Standings after the first 8 rounds of play!
Here are the standings after Day 1 of Swiss competition. There’s not much time left for Duelists who aren’t in the Top 32 to break in, so the competition should be fast and furious tomorrow morning! Good luck to all the Duelists remaining in the tournament!Rank Player
1 Phoenix, Simon
2 Keys, Barrett A.
3 Bowling, Christopher E.
4 Samek, Jesse John
5 Smith, Frazier A.
6 Sehabi, Kheiredaine
7 Albans, Alistar C.
8 Montague, Sean Robert
9 Santibanez Lopez, Neiber A
10 McCormick, Connor Patrick Stewart
11 Zhang, Bushi
12 Brake, William P.
13 Tran, Peter
14 Bishop, Matthew David
15 Lam, Kenny
16 Dewan, Varun K.
17 Silverman, Stephen J.
18 Nguyen, Thanh C.
19 Hong, Louis
20 Smith, Joey
21 Fung, Alex
22 Doiron, Claude Stevens
23 Cabral, Curtis B.
24 Aceret, Joseph
25 Mangat, Balihar
26 Saberian, Sorosh
27 Boulet, Yvon
28 Nolan, Tyler J.
29 Simpson, Roger
30 Gonzalez, Tristan
31 Hunter, Richard
32 Colajezzi, Carolyn M.
33 Liavas, Ethemios
34 Yassine, Ali A.
35 Boyajian, Robert
36 Vinson, Christopher
37 Murai, Aiji J.
38 Tam, Tommy
39 Barone, Liborio B.
40 Ahamjik, Karim
41 Lam, Phu Cong Nguyen
42 St-Louis, Alexander
43 Mercado, Stephen Edward
44 Summers, Blaine E.
45 Maret, Titto A.
46 Pedro, John
47 Blair, Paul D.
48 Lockwood, William
49 McCabe, Sean P.
50 Richard, Christopher M.
51 Peddle, Matthew R.
52 Lacaille, Nicky
53 Trepanier, Dave
54 Nguyen, Justhien
55 Point-DuJour, Kendy
56 Valade, Johnny
57 Pare, Francis
58 Sirka, John
59 Lepine-Grenier, Patrick
60 Vansant, Alexander N.
61 Diaz, Erin
62 Morran, Thomas
63 Giorlando, Joseph A.
64 Krause, Christopher J.
65 Truong, Billy
66 Bellido, Dale
67 Kehler, Jordan Shane
68 Alvarado, Anthony W.
69 Klefeldt, Alexander
70 Yassine, Wassin
71 Kuhn, Kyle W.
72 Nguyen, Jimmy
73 Hackl, Daniel
74 Grant, Jordan Dale
75 Dalton, Dustin
76 Delhon, Justin
77 Djuricin, Devin
78 Tang, Bo
79 Williams, Gregory Nathaniel
80 So, Ervin R.
81 Liu, Wigson
82 Noel, Aaron
83 Clegg, Richard S.
84 Reyes, Justin
85 Duong, Martin
86 Leigh, Jason John
87 Jeyarajah, Shenduran
88 Smith-Grant, Michael E.
89 Streit, Billy C.
90 O-Brien, Kareem Quincy
91 Scott, Robert Michael
92 Cook, Jeremy Alexander
93 Halpern, Arie
94 Rybsky-Shaw, Andrij Olexca
95 Yaghini, Arya
96 Andrees-Scere, Joseph J.
97 Park, Joonhyuk
98 Low, Ryan P.
99 Vu, Jason
100 Farrugid, Daniel P.
101 Crubaugh, Justin Andrew
102 Redbird, John David Mitchell
103 Plummer, Daniel Mark David
104 Zheng, Mian
105 Jackson, Jesse
106 Sta Maria, Venusto C.
107 Hare, Alexander
108 Butler, Noah Lyndon
109 Wong, Man Lung
110 Dewan, Amit K
111 Porco, Vincenzo
112 Herrera, David
113 Nish, Zavier
114 Ragard Jr., Paul M.
114 Watson, Ryan
116 Yang, Guang
117 Tuong, Jimmy
117 Fung, Colman
119 Laberge, Vincent B.
120 Mayordo, Raymart
121 Lugassy, Samson
122 Sicard, Andrew O.
123 Cho, Jeffrey
124 Berkovits, Ryan
125 Jarrold, Mike Christopher E.
126 Chughtal, Peter
127 Idahosa, Neville I.
128 Ton, Danny N.
129 Nguyen, David
130 Achramovitch, Patrick
131 Doiron, Scott Glenn
132 Parent, Mathieu Lortie
133 Lai, Allen
134 Lord, James R.
135 Law, Gilbert
136 Carisse, Marc
137 Carter, Justin
138 Morales, Justin Joseph Simone C.
139 Tebb, Cody B.
140 Lok, Sidereal Sing H.
141 Jachyra, Alex
142 Macalintal, Mark
143 Tuazon, Allan
144 Lindo, Lincoln A.
145 Dalton, Eric
146 Mckinney, Andrew R.
147 Agosta, David
148 Prange, Brian P.
149 Santana, Victor Alfonso
150 Morey, Jeffery Roy
151 Robinson, Alex R.
152 Henderson Jr., Donald R.
153 Lavigne, Marc E.
154 Cameron, Darren M.
155 Rideout, Eric
156 Banville, Nicolas
157 Deschatelets, Alex
158 Wong, Brendan
159 Maa, Tony
160 Jiang, Yu Dong
161 Lee, Kevin T.
162 Tan, Audrey
163 Larabee, Jason
164 Lightbody, Jermaine
165 Jerome, Harry
166 Schwankert, Michael J.