Round 7 Feature Match: Justin Delhon VS Billy Brake
Justin Delhon and Billy Brake are both 5-1 in the tournament and were paired up against each other for this Round 7 Feature Match. Justin Delhon is running a Gadget Deck that makes optimal use of new Xyz Monsters like Number 39: Utopia and Steelswarm Roach. Billy Brake is running a Synchro Summon Deck which, although weakened by the September 1st Forbidden & Limited List, is still a strong contender in the tournament. The winner of this Match will be guaranteed to make it to Day 2, so both of these Duelists will be giving it their all!
Brake started off Duel 1 by activating One for One. He discarded Dandylion from his hand to activate it, and used its effect to Special Summon Glow-Up Bulb from his Deck. He Special Summoned 2 Fluff Tokens thanks to the effect of Dandylion. Next, he Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated her effect to Special Summon Sangan from his Deck in Attack Position. He Tuned Glow-Up Bulb with a Fluff Token and Tour Guide in order to Synchro Summon T.G. Hyper Librarian, and then sent Gorz the Emissary of Darkness from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard to Special Summon Glow-Up Bulb back to the field. He Tuned Glow-Up Bulb with his other Fluff Token next, in order to Special Summon Formula Synchron to the field and draw 2 cards: 1 for the effect of Formula Synchron, and 1 for the effect of T.G. Hyper Librarian. Brake Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.
Delhon opened up with Starlight Road, Smashing Ground, Pot of Duality, Green Gadget, Reborn Tengu, and Thunder King Rai-Oh. He activated Pot of Duality first, revealing Spirit Reaper, Mirror Force, and Solemn Warning from the top of his Deck. He added Solemn Warning to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, Delhon Normal Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh. He attacked Sangan with Thunder King Rai-Oh and Brake flipped Book of Moon to put Rai-Oh face-down. Delhon activated Smashing Ground in Main Phase 2, and Brake Chained Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Gorz from his Graveyard! Gorz took the hit from Smashing Ground, saving Brake’s Librarian! Delhon Set Starlight Road before ending his turn.
Brake Tributed Sangan to Summon Caius the Shadow Monarch on his next turn, and banished Delhon’s face-down Starlight Road with Caius’s effect. He used Sangan’s effect to add an Effect Veiler from his Deck to his hand and then Tuned Formula Synchron with Caius to Summon Stardust Dragon! Brake drew a card due to the effect of T.G. Hyper Librarian and then activated Pot of Avarice. Delhon instantly conceded, seeing no hope of victory.
Billy Brake opens up Duel 1 with One for One and Dandylion to gain an instant advantage from the start! Justin Delhon will be going first in Duel 2!
Delhon opened up Duel 2 with Red Gadget, Yellow Gadget, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, D.D. Crow, Dark Hole, and Bottomless Trap Hole. He Summoned Red Gadget and activated its effect to search his Deck for Yellow Gadget and add it to his hand. He Set Bottomless Trap Hole before ending his turn.
Brake Set a card to each zone and passed.
Delhon drew Thunder King Rai-Oh next turn and Summoned it; but Brake banished it with Bottomless Trap Hole. Red Gadget attacked Brake’s face-down monster, revealing it to be Spirit Reaper. Neither monster was destroyed.
Brake activated Mystical Space Typhoon next turn to destroy Delhon’s face-down Bottomless Trap Hole and then Normal Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh. He switched Spirit Reaper into Attack Position and then attacked over Red Gadget with Thunder King Rai-Oh. Next, Spirit Reaper attacked directly. Delhon Special Summoned Gorz from his hand in Defense Position along with a 300 DEF Emissary of Darkness Token after taking the 300 points of damage, and then Delhon lost a Dark Hole from his hand due to the effect of Spirit Reaper.
Delhon drew Monster Reborn next turn! He switched his Gorz into Attack Position and then attacked Thunder King Rai-Oh to destroy it. In Main Phase 2, he Normal Summoned Yellow Gadget and activated its effect to add a Green Gadget from his Deck to his hand.
Brake switched Spirit Reaper to Defense Position and then Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu. Tengu attacked and destroyed Yellow Gadget and then Brake Set a card to his back row.
Delhon drew Smashing Ground next turn. He Normal Summoned Green Gadget and activated its effect to add a Red Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Delhon attacked Tengu with Gorz next, dropping Brake down to 6200 Life Points and allowing Brake to Special Summon another Tengu from his Deck.
Brake attacked Green Gadget with Tengu to destroy it and then Set a monster.
Delhon drew Effect Veiler next turn. He Normal Summoned Yellow Gadget and activated its effect to add a Green Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Next, he activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Reborn Tengu from Brake’s Graveyard. He combined Reborn Tengu and Yellow Gadget to make Steelswarm Roach and then attacked Brake’s Tengu with Gorz. Brake lost 1000 Life Points and Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck in Attack Position. Roach attacked it, but Brake flipped Enemy Controller to switch the Roach into Defense Position and protect his Tengu.
