Home > 2011/09 - Toronto, Canada, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 5 Feature Match: Jason Larabee VS Ryan Muttaqi

Round 5 Feature Match: Jason Larabee VS Ryan Muttaqi

September 17th, 2011

Jason Larabee entered today’s YCS with a complex Infernity Deck that loops Summons with Leviair the Sea Dragon and is capable of Summoning Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier multiple times in a single turn. Larabee’s Round 5 opponent, Ryan Muttaqi, is using Gladiator Beasts. Gladiator Beasts typically give Infernity Decks a tough time, since Gladiator Beast Retiari has the ability to banish key combo cards from the Infernity Duelist’s Graveyard; but Larabee’s new Infernity tricks may be enough to help him triumph in this difficult Matchup.

Larabee opened up with Infernity Necromancer, Mystical Space Typhoon, Gold Sarcophagus, Infernity Archfiend, Infernity Break, and Reinforcement of the Army. He activated Reinforcement of the Army to search his Deck for Dark Grepher and then Normal Summoned it. Larabee activated Grapher’s effect by discarding Infernity Necromancer and sent Stygian Street Patrol from his Deck to his Graveyard with its effect. Next, he Set 3 cards to his back row in order to empty his hand of everything except his Archfiend. He banished his Street Patrol from the Graveyard to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his hand and then activated its effect to grab an Infernity Barrier from his Deck. He Set the Barrier. Next, Larabee flipped his face-down Gold Sarcophagus to banish Monster Reborn from his Deck so that he’d be able to reclaim it 2 turns later. Larabee ended his first turn, and play passed to Muttaqi.
Muttaqi Normal Summoned Elemental HERO Stratos and activated its effect, but Larabee negated its effect and destroyed Stratos with Infernity Barrier. Muttaqi Set 2 cards to his back row and passed, but lost Call of the Haunted to Mystical Space Typhoon and Torrential Tribute to Infernity Break in his End Phase. Larabee banished Infernity Barrier from his Graveyard as a part of Infernity Break’s effect..

Larabee drew Mind Control next turn. He attacked directly with Grepher and Archfiend, dropping Muttaqi down to 4500 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, he combined his Archfiend with Grepher in order to Xyz Summon Number 39: Utopia in Attack Position!

Muttaqi Summoned Gladiator Beast Bestiari and Set a card to his back row.

Larabee drew Infernity Launcher next turn and then added Monster Reborn to his hand thanks to the effect of his Gold Sarcophagus. He attacked Gladiator Beast Bestiari with Utopia, and Muttaqi flipped Safe Zone to protect his Bestiari. Muttaqi still took 1000 points of damage though, dropping down to 3500 Life Points.

Muttaqi Set Gladiator Beast Secutor next turn and fused it with Bestiari in order to Summon Gladiator Beast Gyzarus! He used Gyzarus’s effect to destroy Larabee’s Utopia and face-down Mind Control, and then attacked directly with Gyzarus. Larabee lost 2400 Life Points and at the end of the Battle Phase, Muttaqi tagged out his Gyzarus to Summon Gladiator Beast Laquari and Gladiator Beast Retiari in its place. Retiari banished Infernity Archfiend from Larabee’s Graveyard when it tagged in. Muttaqi Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Larabee drew Infernity Archfiend next turn! He activated Infernity Launcher and used its effect to discard his Archfiend. Next, he Set Monster Reborn. He followed up by sending his Launcher to the Graveyard to Special Summon Infernity Necromancer and Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard. He activated his Archfiend’s effect, and Muttaqi flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to banish the Archfiend. Muttaqi grabbed a copy of Infernity Necromancer to add to his hand with his Archfiend’s effect. Next, he activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Dark Grepher, and activated Grepher’s effect by discarding Infernity Necromancer. He sent Infernity Archfiend from his Deck to his Graveyard with Grepher’s effect. Next, Larabee Special Summoned Archfiend from his Graveyard with his Necromancer’s effect, and used his Archfiend’s effect to add Infernity Avenger from his Deck to his hand. He Normal Summoned his Avenger and then Tuned it with Archfiend and Necromancer to Summon Hundred Eyes Dragon. Larabee banished Infernity Necromancer from his Graveyard with his Dragon’s effect to copy the Necromancer’s effect, and then activated its effect to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard in Attack Position. He used his Archfiend’s effect to add a copy of Infernity Barrier from his Deck to his hand and then Set the Barrier. Larabee’s Dragon attacked and destroyed Laquari. Next, Archfiend attacked and destroyed Retiari, and Grepher attacked directly to drop Muttaqi down to 400 Life Points. Larabee passed with Hundred Eyes Dragon, Infernity Archfiend, and Dark Grepher on the field, protected by Infernity Barrier.

Muttaqi Set a card to each zone and passed.

Larabee drew and Set Torrential Tribute. Then he copied the effect of his Necromancer with Hundred Eyes Dragon. Next, he combined his Archfiend with his Grepher to Summon Wind-Up Zenmaister, and used Zenmaister’s effect to detach Infernity Archfiend and put the Zenmaister face-down. He Special Summoned Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard with the effect of his Dragon next, and used its effect to add an Infernity Break from his Deck to his hand. He Set Infernity Break and then proceeded to his Battle Phase. Hundred Eyes Dragon attacked and destroyed Muttaqi’s face-down Gladiator Beast Murmillo, and then Infernity Archfiend attacked directly! Muttaqi tried to block the attack by activating Call of the Haunted, but Larabee flipped Infernity Barrier to negate it and finished off Muttaqi’s last 400 Life Points with his Archfiend’s attack!

Jason Larabee manages to win by keeping big monsters on the field with his Infernity Deck. Ryan Muttaqi will be going first in Duel 2!

