deck. He attacked with Stratos to destroy The Agent of Mystery. In Main Phase 2 he Set both copies of Warning.
Paternoster activated Giant Trunade next turn, Normal Summoning The Agent of Creation – Venus and paying 500 Life Points for her effect. Tabman negated it with Veiler. Paternoster Set 2 cards to his back row again.
Tabman drew Thunder King Rai-Oh. He Summoned Neos Alius, and attacked Venus with Stratos. Neos Alius made a direct attack to drop Paternoster to 4600 Life Points, and in Main Phase 2 Tabman activated Fusion Gate. Paternoster chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it. Tabman Set his Warnings again.
Paternoster activated Pot of Duality, revealing The Agent of Creation – Venus, Forbidden Lance, and Solemn Warning from the top of his Deck. He took the Lance and shuffled the other two cards back into his Deck. Paternoster Summoned The Agent of Miracles, and banished The Agent of Creation from his Graveyard to boost its ATK. Paternoster attacked with The Agent of Miracles to destroy Stratos, and Set a Spell / Trap.
Tabman drew Elemental Hero Voltic. He tried to activate Miracle Fusion, but Paternoster Chained Royal Oppression to stop it. With The Agent of Miracles – Jupiter now down to 1800 ATK, Tabman Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and attacked. Paternoster spent a while considering a response, before letting his monster be destroyed. Neos Alius dropped Paternoster to 1800 Life Points with another attack, and Paternoster conceded on his next turn. βToo slow,β remarked Paternoster.
An aggressive series of attacks with Elemental Heroes and Thunder King Rai-Oh gives Tyler Tabman the Duel 1 win in just three turns! Tabman triumphs despite Mystical Space Typhoon and Royal Oppression locking down his would-be Fusions. Paternoster would start the second Duel.
Paternoster Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and Set a Spell or Trap.
Tabman had 2 copies of Elemental Hero Neos Alius, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Pot of Duality, Royal Decree, and Monster Reborn. He Summoned Elemental Hero Neos Alius and ran it at Thunder King, destroying both. In Main Phase 2, Pot of Duality revealed Elemental Hero Stratos, Thunder King Rai-Oh, and Fusion Gate, leading Tabman to take Stratos. He Set Decree.
Paternoster Summoned The Agent of Mystery – Earth, getting The Agent of Creation – Venus from his Deck. Monster Reborn let him Special Summon back his Thunder King, and he attacked with The Agent of Mystery and Thunder King to drop Tabman to 5100 Life Points. He Set another Spell or Trap, and Tabman flipped Royal Decree in the End Phase.
Tabman drew Pot of Duality. He couldn’t use it due to Thunder King’s effect, so he Summoned Neos Alius and activated Monster Reborn to bring back his other Alius. One of them attacked to trade off with Thunder King, and the other destroyed The Agent of Mystery.
Paternoster Normal Summoned The Agent of Creation – Venus, and paid 500 Life Points tow times to Special Summon two Mystical Shine Balls from his Deck. He stacked the two Shine Balls to Xyz Summon Gachi Gachi Gantetsu! It came out in Defense Position, boosting Venus’ ATK to 2000. Paternoster sent Venus to attack over Neos Alius, and Set a third Spell or Trap.
Tabman drew Elemental Hero Voltic, and activated Pot of Duality. It revealed another Duality, Cyber Dragon, and Book of Moon. Tabman added Book to his hand. He Summoned Elemental Hero Stratos to search out another Neos Alius from his Deck, and Set Book. He lost it to Paternoster’s Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase.
Paternoster banished The Agent of Mystery to Special Summon Master Hyperion, and attacked over Stratos. Venus made a direct attack, and Paternoster Set another Spell or Trap.
Tabman drew Torrential Tribute. He had Torrential, Breaker, Neos Alius, and Voltic. He Summoned Breaker to destroy his own Decree, and Set Torrential – a desperate gambit.
Paternoster Tributed Gachi Gachi and Venus for Archlord Kristya! When Tabman flipped Torrential Tribute, Paternoster negated it with Solemn Judgment, and Tabman conceded the Duel!
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu pushes Marcus Paternoster’s monsters just high enough to take down Tabman’s defenders, and the Duel is won a few turns later! One more Duel would decide the Match.
Tabman had 2 Fusion Gates, Monster Reborn, Solemn Warning, Elemental Hero Neos Alius, and Elemental Hero Voltic. He Summoned Neos Alius and Set Warning.
Paternoster Summoned The Agent of Mystery – Earth, getting The Agent of Creation – Venus from his Deck. He Set 3 cards to his Spell and Trap Card Zone.
Tabman drew Effect Veiler. He activated Fusion Gate, and Paternoster had no response. Tabman banished Voltic and Neos Alius for Elemental Hero The Shining! He ended, seemingly concerned about Dimensional Prison.
Paternoster Summoned The Agent of Creation – Venus, paying 500 Life Points twice to Summon two Mystical Shine Balls. one from his Deck, and another from his hand. He Tuned everything he had to Synchro Summon Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, and Tabman used Effect Veiler to negate Trishula’s effect. Paternoster banished Venus from his Graveyard to try and Special Summon Master Hyperion, and Tabman flipped Solemn Warning. Paternoster Chained Solemn Judgment! He banished a Shine Ball from his Graveyard to destroy The Shining, letting Tabman retrieve his 2 Banished Elemental Heroes. Then, Hyperion and Trishula attacked to lower Tabman to 600 Life Points.
Tabman drew Dimensional Fissure and spent a moment inspecting his opponent’s Graveyard, since he had Monster Reborn. Tabman banished Voltic and Neos Alius for another Shining, and attacked into Hyperion. Paternoster used Honest to boost Hyperion’s ATK, and it was all over!
Tyler Tabman takes the first Duel, but Marcus Paternoster sweeps Duels 2 and 3! He moves on with a 5-0 record with Master Hyperion and The Agent of Creation – Venus.