Brake Normal Summoned Sangan and then attacked Delhon’s Emissary of Darkness Token and Steelswarm Roach with his Sangan and Tengu, destroying them both. Brake Set a card to his back row and passed.
Delhon drew and Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh. He attacked Sangan with Thunder King Rai-Oh, but Brake flipped Book of Moon to put Rai-Oh face-down. Next, Gorz attacked and destroyed Tengu.
Brake attacked and destroyed the face-down Rai-Oh with Sangan. Then he Set a card to his back row.
Delhon drew Compulsory Evacuation Device next turn. He attacked and destroyed Brake’s Sangan with Gorz, dropping him down to 2500 Life Points. Brake searched his Deck for a copy of Lonefire Blossom to add to his hand with Sangan’s effect.
Brake activated Dark Hole to try to destroy Gorz; but Delhon activated Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Gorz the Emissary of Darkness to his hand! Brake Summoned Lonefire Blossom next, and Tributed it to Special Summon Dandylion from his Deck.
Delhon drew Solemn Warning next turn and Summoned Green Gadget. He attacked Dandylion with it, and Brake Special Summoned 2 Fluff Tokens when his Dandylion was sent to the Graveyard. Delhon Set Solemn Warning before ending his turn.
Brake tried to Summon Tour Guide From the Underworld next turn, but Delhon flipped Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon.
Delhon drew another Solemn Warning next turn! He Summoned a Red Gadget and then attacked Brake’s 2 Fluff Tokens with his Gadgets. In Main Phase 2, Delhon combined his 2 monsters to make Number 39: Utopia, but lost his Utopia to Brake’s Bottomless Trap Hole. Delhon Set Solemn Warning before ending his turn.
Brake tried to Summon Debris Dragon next turn, but Delhon negated its Summon with Solemn Warning, dropping down to 2300 Life Points.
Delhon drew Dimensional Prison next turn and Set it.
Brake passed without making a play and with no cards on his field.
Delhon drew Book of Moon and Set it.
Brake activated Foolish Burial to send Spore from his Deck to his Graveyard and then passed.
Delhon drew Mind Crush and Set it.
Brake Set a monster and passed.
Delhon drew Reborn Tengu next turn! He Normal Summoned it and then attacked Brake’s face-down Glow-Up Bulb to destroy it.
Brake activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Delhon’s face-down Book of Moon and then activated Glow-Up Bulb’s effect. Delhon discarded D.D. Crow to banish the Glow-Up Bulb before it could be Special Summoned, but Brake was still forced to send Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard with Glow-Up Bulb’s effect.
Delhon drew Thunder King Rai-Oh next turn and Summoned it to join his Tengu. Then he activated Mind Crush naming Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, and Brake discarded it. Direct attacks from Reborn Tengu and Thunder King Rai-Oh wiped out Brake’s last 2500 Life Points!
Justin Delhon cycles through all of his Gadgets and gradually reduces Brake’s Life Points to 0 in Duel 2! Billy Brake will be going first in Duel 3!
Brake started off Duel 3 by Summoning Reborn Tengu and ending his turn.
Delhon opened up with Reborn Tengu, Green Gadget, D.D. Crow, Trap Dustshoot, Solemn Judgment, and Pot of Duality. He Summoned Reborn Tengu and attacked into Brake’s Tengu. Both Tengus were destroyed, and both Duelists Special Summoned another copy of Tengu from their Decks. The 2 Tengus clashed again, and each Duelist Special Summoned their last Tengu. The Tengus clashed once more, and both Duelists were out of Tengus. Delhon Set Trap Dustshoot before ending his turn.
Brake Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and attacked directly, dropping Delhon down to 6100 Life Points. Brake Set 2 cards to his back row and passed.
Delhon drew Effect Veiler and then Brake activated Trap Dustshoot! Delhon revealed Green Gadget, D.D. Crow, Effect Veiler, Pot of Duality, and Solemn Judgment from his hand, and Brake sent Green Gadget back to Delhon’s Deck. Delhon Set Solemn Judgment before ending his turn.
Brake drew Mystical Space Typhoon and activated it in his Draw Phase to destroy Solemn Judgment! Brake only had 3 cards left in his hand, so Delhon couldn’t use Trap Dustshoot! Brake Summoned Lonefire Blossom and then Tributed it to Special Summon Dandylion from his Deck. He attacked directly with Thunder King Rai-Oh and Dandylion before ending his turn.
Delhon drew The Transmigration Prophecy next turn. He Set it and Set Pot of Duality before passing to Brake.
Brake flipped his face-down Heavy Storm! Delhon Chained The Transmigration Prophecy to send 2 Tengus back to his Deck, and then Delhon’s Trap Dustshoot and Pot of Duality were destroyed by the Storm. Brake activated One for One by discarding Spore, and Special Summoned Glow-Up Bulb from his Deck. With only 3900 Life Points remaining, Delhon instantly conceded.
Billy Brake defeats Justin Delhon’s Gadgets 2-1 to move on in the tournament with a 6-1 record!