Muttaqi started off Duel 2 by Setting 2 cards to his back row and Summoning Gladiator Beast Murmillo in Attack Position.

Larabee opened up with Solemn Judgment, Infernity Inferno, One for One, Infernity Necromancer, Infernity Archfiend, and Infernity Barrier. He Normal Summoned Infernity Archfiend and Muttaqi flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it. He Set Infernity Inferno and Solemn Judgment before ending his turn.

Muttaqi attacked directly with Murmillo next turn, and tagged out his Gladiator Beast at the end of the Battle Phase. He tagged in Gladiator Beast Laquari in its place. Muttaqi Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Larabee drew Black Horn of Heaven next turn. He activated Infernity Inferno, discarding Black Horn of Heaven and Infernity Barrier to send Infernity Archfiend and Infernity Avenger from his Deck to his Graveyard. Next, he activated One for One, discarding Infernity Necromancer to Special Summon Infernity Mirage from his Deck. Larabee Tributed his Mirage to try to Special Summon Infernity Necromancer and Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard. When Muttaqi tried to block the effect of Infernity Mirage with Gladiator Beast War Chariot, Larabee flipped Solemn Judgment to negate it! Larabee Special Summoned his 2 monsters and then searched his Deck for a copy of Infernity Launcher to add to his hand with his Archfiend’s effect. He activated the Launcher. Next, Larabee used his Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Avenger from his Graveyard. He Tuned his Avenger with his Necromancer and Archfiend to Synchro Summon Hundred Eyes Dragon, then banished Infernity Mirage from his Graveyard to give his Dragon the Mirage’s effect. Next, he Tributed his Dragon to Special Summon Infernity Necromancer and Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard, and used his Archfiend’s effect to search his Deck for a copy of Infernity Necromancer to add to his hand. Then, he discarded Infernity Necromancer with his Infernity Launcher and activated Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Avenger from his Graveyard. Next, he Tuned Infernity Archfiend with Infernity Avenger to Synchro Summon Stygian Sergeants. He followed up by sending his Launcher to the Graveyard to Special Summon Avenger and Necromancer. Next, he Tuned Avenger with Stygian Sergeants to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. He used his Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard and search his Deck for Infernity Necromancer with Archfiend’s effect. Then he combined his 2 Necromancers to Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon, and detached a Necromancer to Special Summon Infernity Mirage from his banished zone. Next, he discarded Infernity Necromancer with Brionac’s effect to return Infernity Archfiend to his hand, then discarded Archfiend to return Leviair to the Extra Deck. Next, he Tributed Infernity Mirage to Special Summon 2 Necromancers from his Graveyard. He used 1 Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard, and used his Archfiend’s effect to search his Deck for Infernity Barrier. Larabee Set the Barrier and then used his other Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Avenger from his Graveyard. He Tuned Infernity Archfiend with Infernity Necromancer and Infernity Avenger to Synchro Summon Hundred Eyes Dragon, then banished Infernity Mirage from his Graveyard to copy its effect with Hundred Eyes Dragon. He Tributed the Hundred Eyes Dragon next, allowing him to Special Summon 2 copies of Infernity Necromancer from his Graveyard. He used 1 Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard, and used the Archfiend’s effect to search his Deck for a copy of Infernity Beetle to add to his hand. Then he combined 2 of his Necromancers to Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon and detached his Necromancer from his Leviair to Special Summon Infernity Mirage from his banished zone. Then, he discarded Infernity Beetle from his hand to return Leviair to his Extra Deck with Brionac’s effect. Next, Larabee activated his Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Beetle from his Graveyard. He Tuned Beetle with Necromancer and Infernity Archfiend to Summon Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! Trishula’s effect banished Mirror Force from the field, Gladiator Beast War Chariot from the Graveyard, and A Hero Lives from Muttaqi’s hand. Larabee Tributed his Infernity Mirage next and Special Summoned 2 copies of Infernity Necromancer from his Graveyard. He used 1 Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend, and searched his Deck for Infernity Inferno to add to his hand with Archfiend’s effect. He discarded the Inferno with Brionac’s effect to return Trishula to his Extra Deck. Then he used his other Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Avenger from his Graveyard. He Tuned Archfiend, Necromancer, and Avenger together to Synchro Summon Hundred Eyes Dragon. He banished Infernity Mirage with his Dragon to copy its effect and then Tributed the Dragon to Special Summon 2 copies of Infernity Necromancer from his Graveyard. He used one of their effects to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend, and used the Archfiend’s effect to grab an Archfiend from his Deck. Next, he combined his 2 Necromancers in an Xyz Summon to Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon, and detached Necromancer to Special Summon Infernity Mirage. Then, he discarded Archfiend to return Leviair to his Extra Deck. He activated Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Beetle from his Graveyard. Next, he Tuned Beetle with Necromancer and Archfiend to Synchro Summon Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier again! Muttaqi’s on-field Laquari was banished, an Equeste was banished from his hand, and Bottomless Trap Hole was banished from his Graveyard. Muttaqi only had 1 card left in his hand, with no cards on the field and no cards in his Graveyard! Next, Larabee Tributed Infernity Mirage to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend and Infernity Necromancer from the Graveyard. He used Archfiend’s effect to grab Infernity Break from his Deck and Set it. Then he used Necromancer’s effect to Special Summon Avenger from his Graveyard. He Tuned Avenger with Archfiend and Necromancer to Special Summon Infernity Doom Dragon! Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, and Infernity Doom Dragon attacked directly, dealing exactly 8000 points of damage to Ryan Muttaqi!
Jason Larabee wins the second Duel by Summoning Trishula twice iin a single turn, allowing him to defeat Ryan Muttaqi 2-0 and advance in the tournament with 4-1 record!