Top 4 – YCS Ecuador
September 18th, 2011
We are now down to the Top 4!
It’s down to the wire, with one Duelist from outside Ecuador remaining.
Riofrio Bustamante, Javier Alberto from Ecuador with his Six Samurai Deck
Orbea Davila, Galo Guilhermo from Ecuador with this T.G. Agents Deck
Riofrio (left) vs Orbea (right)
Orbea advances to the Finals!
Munoz Quezada, Julio Andres from Ecuador with his Frog Deck
Velarde Gallegos, Jose Raul from Peru with his Twilight Deck
Munoz (left) vs Velarde (right)
Munoz advances to the Finals!
Now who will walk away with the new YCS Trophy and an Ultra Rare copy of Blood Mefist?
Categories: 2011/9 Ecuador > Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series